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President Abdullahi Yusuf requests urgent peace keeping troops for Somalia!

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Jendayi Frazer attend a meeting in Nairobi. Yusuf has called for the immediate deployment of peacekeepers, at an international meeting on efforts to restore order to the conflict-stricken African nation.(AFP/Simon Maina)


Somalia president calls for immediate peace force deployment by Beatrice Debut!


Fri Jan 5, 5:38 AM ET





NAIROBI (AFP) - Somalia's President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed has called for the immediate deployment of peacekeepers, at an international meeting on efforts to restore order to the conflict-stricken African nation.


Friday's meeting in Nairobi of the United Nations, European Union, African Union, Arab League, United States and East African states came as the Somali government and their Ethiopian allies hunted Islamist leaders that were forced out of Mogadishu.


US forces are patrolling off the coast of Somalia helping in the hunt for the Islamists.


Yusuf, a former warlord, called for "the speedy deployement of African peace mission troops on the basis of" a UN Security Council resolution. He said his nation also needed financial, material and technical assistance.


The United Nations has endorsed the deployment of 8,000 peacekeepers. Uganda has pledged to deploy troops, while other potential countries include Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa and Nigeria.


But analysts have warned that unless the Somali government receives resources to be able to extend its control across the country, the presence of peacekeepers could resemble an occupation which Somalis would reject.


Previous US and UN peacekeeping forays into Somalia in 1993-1995 peacekeeping forays into Somalia ended disastrously. The international troops were forced to withdraw, leaving the country in shambles after more than 140 UN troops and 18 US Special Forces were killed.


At the contact group meeting, Kenya, which organised a regional initiative that formed the transitional government, warned of renewed anarchy in Somalia if international support was delayed.


"Failure to act immediately will lead to vacuum that would certainly be exploited by the warlords and other extremist forces," said Kenyan Foreign Affair Minister Raphael Tuju.


Fears of extremists moving into Somalia has renewed international concern over Somalia, where Ethiopia sent thousands of troops to help oust Islamists at the end of a 10 day war last month. The Islamists had taken control of much of the country.


While the government and Ethiopian forces hunt Islamist leaders and fighters along the Kenyan border, al-Qaeda's number two has called for a jihad in Somalia, urging guerrilla tactics against the government.


Ayman al-Zawahiri, told the Islamists to use the tactics that have inflicted mounting casualties on international forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, in a message posted on an Islamist website.


"I call on all Muslims to respond to the appeal for Jihad (holy struggle) in Somalia," Osama bin Laden's deputy said in the message. "The real war will start with attacks against the Ethiopian forces of aggression."


Somalia's Islamists have already vowed to wage a guerrilla war while the country's warlords, whom they ousted in June, have returned to the capital, raising fears of a new power struggle.


In Mogadishu, a suspected Islamist hurled a grenade that exploded in in a camp housing more that 100 Ethiopian soldiers, but there were no casualities.


The Nairobi meeting is the latest attempt to help the lawless Horn of Africa nation of about 10 million people, which has been in near continuous conflict since the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre.


Recurrent famine, drought and flooding has compounded the misery of the country's population.


In southern Somalia, a joint Somalia-Ethiopian forces continued to seek the Islamists and US naval forces patrolled the coastline to ensure they do not flee by boat.


Ways of resolving the Somali conflict has split regional countries with Eritrea, Djibouti and Sudan warning that peacekeepers would worsen the conflict, while Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda back the move.

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Nairobi: Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya oo dalbaday ciidamo nabad ilaalin ah oo deg deg ah.


Jimce, January 05, 2007




Nairobi(AllPuntland)- Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo maanta ka qayb galay kulan u furmay kooxda xiriirka Soomaaliya ayaa madaxdii kulankaasi ka qayb galayay u sheegay in dalka Soomaaliya uu u baahan yahay ciidamo nabadda ilaaliya oo Afrikaan ah.


Kulankan waxaa ka qayb galaya Jandayi Frazer kaaliyaha xogayaha arimaha dibadda ee arimaha Afrika, wasiirka arimaha dibadda Kenya Rafayil tuju , iyo wafdi ballaaran oo jaamacadda Carabta ka socda, waxaana madaxwaynuhu uu shirkaasi ka sheegay in xilligan oo ah xill i muhiim ah loo baahan yahay in dalka ay yimaadaan ciidamo Afrikaan ah oo nabadda suga.


Madaxwayne Yuusuf wuxuu kaloo beesha caalamka ka dalbaday in dawladda federaalka laga taageero dhinaca dhaqaalaha , si ay dib ugu soo celiso dalka xasiloonidii iyo qaranimadii.


Kulanka xiriirka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa maanta looga hadlayay sidii xukuumadda Soomaaliya looga dhigi lahaa mid baahsan oo ay ka qayb qaataan dhinacyada dalka isku haya, iyo sidii ciidamo nabadda ilaaliya loo keeni lahaa gudaha Soomaaliya.


Jandayi Frazer ayaa kulankan ka sheegtay sida ay ugu kalson tahay inay dalka Soomaaliya tagaan bishan dabayaaqadeeda ciidamo nabadda ilaaliya oo ka socda Uganda.


Wafdiga ka socda Jaamacadda Carabta oo uu hogaaminayo Samiir Xusni oo jaamacadda Afrika ugu qaabilsan Afrika ayaa soo jeediyay in siyaasadda Soomaaliya ay dhinacyada oo dhan kasoo qayb galaan, gaar ahaan waxa uu Samiir Xusni sheegay in maxkamadaha laga soo qayb galiyo maadaama ay saamayn ku leeyihiin dalka.


CCC Farayaamo


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