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Syria and Iran. A question of when?

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Things have been heating up over the past couple of weeks. Isreal dropping munitions deep into Syria (believed to be a mock run to attack Iran), the French foriegn minister's comments yesterday, the US stating Syria recieved a nuclear delivery from N Korea, Russia warning against an attack, Al Baraday's comments on Iran cooperating, Al Sadr leaving Iraqi parliament etc


Too many inter-connected story lines it like a movie!

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It seems there will be soem sort of action targeting Iran. It will be simmilar to the firts war with Iraq, the Europeans coming on board is the most telling sign. France under Sarko has changed and distanced itself from the anti-War anti American stance.


There is already a proxy war between the British-US forces in Iraq and Iranian fighters.


If there is any action, it will be massive air strikes, a replica of Kosovo & Iraq 1. It will be all of Nato.


We need to watch things closely.

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The only option for the west is to do surgical strike in order to neutralize Iran's nuclear facilities. A full blown war is just not feasible econimically and politically. America is strapped both for cash and men. Almost all the divisions of the US army and marines were one time or the other deployed to Iraq, and this includes the reserves. The goverment had resort to using naval and airforce personnels to fill in gaps.


Unless the west want to strat World War III, the war against Iran is unlikely atleast for the near future.And so for Isreal, if the war with Hezbollah is anything to go, they will think twice before attacking another state.

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^^^You are correct in that a war with Iran will be tragic for the Middle East, the people of Iran as well as the greater world economy, remmeber the oil flows through that area is vital.


However if the west attacks by air, the Iranians will retaliate, go deeper under ground. Any attack will mean a great war, one that will shape this century.

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I was really suprised at the statement of the French foreign minister, that was really provocotive and clear indication as it regards to the direction of the West and their position towards Iran... The guy dares to say that they should be a ready for a war with Iran.

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no one in the west, regardless of what the French FM says, is willing to go on another costly war over Iran's Nuclear weapons. Its all talk people, maybe more sanctions. the only country that might do anything is Isreal, and which makes me think that Irans nuclear program is what they say it is. why else would you waste money with having air capability to defend it. perhaps Iran, if its thinking should focus on that.

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Naxar Nugaaleed. Walaaloow it seems you are missing the point here. Its like you supervise the decision of Western countries or USA to go war on Iran or Syria. Read my fingers. America will do any thing to desmentle Iran and Syria militery capabilities. Laakiin the question is, what will be the after math ??? Maah maah Carabi ah ayaa jirta oo tidhaahda ( Ma Dara dayr wartafa3a Illá Saqada ) Shinbir ayaa jira aad u kibir badan oo hawadaa duula. Kibir heerka shinbirkaasi ka gaadhay. Shinbiraha kale oo dhan ayuu dhaafaa. Si uu kaligiis meel cidla ah hawada uga duulo. Shinbirkaasi markuu meesha u sarreeysa gaadho oo uu kaligiis is arko. Ayuunbaa Graphity rabbani ah soo celisaa. Markaasuu dhulka soo galaa. Marka dee hadda xaalka Mareekanku waa Shinbirkaas uun. Adduunyadan Quwwat kastoo cirka u baxda. Dhulka ayaa ilaaheey keenaa. Illeeyn dunida iyaku malehe. Markaa Allah khyr haka dhigo. Dagaal ma fiicna laakiin haday dayn waayaan. Allah haku jabiyo idan Alle.

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LOL "supervise the decision of Western countries or USA to go war on Iran or Syria"

no i don't but what is clear to me, someone in the "west" is that after iraq, the US public is not willing to go to another war for a long while after iraq and truth be told, being both in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US could not even invade the Bahamas today. As for France, regardless of what sarkozy or his FM say, they French public is even more anti war then the US. Remember that under Chirac, france was the only world power against the war on Iraq, more then russia, china. what on earth makes people they are no ready to take on a a bigger, more united country is beyond me. even more,God knows what that crazy man Ahmedinijad is thinking but i don't think Iran is building nuclear weapons, no sane leader of Iran would but in case he does, very few country are willing to take him on: Isreal. the World is tired of war, Bush can not push through AG through congress let alone another war.

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France’s foreign minister played down the remarks he made in an interview saying the world had to prepare for possible war against Iran. In Moscow Kuchner said again that any military action is out of the question, at least as far as France is concerned, admitting that a war against Iran would be the most horrible development.


I think all he wanted was to show the world that France wants to move closer to Bush administration position. On the other hand this war of words between France and Iran is not a good news for the French energy company Total. Huge liquefied natural gas project with the Iranian authorities is indeed in jeopardy, hence Kuchner's changing his stance on Iran.


They can put pressure on Iran, however, no one affords to go war with Iran at this time. Iran is not like the Iraq we previously seen and any such an attempt could have a disastrous impact in the whole region and world. A matter of common sense!

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Lebenon first in the summer 2008, followed by the withdrawal of the Americans in Iraq in 2009. The Iraqi civil war markaas ayuu si fiican u bilaabmayaa. Isreal will invade Syria in 2010. Iran cid taabanaysaa ma jirto till 2011, and then we got ourselves a full on world war.

A coup in the USA in 2012 by Right wing evangelists.



Disclaimer: Miss Cleo accepts no responsibility for the use of this information.

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Israel has just publicly stated the Gaza Strip is an enemy state. How long before they invade (incursion in media terms)?


Condi is about to make a statement,,,

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