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ONLF To Hold Peace Talks With Addis Ababa

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Originally posted by Cawaale:

I was told that this wing is consisted of two former members of the actual ONLF, and that they don't have a weight what so ever!

What you have been told is completely true.

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^This is plausible.The issue of the Nile has been heating up lately. Ethiopia is leading the effort to renegotiate the distribution of the Nile water. Of course, Egypt is not too happy.


I must say I would side with Ethiopia on the issue of the Nile.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

You can sometimes start negotiations and get thing done in that way. It is politics and with an open negotiations you can get the support of the whole world.

Abti... Practice what you preach.

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Good point taleex. Nin walaalkii oo Somali ah ka cararaya oo leh lama hadlayo ayaa anaga oo Somali ah nagu waaniyaya Ethiopia wadahadal la gala.


Tan Garabka Cabdiwali ee ONLF :D:D waa sheeko la yaqaaan. Waa isaga iyo nin kale. Iyo kolba qofka xanaaqa ee boos raadis ah.


Dear Oodweyne,


All I got from your lengthy rant is that you are saying all of the ONLF leadership are waiting for Meles to call them and give them posts and not fighting for principles. You have the right to think that way, but until we see it happening that way, shall we agree that what you said remains as an allegation?

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Jabhadii ONLF oo kala jabtay & garab la heshiiyay Ethiopia

22 Jun 22, 2010 - 8:49:55 AM



Madax sare oo ka tirsan Jabhadda ONLF ayaa sheegay inay heshiis lagu hakinayo xabada ay la galeen Dowlada Ethiopia, iyagoo xusay in heshiiskan uu yahay mid ay ugu daneynayaan shacabka ay matalaan.


Gudoomiyaha garab ka mid ah ONLF Mudane Salaaxudiin Xaaji C/raxmaan Macow oo saxaafada kula hadlay Nairobi ayaa sheegay in saxiixa heshiiskan uu ka dhacay dalka Germany, kadib markii ay wadahadlo dhowr casho socday ku yeesheen halkaas.


"Heshiiskan waa mid aan ugu talogalnay inaan ku badbaadino shacabka Somalida ah ee ku nool Ethiopia oo aan xuquuqdooda u dagaalamaynay 27-kii sano ee aan soo dhaafnay, waana heshiis socon doona sadex bilood" ayuu yiri Salaaxudiin oo kula hadlay warfidiyeenka dalka Kenya.


Sarkaalka dhinaca ciidamada u qaabilsan ONLF Mudane Xuseen Mataan oo isaguna shirka jaraa'id ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in heshiiskan uu yahay mid lagu joojinayo xabada socota, ayna ciidamadooda ku wargeliyeen inay xabada joojiyaan.


Jahada ONLF ayaa oo la aasaasay 1984-kii ayaa waxay dagaalo adag kula jirtay Dowlada Ethiopia, waxaana dagaaladaas ku dhintay dad badan oo shacab, ajnabi iyo dhiacyadii dagaalamay.


Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Ethiopia Meles Zenawi ayaa [May 2010] ka sheegay Addis Ababa inay heshiis kula jiraan garabka ugu awooda badan Jabhada ONLF, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay heshiiskaas mid u horseedaya Kililka Shanaad horumar iyo nabad.


ONLF ayaa waxaa u muuqataa mid u kala jabtay laba garab, iyadoo garab ka mid ah uu hogaamiyo Admiral Maxamed Cumar Cismaan, kaasoo sheegay inaysan joojinayn dagaalada ay kula jiraan Dowlada Ethiopia inta ay xoreynayaan dhulkooda.


Dowlada Ethiopia ayaa sidoo kale sanadkan waxay heshiis la gashay Jabhad kula dagaalami jirtay dhulka Somalida-Ethiopia oo lagu magacaabo UWSLF iyadoo mas'uuliyiinteeda iyo taageerayaasheedu ay shirar ku leeyihiin Ismaamulka Somalilida ee Dalka Ethiopia.


Talaabadaani ayaa qeyb ka ah dhibaatooyinka jabhadaha iyadoo dad badani oo shacab ay ku dhintaan dagaalada kadibna siyaasiyiinta jabhadaasi ay la heshiiyaan maamulada jira.



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ONLF rebel faction signs ceasefire deal with Ethiopia


22 Jun 22, 2010 - 9:13:08 AM


Top officials of Ethiopian rebel group ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) have reportedly entered into a ceasefire agreement with Addis Ababa, Radio Garowe reports.


Mr. Salahudin Haji Abdirahman Maow, Chairman of one of the ONLF factions told reporters in Nairobi that the aim of the agreement which was signed in Germany was to benefit the population they represent.


“Our aim for this agreement is to elevate the suffering from the Somali people in Ethiopia, who have been oppressed for the last twenty seven years. The ceasefire would continue for three months,” he said.


Hussein Matan, the group’s army commander said they have informed their fighters to cease from any fire in respect to the agreement.


The agreement comes at the backdrop of denial by Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi who said on May that his government has not inked any agreement with the ONLF, but pointed out that the said agreement was between the administration in Ethiopian-controlled Somali region and the group.


Admiral Mohammed Omar Osman, a senior ONLF leader has previously announced that his group would not ceasefire until the region is liberated from Ethiopian occupation.


The ONLF group, which was founded in 1984, is fighting to make the oil-rich Somali region of ****** in eastern Ethiopia an independent state and has warned foreign oil explorers against prospecting on its land.



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