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ONLF To Hold Peace Talks With Addis Ababa

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BAYAAN: Garabka Badbaadinta Jabhada Wadaniga Xoraynta ****** (ONLF-Rescue Wing)

Posted to the Web Jun 14, 11:48


BAYAAN: Ogolaansho Wadahadal 13/06/2010

Kadib markii uu baaq xoog badan, oo isdabajoog ah nooga imanayey sadexdii bilood ee la soodhaafay Ugaasyada, Suldaamada, Siyaasiyiinta iyo Aqoonyahanka Soomaalida ********ya ee ku nool dal iyo dibadba. Kuwaa soo naga codsanayey inaanu wadahadal layeelano dowlada Itoobiya.


Kadib markii aanu ogaanaanay inuu wadahadal kula jiro dowlada Itoobiya iyo Golaha Sare ee ONLF oo uu Garabka Badbaada ee Jabhada Wadaniga Xoraynta ********ya (ONLF-Rescue Wing) la midoobay 22 /11/2008. Balse nasiibdaro khilaaf dhacay awgeed aan midnimadaas ku kala noqonay 10/09/2009. Ayna qaarkamida masuuliyiinta Golaha Sare maalmahan naga codsadeen inaanu wadahadalo Anaguna la furo Itoobiya.


Kadib markii ay masuuliyiinta Garabka Badbaadinta Jabhada Wadaniga Xoraynta ****** (ONLF-Rescue Wing) ay siweyn udarseen baahida shacabka Soomaalida ********ya uu uqabo xiligan in qadiyadooda wadahadal lagu xaliyo intii Qori lagu xalinlahaa hadii laga helo dhanka Itoobiya. Taa soo ay ka muuqata niyada fiican ee ay shacabku ku soodhaweeyeen dal iyo dibadba wadahadalada u socda Dowlada Itoobiya iyo Midowga Jabhadaha Xoraynta Soomaali Galbeed.


Kadib markii aan dhagaysanay warkii uu warbaahinta caalamka siiyey Raiisulwasaaraha Dowlada Itoobiya Meles Zenaawi oo muujiyey hogaamiyenimo iyo rabitaan wadahadal iyo xalka qadiyada Soomaalida ********ya.


Kadib markii ay xidhiidh nala soosameeyeen qaar kamida aqoonyahanada dibada ku nool ee Soomaalida ********ya. kuwaasoo naga codsaday inaan wadahadal kula yeelano dowlada Itoobiya mid kamida wadamada Yurub.


Hadaba dal iyo dibadba Wadatashi dheer oo ay masuuliyiinta, xubnaha iyo taageerayaasha Garabka Badbaadinta ee Jabhada Wadaniga Xoraynta ********ya (ONLF-Rescue Wing) ka yeesheen arimaha korkuxusan waxaan goaansanay inaanu wadahadal lagalo dowlada Itoobiya. Waxaanan siweyn u soodhaweynaynaa rabitaanka wadahadalada iyo xalka qadiyadanada Soomaalida ********ya ee uu muujiyey raysulwasaaraha Itoobiya Meles Zenaawi.


Oogu dambayntii waxaan oogu bishaaraynayaa Ugaasyada, Suldaamada, Siyaasiyiinta iyo Aqoonyahanka iyo dhamaan shacabka Soomaalida ********ya dal iyo dibadba inaan aqbalay baaqiinii, oo aanu wadahadal labilaabidoono dowlada Itoobiya, dhinacanagana ayna ka soconwaayidoonin hadii laga helo dhankooda.


Midnimo, Mintidnimo, Iskutashi, Guul

Cabdiwali Xuseen Gaas

Gudoomiyaha Garabka Badbaadinta Jabhada Wadaniga Xoraynta ********ya.


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Good job the onlf. I actually been calling for this approach for a long time now if the onlf and addis can sit down and hold talks all they need to do is "demand" that all somalia affairs need to be dealt with onlf officer, regardless of what sphere be it Military/Political/Economical.


If the onlf can secure that they will control somalia like gabre and meles do today and will thus have every clan in somalia begging at their feet and developing jubbayoinka and who knows they can probably even get an onlf guy to lead somalia after-all they will be in charge of somalia affairs at addis ababa.


The onlf need to include this crucial factor when they hold talks with addis. Ethiopia owns all of us however strategically the onlf can the lead and own somalis within somalia because they can "hurt" the addis ababa ppl more then we could ever hurt them!!!

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

quote: Ethiopia owns all of us

Sad but true. This is sadly the state of Modern Somalia, and as for Islamist Millitants they are heavily outweighed with those with more international political influence, such as the Tfg Puntland and Somalia, the latter two who are biggest Ethiopian stooges.


I dont know if this news is true but theirs gotta be a time to draw a line, the people of ****** just dont seem to collectively support this organizations

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The Zack   

LOL@Cowke. Waar read the article you posted, this aint the ONLF. This is one dude claiming to be "the ONLF rescue wing".

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War Xinnfanin maxaa ku dhacay? Jab nala jecelaa ninku!! Ileen Pirate unbuu ahaa.


Since when has Cabdi-Wali become ONLF?


ONLF will never compromise on the liberation and self-determination of the people in Somaligalbeed.


Talks are welcome to the extent they lead to better deals and not chairs for some egotistic individuals.


The genuine ONLF leadership is earning the trust and support of the people by the day as pretenders continue to seek favours from Meles with nonesense.


Meles knows who is fighting him and will not fall for this gimmicks. He knows Cabdi-wali and Salhadin can not give him PEACE!

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Maya Jacaylbaro, la igaga tagi maayo.


Laakin ONLF did not declare to enter into talks with Ethiopia. I just wanted to correct this factual error.


If and when they decide to do so, we will analyse what it means and whether I agree or not.


Adigaa ogaan doona in Abdiwali ONLF ma talo iyo in kale. Koley somalida waa taqaan qaabkay u dhaqmaan. Waa Darawal oo yidhaa anigaa UDUB ah oo kale xaalku! :D:D

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:D:D ..... Dee sow Udub muu ahaynba ,,,



Laakiin xaalku beryahan ma fiicna niyow ,, qoladii hore waatii xerootay, kana waakan ka daba dhawaaqay ,,,, kolayba qaar kelena way soo socdaaan ,,

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qoloadii hore 70 nin ayaa ciidan u ahaa, kan ka dhawaaqay waa kii lahaa Maxamed Cumar Cismaan ayaa Dr. Dollal dilay. Dad ma wato, aniga i maqal.


Inta la garabo ayaa ah in fikirka aad sheegaysid ee ah way qaybsan yihiin ama ONLF way diciiftay la faafiyo.


Waa xaalad jirta in la diciifi karo, lana qaybsami karo marka halgan lagu jiro. Laakin Alxamdu lilaahi taasi ma dhicin ilaa hadda, ashqaas iskood u daalay oo dan shaqsi raacday unbaa hadlay.

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A&T, there is only one way to achieve your goal. Get into government and have a referendum. This will take years. In the meantime if peace can be brought through negotiations and stability comes about as a result, take it.

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