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Bur-Hakaba again in the news - 350 Militia went to TFG - ICU official confirmed

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Somalia: Islamist militia joins interim government in Baidoa

Fri. December 01, 2006 09:56 am.


Mohamed Abdi Farah


(SomaliNet) Somali’s interim government top official said on Friday that troops defected from the Islamic Courts Union joined his government in Baidoa city, the capital Bay province in southwest Somalia.


It is the first time militia from Islamic Courts joins the government since its rise in Somalia in early June.


In a news conference held today in Baidoa city, the deputy minister of defense in the transitional federal government Salad Ali Jelle said that they had welcomed in Baidoa large number of defected militia from Islamic Courts after they could not stand with what he called ‘the extremism acts’.


“We are here indicating that my government has welcomed the joining of about 350 militia from Islamic Courts to the government’ Mr. Ali Jelle said “they were the local militia who came from Bur-Hakaba area where it controlled by the terrorist group of Islamic Courts,”


He told the reporters in Baidoa that the defection of the militia came after they faced difficulties from the Islamic Courts, which confiscated all the battlewagons they belonged.


“The militia reached at Karkor village 20km of Baidia, where we have sent trucks to take them to the city,” Jele added.


The Islamic Court official in Bur-Hakaba town 180km southwest of the capital admitted the defection of the local militia but their number is smaller than the claim by the government.


Mohamed Ibrahim Bilal, the leader of the Al-Bayan Islamic Court, confirmed the news on the defection but said they were about 13 militia who would not have an impact on the Islamic Courts.


“There have been thirteen local militia who defected to the government and I think they do so for Khat reasons, because they were all Khat consumers and this would have nothing to do with our power,” Bilal said. “I am absolutely dismissing the remarks from Salad Ali Jelle in which he said the number of the defected militia were hundreds…he was lying and told untrue story to the reporters,”


Three officers of the defected Islamist troops identified as Abdi Madey Ibrahim, Abdi Gaas Hussein and Barow Mohamed Hassan could be seen sitting beside where Mr. Jelle was speaking to the reporters in Baidoa.



SICU forward movement has come to a dead end in all directions. North west southwest all to a grinding halt. Here comes the questions which have no answers.

Ethiopia will wait even when being hit. Ethiopia is a big country, can take a lot of jabs. Thats how it frastrated eritrea. Eritrea would spend a lot to draw ethiopia into war, but ethiopia just kept taking the jabs.


The TFG just has to out wait SICU who is in a hurry. Waiting will kill ICU not TFG.

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DFKM ee Soomaaliya oo shaaca ka qaaday in ciidamo kasoo baxsaday maxaakiimta ay soo gaareen magaalada Baydhabo

Last Updated::2006-12-01 17:36:55


Baydhabo:-Wasiir ku xigeenka gaashaan dhiga ee dowlada

federaalka ayaa maanta shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay magaalada Baydhabo waxaa uu ku sheegay in ciidamo ka tirsanaa maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah ay goosad ku yimaadeen magaalada baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Bay.


Salaad Cali jeelle ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ciidamadan kasoo goostay maxaakiimta Islaamiga oo ah 350 askari ay soo gaareen magaalada Baydhabo islamarkaana ay ku biireen ciidamada dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya.


Wasiir ku xigeenka gaadhaan dhiga ee DF Salaad Cali Jeelle oo goobta shirkiisan jaraa’id uu ku qabanayay ay goob joog ka ahaayeen sadex sarkaal oo uu magacyadooda ku kala sheegay Boorow max'ed Xasan, Cabdi Madeey Ibraahim, iyo Cabdi Gaas Xuseen ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in sadexdaasi sarkaal ay kamid yihiin taliyeyaasha maleeshiyaadkaasi maxaakiimta kasoo goostay.


Mudane Jeelle ayaa intaasi ku daray inay ciidamadan ay xalay soo gaareen magaalada baydhabo isagoo sababta ay usoo goosteen ku sheegay in dhibaatooyin fara badan ay kala kulmeen maxkamadaha.


Wasiir ku xigeenka gaashaan dhiga ee DFKM ee Soomaaliya ayaa shirkiisan jaraa’id waxaa kaloo uu ku sheegay in maleeshiyadan ay kaga hortageen deegaanka lagu magacaabo Karkoor oo dhowr iyo labaatan kilo miitir u jirta magaalada Baydhabo oo dowladu ay degan tahay.


C/risaaq Bulqaas

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SICU has run into some quick sand.

Their expansion and forward movement is all but stopped into a dead end road in all directions.

The territory they think they control has a lot of holes thats federalist.

Alqaeda is being inpatient and pressuring the SICU to move fast and take over the country.


Eritrea cannot afford to send more soldiers, because ethiopia parliament included and specifically mentioned eritrea along with SICU in the resolution. The ethiopian government has all its options. Eritrea is afraid that ethiopia is faking somalia, but can change direction in a hurry and take demoralized eritrea suddenly.


The options for ICU don't look good. ONLF distancing themselves from ICU was a good indication there is trouble in ICU empire.


Ethiopian moslems are very angry that ICU is abusing the faith for politics and some individual financial benefits. The vote in the Ethiopian parliament was a clear indication of this.

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