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Elected MPs - Kenya 07 Election (so far)

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For Somali (and Boran) areas.


Abdikadir, Hussein SAFINA Mandera Central

Farah, Maalim ODM Lagdera

Mahmoud, Ali ODM Moyale

Mahmoud, H Mohamed ODM Mandera West

Mohamed, Hussein Ali ODM Mandera East

Mohammed, Elmi Ibrahim ODM Wajir East

Nuh, Nassir Abdi ODM - K Bura

Haji, Yusuf KANU Ijara

Kuti, Mohammed Abdi (Dr.) KANU Isiolo North



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It is good that somali MPs are to be found cross parties. Imagine if they all were (bet on) in one party, f.eks. in Kanu or ODM that would have been a catastrophe for somalis if that party is not the ruling party.


BTW, I wish them (newly elected somali MPs) good luck and may they all unite under one banner -protecting their somali interest- regardless of their political affiliations.

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