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Alshabaab oo saaka la wareegay Garoonka Bali Doogle kana qaniimaystay hub fara badan

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Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab oo saaka la wareegay Garoonka Bali Doogle kana qaniimaystay hub fara badan

Beerdhiga 25.01.2008 08:29


Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab ayaa saaka aroortii hore gabi ahaanba la wareegay garoonka ciidanka cirka ee Bali Doogle ee Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose ka dib Dagaal qorshaysan oo ay mujaahidiintaasi ku qaadeen sida uu xaqiijiyay afahayeenkooda sheekh mukhtaar rooboow “Abuu Mansuur”.


Dagaalkan ayay mujaahidiinta al-shabaab kula wareegeen garoonkaasi oo ay sheegeen in uu saldhig u ahaa 1500 oo askari isla markaana ay gacanta ay ku dhigeen oo ay qaniimaysteen 100 qori iyo rasaastoodii iyo saanad milatari oo kale.


Mujaahidiinta ayaa sidoo sheegay in ay halkaas kaga gubeen ciidamadaasi labo ka mid ah gawaarida dagaalka iyada oo ay sidoo kalana gacanta ku dhigeen qaar ka mid ah ciidamadii halkaasi ku jiray oo qaarkood ku cararay masaajidka garoonka kuwaas oo ay mujaahidiinta sii daayeen ka dib markii ay ku waaniyeen in aysan la shaqeyn gumeysiga itoobiya kana qeyb qaadan xasuuqa shacabkooda soomaaliyeed.


Sidoo kale Dagaalkan ay kula wareegeen mujaahidiinta al-shabaab garoonkaasi ka dib ayaa waxa ay baaritaano ka sameyeen garoonka iyaga oo halkaas ka helay xafiis la sheegay in uu ahaa xafiiska waxa loogu yeeray “argagixiso la dagaalanka” oo ay soomaalidu u taqaano “ashahaado la dirirka”.


Garoonkan ayaa tan iyo intii ay bur-burtay xukuumadii milatari ayaa waxa uu gacanta u galay kooxo ka amar qaadata maraykanka taas oo keentay in culumo fara badan oo soomaaliyeed halkaasi laga dhoofiyo isla markaana ay ka soo degaan sirdoonka maraykanka ee CIA-da iyada oo iminkana uu saldhig u yahay ciidamada loo soo tabo-baro la dagaalanka culumaa u diinta soomaaliyeed iyo wax-garadkooda.


Mujaahidiinta al-shabaab ayaa iyagu maalin waliba si joogta ah u wada dagaalada ay sida tooska uga soo hor jeedaan ciidamada gumeysiga itoobiya iyo kuwa la shaqeeya ee xooga iyo sharci darada ku jooga gudaha dalka Soomaaliya.

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Good development Indeed.


Supply are flushing in . the men are mounting .. this Incident is similar to one a couple of months ago when their seized the international airport forcing the AU and clan militia who where guarding the place into hiding in the former XALANE camp near the airport. Then they later had to leave the airport or face air bombardment.


Never the less good development.

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This is very good news the foreign mercenaries should suffer, no Ethiopian soldier should leave Somalia with his head held up high

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Islamist insurgents briefly seized control of Somalia's biggest military airfield on Friday and looted weapons, witnesses and an Islamist commander said. Muktar Ali Robow, leader of the al-shabab rebel militia, told a local radio station his forces also captured government troops during the raid on Baledogle, about 100 km (60 miles) west of the capital Mogadishu





"We seized Baledogle airport, took supplies of arms and also captured some Somali soldiers but we released them," Robow told Shabelle Radio by telephone from an undisclosed location.


Residents said Islamist fighters armed with machineguns and rocket-propelled grenades took control of the airfield before breaking into two armouries. They then left.


"They seized the airport and killed three soldiers. We saw them taking government weapons with them and burning two battlewagons," resident Ali Aded Diriye told Reuters.


Somalia's interim government and its Ethiopian military allies have faced an Islamist-led insurgency since it routed a sharia courts group from Mogadishu at the start of last year.


Robow also told Shabelle that al-shabab fighters killed 11 government troops in separate clashes in central Somalia's Hiran Province on Thursday. That could not be immediately verified. (Reporting by Aweys Yusuf and Abdi Sheikh; Writing by Daniel Wallis; editing by Elizabeth Piper).



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