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Djibouti President's Eid Message

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Djibouti President speaks out against the hedious munaafiqnimo of the Shabab deviants.


Madaxweynaha dalka Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geele ayaa si weyn usoo hadal qaaday arrinta dalka Soomaaliya intii ay socotay khudbad dheer uu ka jeediyay munaasabadii salaada ciidul fidriga.


Madaxweyne Geele waxaa uu dhaliil u jeediyay
kooxaha rabshadaha ka wada dalka Soomaaliya ee magaca diinta ku qaraabta
,waxaana uu ku baaqay in guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay taageeraan hanaanka nabadda ee haatan soconaya.


“ Qof Masajid kasoo baxybaa madaxa rasaas lagala dhacayaa, Ilaahbaan idinku dhaarshaye diintee weeye taasi?”ayuu yidhi madaxweynaha dalka Jabuuti Geele oo sheegay in rajo weyn laga qabo wada hadalada nabada ee haatan dalka Jabuuti ka soconaya.


Madaxweynuhu waxaa uu sheegay in diinta islaamku aanay ogleyn in la laayo dadka aan waxba galabsan iyadoo ay wax lalasii yaabo tahay in magaca diinta iyadoo la sheeganayo sidaa la sameeyo.


Waxaa uu dhaliil u jeediyay dowladda Eritra o uu ku eedeeyay in ay isku dayday in badan in ay car qaladeyso hanaanka nabadda ee ka soconaya Jabuuti,waxaana uu beesha caalamka ka codsaday in ay Eritrea culeys ku saarto in ay faraha kala baxdo arrimaha Soomaaliya isla markaana ay joojiso falalka ay wax ugu dhibeyso xasiloonida gobalka geeska Afrika.

dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Somaliland media is the key word here NGONGE! And that's what i sensed from this post adeer!


Can Ayyoub admit it though? I doubt it.

Admit what? You might have had point if this was the first time I posted a speech by President Gelleh or if other web-sites like Hiiraan Online didn't report this Eid message. I think the speech was full of sound advice, especially for the likes of you who trade under the name "garabka Djibouti".


Nuune and Ngonge

Thank you for not doubting me. smile.gif

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Apparently it didn’t do it for you!

Yet your premise is so SNM like adeer. Jabbuuti always praises SL people and the stability they achieved. We all do. Its objection to the notion of a northern secession however has not changed.

Sorry duqa remind me what the point of this is again.


As to Geele, and to you as well mr. xiinfaniin. Thanks but no thanks. smile.gif

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