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Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda Somalia oo sheegay in UNDP joojisay kaalmadii Somaliland

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^Whole Somalia is under TFG jurisdiction, wake up and smell the coffee, There is one Somalia.




The tap is going to run out, if it wasn’t ongoing Somalia’s problem, we wouldn’t have this discussion. It is known that secessionists have long been benefitted on the situation of Somalia, and I am sure it is you who prays everyday that situation there does not change.


Great move by Omaar :D

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Dear Oodweyne,


You never disappoint in your style be it the simile or the metaphor, and even the apparent long-windedness about your writing fails to dim its apeal. This, I have to acknowledge.


It is, however, your attachment to sectarian ideology that worries me. For it should have been so apparent to you that you and me are indivisible as is clear from our daily amiable tussles here in this forum. And it worries me because were it not that you are possessed with some kind of affliction that ties you to tribal considerations over anything else, I feel, you are of the right age and had the right exposure to appreciate this fact.


And speaking of the faliure of the night, had it occurred to you that the said man could have performed his duties with a 'distinction' mark before, that he forgot to ask the said woman of her feelings on this particular night. A night, which happens to follow a busy and tedious working day. Or indeed, a night that follows the day when a rather superstititous friend told the performer that loosing one or two of the back teeth could affect divine performace irrecoverably. Where upon the man on top got a flash of that discussion amid the task and also recalled that he is missing two molars and was invaded with the trepedition that goes with loss of confidence. As such, it may have been an anomlay. Has that occurred to your good but clearly aging mind! :D

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Dear Oodweyne,


It takes a lot of pain to suppress the urge in me to utter unkind words whenever I am presented with your usual obfuscatory arguments. As such, I will not be tempted to follow John Sleeye and declare that "Oodweyne, our resident peasant philosopher, is an example of articulate ignorance". Voltaire was faced with the kind of annoying creature I face here, where upon he could do little more than resign to his fate and leave this legacy of a remark: "What is madness?" he asked and answered " it is to have errenous perceptions and to reason correctly from them". Not that Oodweyne's arguments are all correcly correlated with the realm of reason, but that he has errenous perceptions and he tirelessly obfuscates his reasons.


But let us go to the main issue here. If we have to do away with the witter and waffles here, your argument comes down to:


- If the rest of the Somali's were to give in to our demands for a separate political entity, then, there would have been a possibility of us offering something (it is vague what it is) back to Somalia as a gesture of good will. And perhaps, I think, you mean clutural and other ties to the rest of the nation by something, as if that is something the elites in Somaliland can take away as they wish.


- You are saying that you suffered under the previous arrangemnet and therefore, by the law of the opposities, the only thing that can offer respite to your 'people' (who I think are now more firmly defined unwittingly)is to go it alone. For those who reportedly have been massacred in the NorthWestern Province do not include the tall people of Sool and most of Makhiir as well as Awdal. Indeed once we mention you mention that you cannot wait for another atrocitiy (as if it is a given under any form of government in Somalia, you tend to show who you are referring to with the 'we'.


We have gone through this phase of argument before and I think we will only bore the forum if we go on with another cycle. The fact is that one out of five or so clans in the North (and more accurately the elites and rent-seekers of that particular clan) want to keep a tiny enclave for themselves, blinded by vengence and accured hatred. The lobbying cry is no more union with the 'faq.ash.', and thanks to Faysal Cali Waraabe, we know those said F-people do not include the 'anarchist clans' who are believed to be the root cause of the problem in Southern Somalia. So, the very basis of this utopian state to be formed is hatred against particluar clans and search for proverbial hegemony that has never been witnessed but yet thoroughly aspired to.


On the side issue and the softer side of life, perhaps it is lost to you that as Ninon De Lenclos believes, that "in the art of love-making, feigning lovers succeed much better than the really devoted".

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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

Moahmed Abdullahi Omar's decisive measures herald how easy it is to stop the dreams of the separatists in Northern Somalia. Soon, ever Jacaylbaro will run out of job as the funding dries up!
Waryaa Calanka bluuga ah qaado dhaqso.

lol...oo ma waxaa leedahay rag badan gooshadu shilimaad bay ka tahay?

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Indeed Abwaan. I may have to elaborate on who the fervent supporters of the secession agenda are:


- The first group is self-serving politicians (some believe in the idea, some others pretend). Riyaale is one such pretender. And he is making a rational choice judging by the mansions he is buying abroad.


-The second group is core SNM fighters. These are people like Muuse Bixi, who would like to milk what they fought for. No doubt they are also ideologically motivated as they beleive that a return to the former union will return them to oppression once more. The majority of this group are not well-educated and it is hard to blame them for their current thinking. They suffered. Some among them, those from a deep rural background, think the victory against the Somali army was a victory against other clans and are just happy to live with that delicious comfort of the mind.


- The third group are intellectuals and other notable people who are seeing the twilight of their career and are not that patient or hopeful that their services will soon be required by a United Somalia republic. Former BBC presenter, Mohamed Rashid who accepted the ignominy of being a deputy to a mad man (Faysala C.Waraabe) is one good example. The diaspora guys, most of whom are ravaged by the cold mornings and hard work, are in this group.


- The fourth group is young and aspriring professionals who are not very confident of their skills and whowould like to narrow down the market so that competition doesn't get tough. The contingent of SOL Somalilanders belong here. For them, it is a way of making sure they are still in the game.


-The fifth group is the uninitiated and the young (all from a particluar clan and most importantly from [Juventus] (old lad)prefixes.


There may be other groups I missed but these are the main ones.


It has always been the choice of the mediocre, the non-competitive, not-confident intellectuals to see to it that the borders are tightned and to ensure their comparative advantage is not stifled from outside. In this case from the more resourceful South Somalia.

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Thanks to the maturity in admitting this is indeed a one clan project, for it will take us to the next level of discussion. I agree with your assertion that even if it were to be the will of this clan, it won't change anything but a mere re-demarcation of the colonial borders. Fine. But there is something it will change.


It will undermine the legal, historical and political foundations of the claim for a separate country uttered by the pro-secession elites in the North. It will unravel a pandora's box in which it will not be only Makhir, Awadal and the proud people of Sool who would have to have a say, but the massive Gabooye andother communities who live in the North. In which case, it will be an entirely different situation, one which you know (even if you were not to admit here) that it will complicate matters for you.


What it will also do is to further damage the viability of the said state in economic and geopolitical sense. Which should worry me though.


In fact, one can also argue that the issue of secession must be dealt with once there is a countervailing force that also presents the other side for those minorties in the North who are not only from other clans, but who also happen to hail from the aggrieved clan. Short of that, it will be tantamount to stealing one's house without the victim's presence and later claiming that you got hold of the loot fairly as it was abandoned by the owner.

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