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Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda Somalia oo sheegay in UNDP joojisay kaalmadii Somaliland

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Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee Xukumadda Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Oomaar ayaa sheegay inay Qaramadda Midoobay aqbashay dalab ay Wasaaradiisa u qortay Xafiiska UN-ka ee Magaaladda Nairobi ,kaas nuxurkiisa ahaa inay joojiyaan tababaradda boliiska iyo shaqaalaha dowladda Somaliland ee UNDP bixiso.


Wasiir Mohamed Abdullahi Oomaar oo xogta siinayay Wasiiradda iyo Xildhibaanadda u dhashay Somaliland ee dowladda ku wada jiraan ayaa wuxuu tilmaamay in dagaalkiisa uu yahay mid uu ku fashilinaya Xukumadda Dahir Reyaale Kaahin.


"Xafiiska UN-ka ee Nairobi waxay ii sheegeen inay joojiyeen tababaradii UNDP siin jirtay Ciidanka boliiska,ayna u sheegeen inaan anaga amarkaas bixinay,taasina waxay meesha ka saaree isla weyninkooda ay ku sheeganayaan inay yihiin dowlad ka madaxbanaan Somalia iyo tan Federalka"ayuu hadalkiisa ku koobay Wasiir Oomaar.


Inkastoo la xaqiijiyay sheegashada Oomaar ee la xiriirta hoowl joojinta UNDP hadana tilaabadaas waxaa ka biyo diiday Ra'isulwasaarre Omar Abdi rashiid Sharmaarke oo gef ku macneeyay in xukumadiisa Wasiir ka mida colaadin ku sameeyo shacabka iyo maamulka Somaliland.


Ra'isulwasaarre Sharmaarke ayaan la ogeyn tilaabada uu qaadi doono hasse yeeshee taariikh ahaan mar uu booqday Hargeysa waxaa qaabilay Madaxweynahii geeriyooday,allaha u naxariistee Mohamed Hajji Ibrahim Cigaal oo lacag badan siiyay maadama ay saaxiibo ahaayeen Aabahiis,Abdi Rashiid Ali Sharmaarke.


Siyaasiyiin u dhashay Somaliland ayaa hore u sheegay in Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee Somalia Mr Mohamed Abdullahi Oomaar yahay nin dhaqaale raadis u galay dowladda Shariifka,uuna yoolkiisa ugu weyn yahay sidii uu shilimaad ugu aruursan lahaa magaca dowladda cusub ee Somalia.


Mohamed Abdullahi Oomaar oo u dhashay beesha Hargeysa,kana soo jeeda qoys magacweyn ku leh,bulshada ku hadasha afka Somaliga wuxuu noqonayaa masuulkii ugu horeeyay ee ku dhiiraday tilaabo lagu waxyeeleeynaa horumarka shacabka iyo dowladda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.

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Moahmed Abdullahi Omar's decisive measures herald how easy it is to stop the dreams of the separatists in Northern Somalia. Soon, ever Jacaylbaro will run out of job as the funding dries up! :D Waryaa Calanka bluuga ah qaado dhaqso.

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Waar horta Waaga-Cusub wuxuu soo qoro run ma yihiin. I dont beleive much of what they post in that news portal. Bal halla hubsado!

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What a come back :D


I didn't know UNDP iney sameeso tababaro xaga policeka ah, thought they were more humanatarian organisation and not military



Laakin dhag jalaq yaan loo dhigin waagacusub, last week bey ugu darnaayeen waxey soo tabiyeen Melez Zenaawi oo habeen danbe u ambabixi doono Muqdisho.

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JB what do you get out of this? It is a joke to even take a look at WG let alone soil this forum's reputation with their pure garbage.

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^^ JB, adigu nin waalan baad tahay, wixii jokes ah oo dhan soo aruuri :D


Newskoodi kuugu yaabka badnaa muxuu ahaa, anigu waxaan la yaabaa sida ay isu amaanaan specially the guy who owns it, ammaan buu iskala daalay, he is rageedi Juje ayey saaxiibo yihiin muqdisho ayuu joogey markuu dagaalkii 2006kii maxaakiimta iyo qabqablayaasha iyo itoobiyaanka dhacayay asoo bistoolad ugu xirantahay sinta, Holland buu hada joogaa.

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I dont think you can trust the 'breaking news' of

This is utter rubbish.

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Dear Oodweyne,


Fake or no fake, it is something I would relish if it happens. The UN must deal with one legitimate representative of the Somali Republic. It is really a shame for a man who is in the 6th stage of Sheakespeare's the seven ages of man to be as narrow-minded and enclave-lover as you are.


If the news is not true, I admit, my disappointment is like that of a man who after leaning back satisfied with himself from a gruelling task with his spouse, breathed majestically and aksed " how was it?", only to be reminded by his wife (depressingly) that "it was not over for her".

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Lol@training police force :D


Since when does the UN do such thing?


If he did this, which I doubt it, he must be the most idoitic TFG member yet including Geedi who once said "WE'RE CLOSING OUR BORDERS INCLUDING SOMALILAND" we all know the rest of that story..... :D

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