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YEEY SHARIIF, Tell me what is the difference between them.

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^now I'm just saying stuff like that for fun.


The REAL arguments, I've repeated them over and over and over again.


I'm getting tired of it, especially since I realize cynical cyber-haters like you and Duke will ignore everything I say and go right back to hating the man.

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^I didn't know there was anything particularly objectionable about hating someone even for purely frivolous reasons.


Ultimately results matter - neither has acheived anything. And sadly Shariif seems constantly behind the ball.

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Weli threadkani ma socdaa?


Sharif is right but not strong.


If one was supporting Sharif because he thought that Sharif will be strong and will overpower his opponents, then in light of the current situation one’s opposition to Sharif can be understood.


On the other hand, if one supported Sharif because of his approach to the Somali conflict, Sharif has not changed and therefore deserves all the support he can get.

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^^^ Adeer answer the question that came out of your remarks. This approach you talk about, what has it achieved?

Forget me lad we are talking about your hero Sharif Hotel.

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^^Your feeble words suggest your antagonistic posture, hence the only valid question would be what would I gain explaining this young presidents approach to someone who’s resolved to oppose him not because of what he does but by the virtue of who is?



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^^ Just admit you are even more clueless than the man you support. Thus you have added nothing to the thread in defence of yur hero. It's always difficult to defend something one dies not understand. Nine months on and the fact is this man has no approach other than making some kneybfor himself.

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^^ lool I understand your weakness Adeer I hope you grow a backbone. :D


your Djibouti caravan is a joke and your Sharif Hotel needs to go to Yemen to learn from the great master.

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^^I thought the Djibouti caravan was what engendered your lingering grievance? Was it not what resulted in the ‘great master’s’ exile in Yemen, no?


How could you then say it was a joke?


Sharif is the only game in town. Work with it for Puntland is working with it to realize the revival of Somalia.

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Xiin: lets deal with facts old boy. It has been nine months since your hero became "President".. This is the reality on the ground today


Ahmed Diriye commenting on the BAKARA massacre


It has been nine months and the greatest policy outlined by Sharif Hotel has been to sell the sea to Kenya. :D


This is his approach old boy.

Somalia: 4 killed in Mogadishu battle among govt troops :D A man who can not even brong peace to his own bodyguards, what chance has he of bringing peace to Somalia?


Xiin you do protest way too much, your greatest prediction on SOL, made you a laughing stock.



A blaoted government of 500MP's, that relies on AMISOM troops & Ethiopian military in Hiiraan. Is what you support. Your hero Sharif Hotel is nothing more than an American spy, who has no clue what he is doing.



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duke the violence you cited is real, what you forgetting though is that it's not sharif's fault for some to destroy the promise of peace. Sharmarke the man you dearly love is presiding the taming of xamar. Sharif and Sharmarke are in a tough neighborhood and can’t be blamed for having the support of small African troops from far away countries. Those countries are no Ethiopia however.


And Ethiopian incursions into border towns are a sign of Somalia’s weakness. This current TFG departed sharply from the ‘great master’s’ policy of inviting Ethiopia to invade. If one is looking for difference there is where the real difference lies. those are the facts.


you are a man who supports sharifs pm in the name of kinship while openly opposing the very government the son :D of Puntland heads. why the discrepancy adeer :D ?

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Xiin: The strategy of the previous government was spot on, if it was not opposed by the opportunists like Sharif Hotel and clanist like Ahmed Diriye today Somalia would have been in a better position. Its aim was to contain, root out the fake Jihadi's amongst us, as well as create a new national army.


Is it not a shame, that you opposed all these steps, and supported the Jihadis' and the Bakara market and yet today you support the use of AMISOM, Ethiopia and the shelling of the market.


The problem for you lad, is that today is not 2006 and the people are being killed at a greater rate than before. The army created by the legend has been disbanded, and their replacements are unable to guard Villa Somalia.


The more frightening issue are these controversial deals that Sharif Hotel has struck with neighboring countries.


The sea deal with Kenya That you a purported nationalist is silent on and even makes apology for.


The Djibouti Naval base which aims to deprive Garowe, of funds and jobs, again you meekly look away and ignore the real intent of this deal.


Yes Xiin, I know you tried to please everyone and be the “good” dude from that clan. But you have lost yourself in the quest to be popular.


Sharif Ahmed as we speak, is an incompetent man, who has no base of support, who is seeking money by any means necessary and who has betrayed the people who made him famous. To support such a person is puzzling, but like someone said before, “he speaks well and has good manners” that’s great maybe if you want to marry him, but I wish he would not sell the sea and not think that betraying ones friend is sign of political maturity. :D

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