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Puntland captures 113 immigrants on their way to yemen

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Jimco , April 16, 2010 (HOL ) Ciidamada amaanka ee xeebaha Puntland ayaa gacanta ku soo dhigay 113 ruux oo tahriibayaal ah oo doonayay in ay u gudbaan xeebaha yemen.


Tahriibayaasha Gacanta lagu soo dhigay ayaa 103 ka mid ah ay ahaayeen itoobiyaan oo 11 dumar ah ay ku jiraan halka soomaalida la soo qabtayna ay gaarayeen 9 Ruux.


Waxaa laga soo qabtay Tahriibayaasha Xeebta Bandar Ziyaada oo aan waxbadan ka fogayn magaalada Bosaaso ,Waxaana la keenay Maanta Saldhiga dhexe ee magaalada Bosaaso si saxaafada loogu soo bandhigo.


Masuuliyiin uu ka mid yahay wasiirka amniga Yuusuf axmed khayr oo shir ku qabtay Saldhiga degmada ayaa sheegay in tahriibayaashaan loo gudbin doono dalalkii ay u kala dhasheen.


Waxaa kaloo uu tilmaamay in Puntland ay Go,aan cad ka qaadatay La dagaalanka tahriibayaasha oo si aad ah ugu soo batay magaalada Bosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka bari . Duqa Degmada Bosaaso Maxamuud Beeldaaje ayaa beesha Caalamka ka Codsadatay in Puntland laga taageero La dagaalanka kooxaha wax tahriibiya oo uu sheegay in ayba ka daran yihin Burcad badeeda.


Ugu danbayntii Maalmaha soo socda ayaa lagu wadaa in tahriibayaashan la soo taago Maxkamada Gobolka ,Waxaana ilaa iyo hada aan gacanta lagu hayn Kooxihii Wax tahriibinayay.


Faisel Maxamed Hassan(Boston),Hiiraan Online

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Mogadishu (HOL) - Puntland authorities have captured 113 would be immigrants who were on a voyage to Yemen to seek asylum.


Of the detained asylum seekers, it is reported that 103 of them were from Ethiopia; while 10 of them were Somalis.


The immigrants were apprehended off the coast of Bandar Ziyada which is close to Bosaso. They were then transported to Bosaso’s main police station.


Puntland’s Minister of Security, Mr. Yusuf Ahmed Khayr, held a press conference at the police station where he said that these immigrants would be deported to their home country.


He also said that Puntland authorities will take strong actions against the recent influx of immigrants who have began to use Bosaso’s port as a stepping stone to crossing into Yemen.


The Mayor of Bosaso Mohamud Beldaje has asked the international community for help in combating these human traffickers. He claims that they are becoming as much of a nuisance to the region as the pirates, who recently have been in the international spotlight.


In the following days, these immigrants will appear in court even though their perpetrators have yet to be apprehended.

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^tut, tut - ma aniga mise meel bay wax iska qaban la'yihiin warkaan?


Waxaaba ka sii daran warkaan


some of the comments are bewildering.



Xiin - since you post this news what is your take on the situation - e.g. protection of the unaware (of the dangers) immigrants, laws and the unintended consequence and all that. the fact that the people who do the smuggling are not caught etc etc???

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You would think it's futile to prevent determined immigrants from getting to thier destination using whatever means they deem necassary.


I think it's good start. Those who do the smuggling should be caught as well

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