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How a public schoolgirl, 14, fell into the clutches of predatory gangs

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How a public schoolgirl, 14, fell into the clutches of predatory gangs who forced her to become a sex slave



A girl who was abducted at the age of 14 and forced to work as a sex slave was yesterday praised for giving evidence which saw her abusers jailed.


The privately-educated teenager was picked up and plied with vodka and drugs, passed around groups of older men for sex and then forced to work as a prostitute.


Her ordeal highlights previously-aired fears that white schoolgirls are being groomed for underage sex by gangs of Asian men in northern England.


Former Labour MP Ann Cryer provoked a storm when she warned that the practice of arranged marriages helped tempt a criminal minority of Asian men into targeting young, white girls for sex.


After nine men were jailed over the sustained sexual abuse of their victim, Superintendent Paul Savill of Greater Manchester Police commended her bravery and said: 'This young girl has been through an absolutely horrifying ordeal.


'The level of abuse she has suffered is almost beyond belief. She has been treated like a commodity - beaten, threatened and sexually exploited.'


The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was adopted as a baby by a professional, middle-class couple in Greater Manchester and educated at a private school.


She was removed from the school for exhibiting 'inappropriate sexualised behaviour toward male pupils', a court heard, and after she twice ran away from home her adoptive parents reluctantly agreed that she be placed in care.


In February 2008 she was picked up in Rochdale by Asad Hassan, 27, who took her to a nightclub.


He and his friends Mohammed Basharat, 27, and Mohammed Atif, 28, then took her to a house where she was given vodka before all three men had sex with her.


The next morning, Hassan, who had given her his phone number, dropped her at a bus station and gave her cigarettes and money, but after being found by her mother she was taken back to the care home.


A week later she went missing again. She met restaurant worker Abdul Rob, 33, in Rochdale and he took her back to a flat where he gave her alcohol before having sex with her.


The following morning she rang Hassan - her initial abuser - and met him, Basharat and Atif who again all had sex with her.


She was then taken to another house in the Rochdale area where she was also abused by a group of men whom police have been unable to trace.

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awful, awful, awful. The stuff of BNP dreams.

JB, dnt read the daily mail, its an absolute waste of valuable working time! :D

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