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Limited intervention by the old enemy India East Pakistan

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Some SOL Members talk a great deal about an "Occupation" of Ethiopia, so lets look back in History when old foes intevened millitarily on the side of one player or another in the affairs of their neighbours....


As fighting grew between the army and the Bengali Mukti Bahini ("freedom fighters"), an estimated ten million Bengalis, mainly Hindus, sought refuge in the Indian states of Assam, Tripura and West Bengal.


The crisis in East Pakistan produced new strains in Pakistan's troubled relations with India. The two nations had fought a war in 1965, mainly in the west, but the refugee pressure in India in the fall of 1971 produced new tensions in the east. Indian sympathies lay with East Pakistan, and on December 3, 1971,
India intervened on the side of the Bangladeshis.
On December 16, 1971, Pakistani forces surrendered, and Bangladesh ("Country of Bangla") was finally established the following day. The new country changed its name to Bangladesh on January 11, 1972 and became a parliamentary democracy under a constitution. Shortly thereafter on March 19 Bangladesh signed a friendship treaty with India.


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December 3-17India and Pakistan : fight their second major war, over East Pakistan, which ends after 90,000 Pakistani troops surrender. The new nation of Bangladesh is created out of East Pakistan.

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This is a very lame attempt to justify the invasion and occupation of Somalia. I guess this has bothered the clan president, the clan government, the collaborators and their supporters. The foreign government is stinking of collaboration with the invasion and occupation of Somalia, and no amount of perfume or deodorant can change what it stinks of.

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^^^Its not lame at all. India a Hundu country at odds with Pakistan & Bangladesh at the time of partition. The Indains also occupy larger parts of Bengal than Bangladesh. However when they intevened they did not stay for long, why?


Because they recognised the independnece of the country they supported i.e. Bangladesh which at that time did not even exist.


The present Ethiopian regime has always recognised the soverignty of Somalia and the TFG as the legitimate governemnt of Somalia.


Thus talk of occupation is an excuse on the part of the losers who started a war they could not prosecute.


The fact that the TFG has the support of the security council, US, EU, AU and Arab league also rubises any claim that this endevour is anything other than a TFG strategy to bring order back & crush its enemies.

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