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Garaad Bari

Gen Morgan is appointed as head of security and stability of Mogdisho

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Col. C/lahi Yusuf Oo Xil U Magacaabay Gen. Maxamed Sicid Xirsi Morgan....



Iyadoo maalmaha soo socda la filayo in hawlgalo amaanka Magaalada Muqdisho lagu sugayo ay ka bilowdaan Ciidamada sida uu qorshuhu yahay, ayaa waxaa soo baxaya in Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf uu Gen. Maxamed Siciid Xirsi Morganuu u magacaabay hogaaminta hawlgalkaasi. ....................


Sida warku sheegayo Jen. Morgan iyo saraakiil kale oo howshan kaga hooseynaya ayuu Madaxweyne Yuusuf u xil saaray fulinta howlgalkan oo looga gol leeyahay in inta ka horreysa muddada shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee lagu dhawaaqay 16-ka April uu ka furmayo Muqdisho si weyn wax looga qabto ammaanka.


Gen. Maxamed Sicid Xirsi Moorgan ayaa la xaqiijinayaa inuu Col. Yuusuf u xilsaaray hogaaminta howlgalka [sifaynta Muqdisho] loogu magacdaray ee dhawaan Ciidamada Dowladda oo ay weheliyaan Kuwa Ethiopia iyo nabad ilaaliyaasha Africa ee Uganda ay ka bilaabeen guud ahaan Magaalada Muqdisho.


Gen. Moorgan oo Xiligii Dowladii dhexe ka mid ahaa Saraakiisha ugu sar-saraysa Xukuumadii 21-ka sano ka riminaysay Dalka ayaa waxaa Sanadihii ugu dambeeyey lagu xusuustaa in uu si isdaba joog ah ugu guuldaraystay Weeraro uu ku qaaday Xarunta Gobalka Jubada hoose ee Kismaayo oo uu ka talinayey Isbahaysigii Col. Barre Hiiraale.


Xiligii Maxkamadaha ayaa Gen. Morgan waxa uu kusoo laabtay Caasimadda, isagoo deganaa Hotelka Saxafi International, waxaana xusid mudan in shir jaraa'id oo uu Muqdisho ku qabtay ku shaaciyey inuu xilligan wixii ka dambeeyey Dagaal dambe uu faraha ka laabtay



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No he is not the right man for the jobb.If they should give him a post,they should give him the presidential guard post.Barre Hiirale should also be demoted.The same goes to his deputy,the over all deputy head of the armed forces.What we need are combat officers.General siccid farax gooje,General cirtooje,Col cumar jees and his ex rival colonel Cabdi cirbo jare,Xirsi joqof and co, are the right men for these sort of Drills.

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