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Yey : Dadka Madaafiic ayaa lagu garaacayaa...

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C/llaahi Yuusuf “Dadweynaha madaafiic ayaa lagu ridayaa qudhooda haddii ay iska qaban waayaan kooxaha hoobiyeyaasha ka soo dhex ridaya”


Madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa sheegay in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan loo soo afjari doono dhibaatada kooxaha hubeysan ay ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo xusay in magaalada aysan wada joogeynin dowladda federaalka iyo wax uu ugu yeeray kooxaha fitno wadayaasha ah ee qaraxayda wada.


Madaxweynaha oo wareysi siiyey Iddaacadda VOA-da ayaa intaa ku daray in muddo badan ay sugayeen in wax laga qabto kooxahan oo laakiin ay hadda noqotay xiligii lala tacaali lahaa, wuxuuna xusay madaxweynuhu in dadka degan xaafadaha ay ku dhuumanayaan kooxahaasi lagu amray iney ka guuraan hase ahaatee haddii dadku ay iska saari waayaan iyaga laftooda la duqeyn doono iyaga qudhooda.


“Meeshii uu Madfac nooga soo dhaco madaafiic ka xoog badan ayaan ku rideynaa, waana in shacabku iska qabtaa kuwa madaafiicda ka soo dhex ridaya haddii kale iyaga qudhooda ayaa lagu garaaci doonaa” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Yuusuf oo dhinaca kale beeniyey in isagu uu bixiyey amarkii lagu weeraray guriga guddoomiyaha gudigga siyaasada beesha Ceyr Dr. Maxamed Max’uud Culusow, isagoo sheegay in Culusow uu taageersanaa maxkamadaha oo isla maarkaana la raacinayo.





Xafiiska, Muqdisho, Somalia

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The word justifies itself.The clowns are hiding and using the civilians as shields and the Government is telling the civilians to not let their neighborhoods be used and if so,leave the area so that the Government can freely deal with them with out restraining themselves.Simple as that!

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U prefer the drill to be like the war of the clan clown courts and the warlords and bomb the city thus over looking the civilians?Or maybe u forgot the civilian casualties then?By all means,the government should execute its objectives with out any hesitation even over looking civilians and all that but out of good will they are doing the other wise and to u its a monkey logic since it gives u no more reasons to make empty claims as u obviously do.

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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

The word justifies itself.The clowns are hiding and using the civilians as shields and the Government is telling the civilians to not let their neighborhoods be used and if so,leave the area so that the Government can freely deal with them with out restraining themselves.Simple as that!

You can’t separate civilian from the equation. The civilians are the ones who are fighting and resisting occupation.


“Dadkaa madaafiic lagu garaacayaa”


How is that different from what Siyad bare did to civilians?


Yey is digging his grave deeper by making statement like that.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

So you tell them to leave just to bomb their property, i see the monkey logic!

Actually,the good al Capitano would call that a (Skillet)Potato logic. LOL

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By all means,the government should execute its objectives with out any hesitation even over looking civilians and all that but out of good will they are doing the other wise and to u its a monkey logic

This government will never achieve its objectives, it is hated and living on borrowed time. The only reason it lasted so long was because it had a shred of 'recognized' credebility and outside help.


Dadweynaha madaafiic ayaa lagu ridayaa

That kind of a xawayan wants to run a country? Can't they even at least afford to give him PR lessons :rolleyes:

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That kind of a xawayan wants to run a country? Can't they even at least afford to give him PR lessons

In the jungles of east africa,they say, A leaopard never changes its spots .


No ammount of PR lessons,diplomatic seminars & what not will make a borne killer reasonable. Live by the Gun,die by the gun,oh well :(

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^I can assure you they never even heard the word PR let alone giving lessons on it. Yesterday, the so called President adviser was accusing a certain clan to be behind the anarchy that has engulfed Somalia for the last 16 yrs...That didn't go down well I tell yah.


How do you they want to rule the country if they can't win the hearts and mind of the ordinary Somalis?

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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

U prefer the drill to be like the war of the clan clown courts and the warlords and bomb the city thus over looking the civilians?Or maybe u forgot the civilian casualties then?By all means,the government should execute its objectives with out any hesitation even over looking civilians and all that but out of good will they are doing the other wise and to u its a monkey logic since it gives u no more reasons to make empty claims as u obviously do.

So it is ok to threaten them of being bombed unless they flee, and they die of malnutrition and cholera in the bush?


Waa you know sxb it is really sad that some of us want things to restart and want to turn the clock back to 1990s. I thought that we learned our lessons already. You still want the loss of Somali lives? It is shocking. You talk about government, which one? you mean the occupying Ethiopian one. From my point of view TFG was never a government and will never be.

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Abwaan,this is a military drill and this drill is for real,no one will be a sitting duck for the involved militias.Their using the civilians as a shield will make the TFG troops to not conduct its militray objectives as they ought to and thus,their telling the pple to leave the area makes sense.


Jaylaani,if what u are saying is true,then by all means,those involved should be cut off and totally annihilated with the least pity possible.Remember,those folks got to be tamed and willingly or unwillingly they got to be united.If they can't unite and live peacefully while alive,they will be made to unite and rest in peace by their getting buried in the same grave holes.It's really a simple stance.

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