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Gordon Gekko

TFG advances: Fagax, Ex kontrol, Jamhuriya, X Xisbiga, Istadio Muqdisho under control

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Ciidamada Dowladda Oo La Wareegay Fariisimo Horleh


Muqdisho( 21-April-2007




Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan madaxtooyada Somaliya ayaa waxa ey sheegayaan in ciidamada dowladda federalku ey la wareegeen goobo ka mid ah deegaanadi lasku hor fadhiyaya dhawaantan.


Goobahan ey dowladdu sheegtay in ey la wareegtay ayaa ka mid ah isgoysga Fagax, xaafadda Jamhuuriya iyo Ex Kontrol oo ey horay u joogi jireen kooxaha kasoo hor jeeda dowladda federalka.


Dagaalada ey kula wareegeen ciidamada dowladda goobahan ayaa wali waxa uu ka soconayaan xaafado ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana sida uu sheegay afhayeen u hadlay madaxtooyada ey ku socdaan in ey la wareegaan xaafadaha kale oo ey ka dagaalamayaan kooxahan kasoo horjeeda.


Goobahan lala wareegay ayaa timid kadib markii ey si toos ah ugu biireen ciidamada Itobia dagaalada ka socdama magaalada Muqdisho oo u dhexeeyay ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa kasoo horjeeda kaasoo iminka soconayaa maalintii sedexaad.


Dagaalada oo ah kuwo goos goos ah marna qaraaraanaya ayaa waxa ey geysteen qasooro isugu jira naf iyo maal, waxaana dadka rayinka ah ey badankood isaga qexeen goobahan lagu dagaalamayo.


Horay ayaa waxaa lagala wareegay kooxaha kasoo horjeeda dowladda goobo ey ka mid yihiin Xarunta Xisbiga, Istadio Muqdisho iyo wadooyin muhiin ah kuwaasoo oo ey odayaasha beelaha ****** codsadeen in dib loogu soo celiyo.

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Khasaaro naf iyo maal? Tolow meeqa ku dhimatay?


Wararka noocaani ah waa war aan sal iyo baar midna lahayn.


The somalieconomist, waxaan moodayey inaad sidaan dhaantid waa kusidee maandhow?

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Even with the firepower of 20,000 Ethiopian mercenaries, US funding and logistical support, the puppet regime is still reduced to celebrating the temporary control of a soccer stadium, a couple of intersections and a pasta factory in the northern part of a city. A grand total of 2 square miles. looool.


Diminished expectations? :D


Long live the resistance and the new Daraawiish.

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This is a war and at the end of the day it's all about who's winning what and where. The history of Somalia for the last decades has always been survival of the fittest and the civilian death toll has always been high so in this context, the actual value of civilian deaths is really just marginal. It's certainly sad to hear this but 16 years of carnage has depreciated the value Somalia and the somali man to rock-bottom levels. This is the only chance to raise it again and reconstruct Somalia to it's past glory. Extreme problems ask for extreme solutions


Now you might see me as a wretched, inhuman and straight forward dumb TFG supporter, but all I can tell you is that we can Agree to disagree.

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The economist, I agree that our history has been marked by killings, massacres, mayhem and what have you. But isn't time we look for alternative ways?


Marginal????????? Just when I was about to respond ...


I don't think shelling civilians would raise somalia or reconstruct. On the contrary, as much as I hate to say the TFG and their supporters have killed somalinimo. We are on the verge of tribalism ala grande.


If rebuilding or raising somalia means we have to throw shells, then we have a serious problem.


In my view there is only one way to salvage somalia; Abdillahi Yusuf and Geedi should leave somalia (surely there are hundreds out there who could bring peace). As long as they rule, many somalis would see them as responsible for death and destruction.


So, sxb put your efforts in advocating peace and discussing the problems faced by defensless children and women instead of copying and pasting articles from Der Stürmer!

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OK well let me ask what your solution to the Somalia case would be then? Let's say you have deported A/Y and Geedi, whats the next step in your game plan?

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The T.F.G advances you mean, Ethiopian army advances?They can capture as many stadiums, towns and cities as they like. But the Somali people will never surrender to the Ethiopia. The T.F.G is akin to the communist government of Afghanistan during the Soviet war. Perhaphs even similar to the Karzais, Malikis and Musharafs of today, who are willing to sell their own people, land and resources for their own personal and tribal gains.

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You go first, tell us why we should support,


1) a government that has shelled its own citizens

b) a government that has thrashed a popular movement that succeeded where warlordism, hatred and tribalism failed.

c) A government that ensured ethiopian tanks to the streets of Mogadishu.

d) A government that has been formed by warlords

e)A government that is interested in rewarding core tribal members

f) A government whose ministers are quoted calling for the massacres of people.

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^Someone asked you what is the alternative and not this list oo la isku kabkabay...


But if I try and answer your question, I say it's a legitimate Somali government which enjoys much populace support than any previous Somali government from all areas of Somalia notably Puntland, Baladwayne, Bay, Bakool, Gedo and the Jubba.. where are rise up from the areas?


It took two long years of reconcilition in which all Somali clans and groups took part in the process, too much energy and money spent on it, its the only hope that may restore and bring back normality.

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Why are you regurgitating simpleton for everyone?" It is a legitimate government, " It was chosen by all Somalia clans". The issue is that an illegal entity from Ethiopia is occupying Somalia and there groups who are resisting them. How or where the T.F.G was formed is really irrelevant. One should ask where is the Somali president today?

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As Emperor pointed out, I think you should focus on answering my first question and bringing forth your plan to the table instead of trying to seduce me to become anti-TFG with the compilation of a biased list.

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^Funny how the anti-TFG camp can't focues, perhaps they lack how to comprehend and reason as result became anti-TFG randomly.

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The T.F.G is dependant on the force of the occupying forces. Trying to hide this reality by using words such as, " Anti T.F.G" will not hide anything. People who where part and parcel of the T.F.G including parliamentarians oppose the T.F.G bringing foreign forces to Somalia.

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