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President Shariif Sheikh Ahmed's Ideal Cabinet

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Prime Minister: Prof. Cali Khalif Galyr


Foriegn Minster: Abdirisaq Haji Hussien


Education Minster: Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar


Interior Minster: Gen. Jama Mohamed Qaalib


Finance and Eco.Dev.: Abdiqasim Salat Xassen, hadii inuu wax cuno laga baqo AT&T :D:D (Fiscal and Monetary policies'ka kuma xumi)- Any Somali Economist


Dhaqanka iyo arimaha Bulshada: Abshir Bacadle


Arimaha Diinta: Xassen Dahir Aweys


Defence Minister: Mukhtaar Roobow Abu-Mansoor


Women affairs: Asli Xassen Cabdalle (ededay, by virtue of 4.5, this rules me out. Plus, I am yet to be a Somalian by nationality.


,,, ku darso.

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This list of yours is inline with the old school of thought... None of these men can change the status of today's Somalia...


Young, unknown and new faces, men of the age of Shariif or even younger, educated and who have stayed in Somalia at least 2/3 of the 2 decade civil war in Somalia can do it, and only such men will have the strength to deal with the wide range of Somali problem

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The first phase of this government is reconcillaition. That calls for odayaal. Delivering services can still be done by competent bureaucracy. The youth could do that.

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