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Eritrea:Colourfull Eid celebrations

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Eid Al-Fetir colorfully celebrated nationwide

By Staff

Oct 23, 2006, 17:38




Asmara, 23 October 2006 - Eid AL-Fetir was today celebrated across the nation in a colorful manner. The celebrations here in the capital took place at Bahti Meskerem Square. The faithful conducted prayer service headed by the Sheik Salim Ibrahim from the office of the Eritrean Mufti.


In a speech he delivered on the occasion, Sheik Salim outlined the message the religious event conveys, including extending timely support to needy fellow nationals. He further underlined the responsibility of citizens to support families of martyrs.





Subsequently, the Eritrean Mufti, Sheik Al-Amin Osman Al-Amin, outlined the historical development of the event and conveyed a religious message. As the nation observes Eid Al-Fetir, he cited the recent peace agreement concluded between Sudanese brothers following the relentless efforts exerted by the Eritrean government. Sheik Al-Amin Osman Al-Amin said that this development is a source of pride to all Eritreans, and wished that such a move for peace and reconciliation reign all over the Horn of Africa.


Sheik Al-Amin wished success to those safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty as well as participants of the Warsay Yikaalo Development Campaign. In addition, he conveyed a message of peace and prosperity to the country.




Ministers, other Government and Front officials, diplomats and invited guests, as well as tens of thousands of the faithful attended the celebrations


Meanwhile, Eid Al-Fetir was celebrated in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia through the joint cooperation of the Eritrean Ministry of Information and the Eritrean Consulate General in the city. The event was broadcast on TV worldwide via satellite.


Speaking on the occasion, the Eritrean Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Mr. Mahmoud Ali Hiruy, wished all the Eritrean people Happy Eid Al-Fetir. Expressing congratulations on behalf of the Eritrean Embassy and nationals residing in Saudi Arabia, in connection with the recently signed Sudanese peace agreement, the Ambassador said that this development is a victory not only to Eritrea and Sudan but also to the Horn region and the entire continent.

Similarly, the branch Chairman of the National Holidays Coordinating Committee, Mr. Saleh Mahmoud Sabe, said that the celebration in the Saudi city symbolizes the unity of the Eritrean people.





The participation of popular artistes from the Homeland added color to the event that was attended by Ambassadors, members of the Eritrean Community from Jeddah and its environs, as well as invited guests and friends of Eritrea.

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