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Red Soxs are the World Champions

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Congratulations to the Red Soxs, it has been eighty-six years,and now they are the World Series Champions, so congrats to the Red Soxs and their Fans................Lol


Manny is ur MVP: :D


Go figure

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Red Sox has wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

And the curse has been lifted........

Thanks Wiilo :D


I can die happy ;) just kidding

What a year now am just waiting for Kerry to win

And ust dreaming..........

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Qac Qaac   

rokko, good question?.. although game of baseball is only played in america and some caribean countries...... since U.S. is involved and they dominate the world.. they figured they are the world.. and called it the world series..

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ahh bunch of arrogant *******s the yanks are man

i mean who else would call their Domestic sport the "world championship" :rolleyes:

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That is a good question, "World Series" i gues the only world they know is thier country, and the only thing we can say is that they are arrogant ppl.


Hasna walaal, iam not going to be supprised if they elect Bush again, 'cause American ppl are bunch of arrogant ppl. Bush is also an arrogant man, and they want his arrogant *** in the white House, i can assure u they will reelect him come Nove 2......we will see.....Lol :D:D


By the way guys, of course for those of u live in the U.S, that is, do u guys sick and tired of these ****** commercials, or political Ads, where the canidates say Iam somethin and something (u know where they say their names) then say I approve this massage, to be honest Iam sick and tired of those Ads :mad: and i cann't waite until all the election ends..........It is just how I feel about those commercials........Lol :mad: :mad:



Go figure

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What's with all these politics bash in the Sports section. leave our Dubya alone guys..


As with the Political Ads, someguy at work sent long business email and added at the end " I'm @#$##, and I approve this message"..oh by did he got in trouble. for watching too much TV>>LOL

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^^^ Lol Mobb. Mind you, its said that is the longest message for a presidential campaign, was it? "and I approve this message" - Lol so who was I watching for the last 4 minutes? A ghost speaking on your behalf?


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Congrats to Red Sox fans smile.gif .. 'the world champions'

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ROKKO..its called the world series because apparently the only countries that play this sport are the Caribbeans, Latin American, and North America(U.S.A. and Canada) icon_razz.gif Unfortunately this is OUR CRICKET SERIES :D Besides there are many players that are recruited from Europe, Japan, China, Caribbean, Latin America, etc..but in their NATIVE countries BASEBALL is a rare "MYSTERY" sport-Kapish!


And Hail to RED SOX..SMOKE them yankees and CARDINALS -very IMPRESSIVE..I celebrated by making some HILIB KALAANKAL last night ;):D


QACQAC stop generalizing all AMERICANS INTO ONE EGOMANIACS-do you know what we call you guyz :eek: I wont even mention ;) (Oh! Iam so sick of how some naturalized Canadians think that they are ON TOP OF THE WORLD :rolleyes: :rolleyes: eat me!)-Excuse me now! no need for Canadians to bash me..iam not an AMERICAN; only GEO-AMERICAN-OK. So cut us some slack wuchya!

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Qac Qaac   

U can't even say i am american, is that how bad it is. u have to add something geo american lool good one..


adduunka waalaga nacay raggaas looooool. as for canada.. what can i say, we didn't go to war.. against Iraq...

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