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Puntland President says jobs will not be given to those that eat khat.

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Yaasiin Cartan Mahamed
oo ah Wasiir ku xigeenka maaliyada Puntland Ayaa u sheegay Dadka deegaanka In looga baahan yahay in ay la yimaadaan fir fircooni kana faa'iideystaan Macdan baarista si loo helo Dad Aqoon u leh Arimahani.


Madaxweyne Cadde Musse
Oo isna ka hadlay halkaasi ayaa sheegay In Macadan Iyo Shidaal laga helo Puntland oo la soo saaro loo soo Maray Marxalado badan oo lagu guuleystay In Markii dame la hirgaliyo in kasta oo Madaxweynuhu sheegay in degaanka ufayn oo kaliya aan laga fulinayn Macdan Baarista Oo kaliya balse ay jiraan deegaano kale oo gaaraya 11 Meelood oo kale oo laga baarayo macdanta oo dhawaan la fulinayo howshooda.


Madaxweynaha Puntland waxa uu ku booriyay Ciidanka in ay ilaaliyaan amaanka Oo la helo jawi lagu shaqayn karo oo Puntlandna ay ku gaadho hamigeeda ah in la soo saaro khayraadka Puntland


Adeer give it up

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^^^lool. Adeer you are desperate, the report from Faroole Co or Radiogarowe does not add to the realities on the ground.



Dont come here with the secessionist double talk adeer, the Oil & Gas project is moving forward.

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How about THIS one ??



Now i didn't expect you tell me about your differences and frictions ..... Bugland miyay sarrifantay ??


didn't you watch the Universal Tv ??

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Lool, again adeer you are contradicting yourself, one minuet you are saying the President said he is "against the oil" and next you are saying, "he is upset at those against it".

Desperate times for Mr Secessionist.


Again the project has begun, the company is in the ground and what you are presenting is the tales old ladies tell on Somali clan sites.

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I'm now realizing you're totally confused. Your leader is saying WAA LA JOOJIYAY ,, and you wanna tell me way socotaa and presenting old photo of when he visited the site and realized ppl are against it ??? ,,,

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General Duke, People that use Afnugaal as a source are hilarious. Like afnugaal got an interview with President Cade muse that is not recorded on audio? So what the reporter had a note pad and was jotting down everything. It's always the sites that show so few pics and never many interviews. But with us we'll produce pictures of the majority of issues we present, or audio. Whether it be President Abdullahi Yusuf visiting the President of France or the camp that is being built for oil exploration. And they give us Afnugaal and post an article that the US is opening a diplomatic office in northwest Somalia...that tells you where their mind is.

I'm proud that Puntlanders never stoop to these levels and post nonsense articles, whether it is here or other websites. I don’t understand what they are so scared of!


Also Duke, do you notice a lot of websites that use to speak against the exploration and the Puntland admin and how Maakhir is a new state. Sites like and others are the ones now that have the best pictures of the camp and are giving the most coverage to the oil exploration project (by showing President Cade Muse touring it)? This is an ambitious project that is gaining more and more supporters. Hopefully it will influence many more to put their guns down and difference a side and build their country.

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S-Pride adeer they are trully rattled, the Afnugaal fake inteview and the desperate Faroole groups have realised this is it.


I have from the beggining undertsood that Puntland oil & gas project was the right course. How else can we get foreign direct investment, what do we offer?


As for the secessionist lads and their Al Kebaab cohorts, they wanted some bombings, never came, then they claim the people are against this.

Which people where?



here is the top Issim of the area

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