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Puntland President says jobs will not be given to those that eat khat.

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But Adeer Duke, ogoow laakin, anigu waan qiyaasey, waxaana ogaadey haddii kheyraadka wadanka lala qeebsan waayo shacabka(by not giving them jobs, hospitals, schools etc), wax free ah ma jiraan, haddii taasi dhacdo oo ummaadii gacanta laga laabto, ogoow in mucaarad badan soo if-baxayo oo doonayo iney dhan kasta ka galaan sidey ku curyaamin lahaayeen kheyraadka ka soo burqamaya badda iyo barrigaba!


Intaas ma igu raacdey smile.gif

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Adeer this project is to bring needed investement into the country. Look through our posts have any of us [supporters] said this does not belong to Somaliweyn?


If I belived this would be good for a sub-clan or an individual I would be against it.


This is great news for Puntland & Somalia, those who are against it are the same ****** who want to liberate us from Asmara.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

This is great news for Puntland & Somalia, those who are against it are the same ****** who want to liberate us from Asmara.

Oh and the Secessionist's, we will like to be included in that.

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^^Lool. They want to keep it hush hush, man! smile.gif



Cadde Muuse"In badan baan iska hadlaye marakan waa iga dhab".


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^^Looool You gotta give it to him for coming clean though, sow maha? :D


I am starting to like the old geezer. His statements are humourous lol.

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^^ When all around him were denying the presence of Ethiopian soldiers in Puntland, he came out and openly admitted it. One thing you can't accuse this man with is lying. Still, to be this honest all the time must be a great liability. I bet his advisors cringe every time he's about to give a statement. :D

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^Lol. I know. You know, those around him don't like the fact that the man is 'Xamari', as opposed to a cunning reer Mudug or reer Bari. That's why they think he's a liability but on a positive note, it means that they can manipulate him when necessary.


You are right, he's honest at most times. He sees no need for a politics of question evasion lol.

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True ,, he doesn't hide anything. A freind of mine in Dubai/Abudhabi was telling me the old man was coming to the teashops where somalis gather and openly saying: 3 million baa la iga dhacay, maxkamadaan ka ashkateeyay ,, :D


Another one i like was Muse Suudi Yalaxow ,,,, he is in the same category ,, :D

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lool. Cade Muse has proven to be a master of intrigue, the oil exploration is ongoing the foreigners did not come to Puntland to get a sun tan.


As for those who think, reer Mudug & Reer Bari wont get the oil, they are day dreaming. the same groups who think IndaCade oops Gen IndaCade will libreate his former clan fiefdom.



again this aint Hattuf :D

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wixii kalena waan joojinay, shidaal iyo macdan la baarayana ma jiraan,Wax macdan ah oo aan baareyno ma jirto,

You have to believe your leader,, i mean ,, ehem ,, your clan leader now ,,,

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