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Puntland President says jobs will not be given to those that eat khat.

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Madaxweynaha Puntland oo sheegay in aan Shaqo lasiin doonin Dadka Qaadka cuna



Ufeyn(HR Media):- Madaxweynaha Dowlad Gobaleedka Puntland Gen.Maxamuud Musse Xirsi (Cadde Musse) oo maanta booqday goobta laga wado Baaritaanka Batroolka Puntland ee dooxada Dharoor ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dadka shaqada lasiin doono aysan ahaan doonin dad jaadka cuna, asagoo sheegay in qofkii qaad cuna uusan helin doonin wax shaqo ah.



Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa hadalkan ka jeediyey xili uu la kulmayay Mas’uuliyiinta wada hawlaha Baarista Bartoolka iyo waliba odayaasha iyo maamulka degmada Ufayn oo uu maanta booqday Madaxweyne Cadde Musse.


Madaxweynaha ayaa halkaasi warbixin uga dhageystay mas’uuliyiinta shirkada baareysa batroolka ee IMC kuwaasi oo halkaasi si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyey Madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa. Madaxweynaha ayaa sidoo kale halkaasi uga dhageystay warbixin maamulka degmada Ufayn iyo gobalka oo uu kala hadlay habka dadka laga shaqaaleyn doono hawlaha socda. Waxaana kulankaasi sidoo kale ku sugnaa odayaasha iyo nabadoonada degmada.


Madaxweyne Cadde Musse ayaa yiri ma jirto wax shaqo ah oo la siinayo dadka qeyila waxaa shaqada heli doona nin nadiif ah oo shaqo diyaar u ah, taasina waxaan u sheegayaa odayaasha iyo maamulka ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha oo ku nuux nuuxsaday in hawlahan yihiin kuwo la rabo in ay shacabka ka faa’iideystaan.


Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ugu baaqay shacabka Puntland in ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii amniga loo dhawri lahaa loona shaqeyn lahaa dowlada. Wuxuuna Madaxweynaha Sheegay in Dowladiisu ay hada usoo jeesatay sidii amniga Puntland loo adkeyn lahaa asagoo sheegay in awoodooda oo dhan saari doonaan dhinacaas balse aysan laga maar maan ahayn wada shaqeynta shacabka iyo dowlada.


Madaxweynaha ayaa ka digay dadka falalka amni xumada ka wada Puntland, asagoo sheegay in Puntland ay soo dhaweenayso qof walba oo Soomaali ah, balse kii amni xuma ulla yimaada ay marsiin doonaan wuxuu muteystay. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan dad aan raali ka ahayn mashruucyada horumarineed ee ka socda Puntland.


Waa markii ugu horeysay oo uu Madaxweynaha Puntland booqdo xarunta baarista shidaalka ee deegaanka Labarugleyn ee dooxada Dharoor oo ay hada ka socdaan hawlaha baarista shidaalka, Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sidoo kale maanta Booqday Maxjarka Xoolaha ee Boosaaso iyo Xabsiga Dhexe ee magaalada Bosaaso.

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This is a very wise decision. I personally saw the effects the drug had on people. Every month their salary would go to pay off the khat debt that they owed. A large portion of the population is addicted to it and are only complaining about not being paid because all their money goes to there addiction, which results in them not having any money left over for their families.

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Originally posted by somalipride:

This is a very wise decision
. I personally saw the effects the drug had on people.
Every month their salary would go to pay off the khat debt that they owed.
A large portion of the population is addicted to it and are only complaining about not being paid because all their money goes to there addiction, which results in them not having any money left over for their families.

Wise? did I hear you right? Where do you suppose these people will go for qaad money if you deny them jobs?

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The so called president himeself eats Khat, and every madax ku sheeg or minister does chew the grass.



Masaakiinta yaan loo caga jugleyn, waa haddii wax ka soo baxayaan oilka!

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Abdullahi Yusuf and Cade Muse both speak against eating khat. Old military men like them don't eat khat. Their generation never had it, in their time it was something only the northwest did. I agree a large pecentage of the government eat it and thats wrong. But the problem with the population is that all their money is going to the drug and not their families.

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:D @ nuune .


Lacagta la siiyo qat buu ku soo iibsana, lagu yeh! Bal maxaa ka galay qaat iyo qamri waxay ku cunaanba. Ma ayagay baryeen, mise dad bay soo dhaceen?


Remind me, if this guy Somalishame runs for office..not to vote for him.


Edit: expecting these people to quit their dear chewing habit overnight is like expecting hair to grow on your palm. If the old military men care so much about the families of the khat-chewers why not build qat rehab facilities? instead of the nazi's way of doing things..QUIT it or no JOB. Wax saas isku daaweeeyo adduunka lama maaqal.. :D .

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Wow, when the courts were doing it. Everyone was like this is so amazing and praising them. Even though it hurt those mothers who were forced to sell it. Now the Puntland leader does it and their attacking him for it. The hypocracy!!! The drug is bad for society and he's going after those using it. It's a wise move and you know it, but this is proof some people will never agree with a leader from another reer.


Nephthys - when you grow up, i'll discuss political issues with u.

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ahaha, go ahead milk that qabiil line.


Anyways, I thought the thread was focused on Puntland Denying Jobs to Qaat-chewers and not on insulting a fellow poster. smile.gif Do try to use logic and intelligence when you post in the future please.

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^^ Can you not see the difference in the way both sides did it, saaxib? The courts were not denying people jobs. They BANNED the darn thing. Cade is putting the responsibility on the people by denying them jobs when his job as president and the head of the government is to issue laws that HELP society not hinder it.


It's a cop out.

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NGONGE - I believe the Courts and Puntlands intentions are good. They both dont like the drug. Did you see the protests when the courts did it, and the uproar? They didn't even have jobs in place for the people they made unemployed. I think the way the Puntland president is doing it is wiser, he is simply saying, if you want employment give it up. Look, you can't agree with what the courts did and then be against what Puntland is doing!

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^^ I don't agree with either. And, though I see your point, I still think it's a cop out on the part of Mr Cade.

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