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Axmed Diiriye: Al Shabaab are Thugs

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Somalia: 'Al Shabaab are Thugs,' Says [Clan Name Edited] Council Spokesman


Garowe Online (Garowe)

6 April 2008

Posted to the web 7 April 2008


A controversial clan elder in south Somalia has referred to the country's al Shabaab insurgent group as "thugs" who wrongfully attacked a small town and looted property.


Ahmed Dirie, an outspoken critic of Ethiopian troops in Somalia, told a Mogadishu-based radio station Sunday that the al Shabaab insurgents' deadly attack on the town of 'Adado on April 3 was "aimed at hurting a [single] clan."


"There were no government troops in 'Adado but the men who were attacked at the checkpoint [outside ' Adado] were placed there by the clan elders," said Mr. Dirie, who is spokesman for the self-appointed [Clan Name Edited] Tradition and Unity Council.


He called on al Shabaab militants to return looted properties, including military trucks, and to offer blood compensation for the battle's dead victims.


At least 20 people, including 15 government soldiers, were killed in last week's al Shabaab raid on a checkpoint outside the town of 'Adado, in Galgadud region.


Col. Dahir Shidane, a military commander in the central regions, had previously stated that the men manning the 'Adado checkpoint were government troops under his command.


But Mr. Dirie's claim is a stark contradiction to Col. Shidane's public statements that government soldiers - and not clan militias - were killed in the attack.


Insiders said Mr. Dirie, who hails from Galgadud region, was disconcerted by the brazen al Shabaab attack on a town nominally seen as an insurgent stronghold.


According to Mr. Dirie, clan militias belonging to a single [Clan Name Edited] sub-clan were targeted in the al Shabaab attack on 'Adado, a town dominated by this sub-clan community to which Mr. Dirie himself belongs.


But his anti-al Shabaab rant is dissimilar to comments associated with Mohamed Hassan Haad, chairman of the [Clan Name Edited] Council.


On Friday, Mr. Haad said that he "supports" ongoing insurgent attacks in parts of southern and central Somalia, which he said are aimed at "liberating" the country from Ethiopian troops.


It is not clear whether or not there are fresh divisions among the [Clan Name Edited] Council elders that is reminiscent of divisions in 2007 that divided the Council into two separate wings.




Due to site rules, I've edited out clan names. Go to the source URL for more info.

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Afhayeenka Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha ****** Axmed Diiriye ayaa raali gelin ka bixiyay hadalkii ku saabsanaa in ururka ay shabaab ay weerareen beesha xaaji ****** isagoo ka waramayay dagaalkii dhawaan ka dhacay duleedka Cadaado,


Axmed diiriye waxa uu sheegay in qaar ka mid ah xubnaha Golahasi ay kula taliyeen in uu raali gelin ka bixiyo hadalkaa ,isagoo cadeeyay in uu garwaaqsaday in uu raali gelin ka bixiyo,mar la weeydiiyay Axmed diiriye sababta uu uga hadli waayay dagaalada ka dhacay Jowhar iyo Buulo Barde ee uu uga hadlay kan Cadaado



Raagadii !!! the man lost it blood is thicker then Water he forget about the alliance lololol......




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Somalia Hanolato....Warjiraaba banaanka usoo bixi: Maxaakim inta qabsatay, ethopian inta tagay, oday heebl saan dhahay....war daadkaan somalida maxaa u wadan ah una mustaqbal ah..

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^ You can have your say here but it matters not in our affairs as Somalis, we'll do as we do, your opinions will be just that and nothing more, 'we' have a voice you do not[ :D ]. Stand back and watch us go... icon_razz.gif .


Jumcaale, yaa la dilay :confused: ?

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Axmed Diirye is a toothless no-name. As long as the Resistance were attacking the TFG/Tigray alliance, he was happy. The minute they attacked and cleansed the moooriiyaan of his Tol town, he flipped the script and started cabaad'ing.


He seemingly forgot that the Resistance does not drink from that putrid well of qabyaalad that he and his cohorts do. This attack on Cadaado is a testament to the impartiality and judiciousness of the Resistance, and a slap in the face of those who would cast doubt on it's makeup and motivations. They are Somali Muslims. End. of. Story. Any Dhabo-dhilif, any Mooriiyaan, and any troublesome Tol leader is fair game.


As for Diriye, he's your typical spineless clan 'elder'. No principles, no values, no vision, not even remotely qualified to be a leader of any sort.


Adeer, you're an embarrassment. Retire your behind.


The sons of Somalia are handling business as only they can do.

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This elder is no brainer, another Xaaraan kunaax the master minder of the looters inc... Nonesese parking that lack wisdom and vision has always been his culture... Many of SOLers have pointed out that long ago, its time to face him for what he is, progress, many have now...


I can assume that his reiteration and apology has to do with a witheld phone call, a no number call as it is refered in Somalia, otherwise the death and beheading is inevitable. Scared!

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