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Your hope for Somalia - do share

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A Somalia free from warlords


A Somalia free from occupation


A Somalia free from outside influences


A Shariica inclined Somalia


A justice maintaining Somalia


do add,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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A Somalia united from Zaylac to Ras Kamboni


A Somalia run on Islamic Law, were clan does not figure and the rights of the weak is protected as is the case with the beloved faith


A Somalia that has no concept of 'untouchables" or "Minorities" were everyone is equal regardless of clan


A Somalia that restores the blue flag in every city, village and town notably in the North West


A Somalia Federal with Mogadishu as its capital


A Somalia were all looted property and land is returned to their rightful owners


A Somalia free from Arab/Ethiopian and European influance


A Somalia at peace with all its neighbours and itself


A Somalia that welcomes and gives citizenship to every Somali regardless of Birth place


A Somalia were every citizen is empowered and the land nourished,


A just Somalia were the blood of the innocent is sacred


What a wonderful place that would be

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A Somalia with peace and stability

A Somalia neighboring Somaliland, Ethiopia and Kenya

A Somalia without killings, bombings and kidnappings

A Somalia with an elected government

A Somalia without Ethiopia

A Somalia without Eriteria

A Somalia without Egypt

A Somalia without a military general on the top

A Somalia with a politician leading

A Somalia with a growing economy

A Somalia without those murderers

A Somalia with Barwaaqo

A Somalia with its beautiful landscape and decorated buildings




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