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Sh. Sharif at his best--many thanks to BBC

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Sheekh Shariif:


Maalin walba xaaladdu meel bey joogtaa, meesha ay joogto taladeeda in la qaato ayaana la rabaa, Soomaaliya 18 sano ayey dhibaato ka jirtay maalin kastana way sii kordheysaa, runtii dhibka ugu badan wuxuu dhacay sannad iyo barkii la soo dhaafay, xaqiiqadu dadka Soomaaliyeed arrintaa iyada ah inaanu xal ku imaaneyn waa ogaayeen oo dhibaatada ay sii kordhineyso, dhib fara badan aya dhacay naf iyo maal fara badan ayaa la waayeywaxa loo dagaalamaayey waa xaq, dad la qabsaday oo dhib loo geystay oo wixii karaankooda ah isku difaaca ayaan ahayn, difaacu ma ahan kaliya xabbad in la rido, xabbadu waxey u baahan tahay siyaasad in lagu hoggaamiyo, taariikhda Soomaalida marka loo laabtana meesha Soomaaliya ay ka hallaabi jirtay xabbada ma aheyn ee siyaasadda ayey aheyd, adduunka aan ku noolnahay kaligeen kuma noolin awood aan ku maquunino ma lihin, in aan ka fikirno habka danaheena aan u meelmarin karno waa waajib anaga na saaran, sidaas darteed ayaan go;aansanay markii aan tashanay in wadahadal la galo xalna lagu raadiyo waa suurtagal in xal lagu helay oo sidii la rabay ah waa suuragal xalkii la sugayey mid aan aheyn in lagu helo, laakiin anaga waxaa na saarna inaan dadaalno, mar haddii dhibaato jirtana haddiiba xal muuqdo in xalkaas la dadajiiyo waa minal xikma, waayo waxa lagu jiro wax fiirsasho leh ma ahan, adaa lagaa rabaa inaad sharaxdid waxa aad qaadan kartid iyo waxa aadan aqbali karin.



A & T, haddaadan xanuunsayn si fiican u dheeho waxaa Sh. Shariif leeyahay oo bal cillad u yeel.

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^^ Come on now, Xiin. He put it much better than that:


All in all, I believe that if you re-read your argument, that you, yourself, will see that you really have no case against those of us who question the sincerity of the designers of this deal (not mind you, the good Sheikh in doing so, in the first place). Other than saying, you're from Somaliland, and therefore, in ever so subtle way on your part, you seamed to be suggesting what dear old Mr. Ducaysane, had the brass neck to say to us. Namely we in – Somaliland - are heart-stricken about the notion of seeing peace coming to Somalia any time soon.



There is nothing for me to add here really, nothing that I have not said earlier. I fully understand and appreciate both positions without resorting to accusations of one group being clandestine TFG supporters or others being Somlilanders that don't wish Somalia to have peace. You can accuse others of hiding their true feelings in here but it would be quite a leap to accuse someone that coined the phrase 'defeated lot'. :D


If he thought it was in Somaliland's interest, he would have been saying it aloud without caring what you think of him. So, we may as well drop that redundant accusation.


As for the deal, it looks iffy but since the deadline is only 120 days I see no reason why the resistance can't hold their fire for those 120 days. I bet you that even Xiin in his highest moments of optimistic delirium still has doubts about the validity or success of such a deal.


Other than that, there is really nothing much to add to his argument.

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^^^ Maya, I will never say that Xinn. You are a beloved friend. Laakiin, I fail to understand the grounds for your 'pacifist' and optimistic outlook of events in Somalia. Things seem so clear, yet like an old crocordile that become immovable out of age, you are so unchanging. Dibi socod caadi ah baad tahay! And I don't think it is because of poor analysis of the situation.


Oodweyne xaafada uu rabo inuu ooto uu Raisal Wasaare ka noqdo waxba kama soconayaan! It is all about elite ego. The average women in the village of Xaaji-Saalax or Muqaayadda inannta doesn't give twoo hoots about scessation.

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^^Stop the sophistry, waryaa and address good Sheikh’s reasoning I quoted above.


NG, yours is respectable position adeer---and I am not trying to flatter you, really!

My argument is very simple. The deal Sh.Sharif reached is a much better alternative than the continuation of violence and innocent suffering that goes on uninterrupted. It has milestones and achievable objectives. All I asked critics of this deal including your guru is to articulate a better and realistic alternative than the good Sh. Sharif committed to himself. Thus far I have heard no such alternative. Castro was the only genuine heckler who at least tried to come up some. But his alternatives, as I am sure he latter realized, were so ideal and perfect that they amounted improbable given the global context of Somali politics.


One more thing before I retire from these boards. I do not enjoy labeling nomads. Doing so is not the trademark of my arguments. Some separatist brothers including your guru, however, are so extreme in their views and so clannish in their political outlook that their apparent political disorder is so tempting to shoot, and I plead guilty that I at times give it a try. That it works so perfectly is not my fault adeer.

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The good sheikh talks baloney. Nothing different than the talk of all those who tried to rationalise inaction at a time action was badly needed. Siyaasad baa lagu hogaamiyaa dagaal buu ku leeyahay. Who doesn't realise that? and was this lost to him when he led thousands of youth to the battle field, wagging AK-47 in the comfort of 'fadhi carbeed'??????


Waryaa ha i danbaajin adeer, Tusbaxayga aan iskaga wardiyee!!

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

The deal Sh.Sharif reached is a much better alternative than the continuation of violence and innocent suffering that goes on uninterrupted.

What has it achieved so far? This is just a grand statement! just a statement! Facts show an escalation of the violence. So at least that objective is out of the window. Ironically, it was the only objective that underpinned the argument for 'signing papers', and all other sub-ojectives brached off it. Which by way of deduction makes the whole exercise futile.


As to you getting convinced, "IT IS DIFFICULT TO WAKE HE WHO PRETENDS TO BE ASLEEP UP" goes the Amxaaro saying.

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^^Soo dhacyeey...allow anya madiino na faki. Hadduu intaa nagu daayo sow ma fiicnaateen. Hadhow buu haddana soo noqon illeen waxbaa intaa hoosta ka cunayyee!


A & T, please delete or rewrite your last two posts. I refuse to believe that you are such an empty loom, and that is the perception your these partiucalar posts give.

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^Xinn, Empty or full, I stand by what I posted here. Adiganna kolka Shariifka la taabto ayaad sidii wadaad saar qabba dhacdaa!

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^^As I told you before, I perfectly understood your argument. You verbalize a lot of nonsense adeer. It contians more grammar than thruth. I said. Now I asked you to come up just one alternative of resolving a 17-year Somali conflict that shows no signes to subside. As I expected you went off on a tangent. And calling you back would be a sure waste.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne


Dear Che


[********* ********* ****** ***** ****

Is that is,
dear lad
? [/QB]

LSK...Take note please!!



Oodweyne...You are nothing more than a sum of your deluded imiganation!


[ June 24, 2008, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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