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Sh. Sharif at his best--many thanks to BBC

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hada la is helay! :D



Odwyene, your first post made a lot of sense. But your second post sounded much like a clannish conspiracy theory camouflaged in well written rhetorical language!

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

And therefore, as a consequence of that, should have stuck with his old vocation of
“Quranic teaching”
to the
Somali boys
that can be found in his district of
Northern Mogadishu
in the first place.

Though the whole text is utterly rubbish, senseless and lacks the basic concept of analysis your last para sums up your whole analogy as one that is off-mark, based on unjustified reason and has a slight inkling of animosity based on rather envy I presume.

First there many good Sheikhs teaching Quran in North Mogadishu - this particular 'good' Sheikh sxb Oodweyne is trying and has the capability to stir this nation back in harmony.

And just to be like you let me add - this 'good' Sheikh will reach great heights unattained before by those whom you have entrusted your loyalty with.

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Oodweyne :D, waa raggeedii albeit in tragic sort of way. The man is still mourning for proverbial Bukur's death...


Adeer,since most people here agree that your latter write up ate whatever nuggets of wisdom your first post contained, let me ask you one simple queston: how do you suggest somali conflict be resolved if not through compromise (and that is what Jabbuuti agreement begun to do)?

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Xiin awoowe you probably know this but I will say it anyway for other readers' benefit. Oodweyne is a partisan clannish animal. He is not rooting for Sharia governance. He does not want to see strong, stable, just, all-inclusive, and united Somali state be reconstituted ever again. Yet he is rooting for Col. Aways wing of Asmara Alliance -- a self declared Islamist and nationalist.


He wants to have a friendly relations -- neighborly sort - with Ethiopia. He is for rounding up, incarcerating, and ultimately trucking those who fight for faith, freedom, and family to Alambakho! ONLF fighters, unlike insurgents in Benadir, are engaged in a do-or-die kind of struggle. Yet Oodweyne explains that one away and pours his heart out for Col. Aways' refusal to hold the UN and other observors on account in expediating Ethiopia's departure and bringing this costly (both blood and treasure) conflict to closure.


He is no different than Sean Hannity or Rush Limbough, the party animals doing their best in explaining away all that is wrong in their advocacy for the hopeless policies of the Neocons.


Sh. Shariif and his counterparts in TFG need to be commended for job well done. UN is now on the hot seat. We expect them to deliver the goods. I for one have a hunch that won't be the case. Somalis are ready to put this conflict to bed. UN and powers pretend that they will help us do that. We have Memorandum of Understanding ready for the ink. We are weak, we need help, and we depend on the generousity of UN and other entities. If they fail us, let it be known that we are being sandbagged.

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^^Baashi awoowe I must remind you that you owe us the story of Oodweyne Township camel boy who carried the sub clannish tookh he was brought up with all the way to London… :D


One more thing Baashe, if this agreement fails it wont be because of Aweys. Rather it will be because of the UN. Despite his public pronouncements the good Sheikh is not far from we are today. You must conceder the circumstances he finds him self in and the political environment that surround him. Al-shabaab will try everything in their disposal to abort this initiative though, and that is no longer unknown matter, but fortunately they are not the only fighters on the ground. If the other parts hold their end of this bargain, I believe Sharif will find receptive ears in the dacwaha leaders. Sh. Ali of Burco , and elder and respected leaders of Somali sahwah, and Sh. Aweys former boss if you didn’t know him, had been trying to bridge the gap between Islamic oriented folks in the Alliance. As Sharif continues to do his reach out …things could be much easier than most people think.


What worry me are the UN and alshabaab youths, and not Sh. Aweys.

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Question for Xiin, and the peacenik crowd :


Say per the provisions of the deal, that the Ethiopians leave within 120 days, every single last one of them, UN-ka aa la keenay, aight ? Shaykh Sharif waxaa laga dhigay Prime Minister, picking a cabinet of his own choosing(seriously). The only catch is that he has to work in conjuction with his His Excellency, Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen, Burhaan-al-Zamaan, Defender of the Islam, Protector of Somali-dom, His Grace, Worship, and Honour: Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed, who will remain President(until such time the Tol-ka have to buy him a new Bangladeshi liver) So far so good ? Good.


Only problem to overcast this deliriously rosy projection are these guys:




You see, being men of foresight, conviction, and understanding, they are not too fond of Buul-shiid, Is-Qancis, Waxa-la-Yiri, Sidaan-baa-ka-wadnay, Sidaan-ay-nala-ahayd. And so they choose to fight any foreign force what dares to pollute Somali soil with it's presence, and(key point here) whoever stands with them.


Spelled out in far waa wayn: They would commence to attack the UN troops and the newly-formed 'unity' government. As fiercely and ruthlessly as they had attacked the Ethiopians. No.Holds. Barred. Stand up with the occupying gaalo forces, and Wa Rabul Kacba, you will fall down with them.


What will be your position then ? Will you urge Shaykh Sharif and the UN to crush these 'Khawaarij' ? Will you issue empty grandiose statements like: "Gentleman, at this hour of history, The Somali Republic expects every man to do his duty. For the sake of The Somali Republic, this Khawarijite threat must needs be destroyed before it can threaten our unity. Somalinimo reigns ! Qaranimo rules ! Huzzah ! Huzzah ! Huzzah!"


I wonder what spectacular displays of Is-Qancis will we witness to rationalize standing with the Blue Helmet army, beholden as it is to the powers-that-be, and fighting against the men who with their blood, and with their sweat, salvaged and upheld Somali Honour, when it was thought to be lost forever.


The position of the Resistance is crystal-clear: Expell the Ethiopians, Dismantle the TFG, End the suffering of the Somali people, Provide them with the safety and security guaranteed by Shariah law. If diplomatic initiatives can further that goal, then ahlan wa marxaban. If not, we fight


Question-ka marka: Do you envision any scenario where it would be justified to use the UN troops(be they carab or cajam) against the Muqawama and it's young buckin' steady gunnin' throughbreds ? If there is such a scenario, why not outperform Riyaale as a Man-Harlot and invite the Americans in to help against the peace-spoilers and anarchists ?



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^^ :D:D . Still support the Iraq war ?

ONLF fighters, unlike insurgents in Benadir, are engaged in a do-or-die kind of struggle

Braathar, I sink zat ze ONLF shood come to the dirrin gogol. Zey shood dialouge and ispeek to His Excellency Zenawi. Why always fight, fight, fight, fight, fight ? It no good. Fight no good. Zey fight for more than 200 years, what zey gain ? Samsing fery wise I learn today in za college: Make love, not war.(I also learn how to



What iz mean "make love, not war". Iz mean, iz better to have fun-time, sexy-time,

, and all ends of merriment, than fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting. What big broblem if ONLF put down their pistols and join their Habesha braathers ?


lol@unlike insurgents in Benadir. Waraa, Send me ur resume, shaqo aa kaaga soo qal-qaalinaa the local Fox-News. They're taking interns for the summer. :D

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^^ I never did. But I support the Iraqi government now.


Anyway, I'd support the resistance if I saw any clear plan to go with their fighting. All your boys do is react to events rather than dictate them. They follow the simplest 'es qanci' strategy of the lot. Their motto seems to be, let us keep on shooting and when the dust finally settles we'll be the last ones standing. If not, we shall shoot some more.

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^^^^ Adigu let the man keep Xiin and his cabal clique in line. The sounds of all the Kumbaya they're singing around here is suffocating.


The Ethiopians need to go and they must take that wretched geriatric with them.

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^And Ethiopians are on their way out. Lets see who blocks their exit!


As the cry-baby aka Kelligii Muslim here you are, tearing your heart out in order to convince the rest that you are better Muslim than most of us! And how do you show that! You advocate for Muslim-on-Muslim blood path



You are busted baby boy. Sorry awoowe the caravan has moved on. The leadership are trying to find a way to mend broken hearts and end the animosity between brotherly folks gaalku qoryaha isugu dhiibay. You Kelligii Muslim and the other brothers who wish Ethiopia to stay on are alone on this buddy. Ramble on!


ONLF are lions who fight for a cause. Theirs is war of necessity not a war of choice. They are better off having Somalis reconcile their differences. We love them. We root for them. Our hearts goes out for them and we keep them in our prayers.

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^'Awoowe' you can't be serious!


The ONLF and the dhaqdhaqaaqa dib-uxoraynta somalia are fighting for the same cause. They have one foe who is imposing his evil strategies on the horn of Africa and they strive to hault it.


I don't see the distinction walal, both wars are out of neccesity offcourse. You have some people from W.Somali who refer the ONLF as seperatist movement against peaceful Ethiopia as well. In Somalia is the same story, occupation and endless crimes against humanity and struggle to regain liberty. Both fronts of the war are being fought by somalis against the same enemy on a voyage to total domination of the horn.

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^^ Usheeg, abti.




Facing the combined military, economic, and intelligence resources of Ethiopia, the AU, the US, and the EU, and still holding de facto control over 80% of South Somalia(TFG offical's words, not mine), I'd say they're doing splendidly swimmingly, sir.


Look at it in terms of pure wins/gains: 18 months ago, they were supposed to have been wiped out, crushed beyond any hope of regrouping. And ever since, they have waged the classical guerrilla campaign. Appear, strike, disappear. How do you fight an enemy you can't see ? Win the hearts-and-minds of your people. How do you think they have been able to sustain such an expansive campaign ? The only thing that counts, the shacab, are fully on their side. Providing them with local intelligence about the enemy positions, weak points, and critical info, funding them with whatever they can raise up.


18 months, abti, and look what they have achieved. Objectivity demands admiration for their feats, even if ur not on board with their agenda. Only reason Shaykh Sharif is being hosted at 5 star luxury hotels in the world is because of these men and their unyielding courage, vision, and determination.


Grievous mistakes have been made and they have been rectified. No more pitched battles. Bleed the b.astards dry. Drip, drop, drip, drop. Ambush them at every turn. Until staying in Somalia is no longer palatable. Lessons have been learned and a wealth of experience has been reaped. And today, we stand on the brink of victory. Only a few more days/weeks/months and the flag of Laa ilaaha ila Allah will replace the Lion of Judah that now flutters triumphantly in Mogadisho.


Faith coupled with planning(akhth bil asbaab), always wins. Taas weligaa xasooso.

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