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Xaaji Xunjuf

Emir Axmed Abdi Godane Versus Abu Mansuur Roobow Political rift.

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Khilaaf mudo ka dhex jiray Hogaamiyaha Al-Shabaab Ahmed Abdi Aw Mohamud Godane iyo ku xigeenkiisa Mukhtaar Roobow Cali ayaa cirka isku shareeray kadib markii uu guuldaro ku dhamaatay shir lagu dhexdhexaadinayay oo sedex maalmood uga socday Hotel ku yaal Magaaladda Marko ee gobolka Shabeeladda hoose.



Khilaafka ayaa laba kacleeyay kadib markii Ahmed Godane golaha sare ee talada Al-Shabaab ka saaray Mukhtaar Roobow,sidoo kalena amray in la dhameeystiro Sarkaal ku dhaawacmay dagaaladda Muqdisho,kana tirsanaa garabka Melleteri ee Mukhtaar Roobow Cali sida ay u xaqiijiyeen ila wareedyo muhiima.



"Meeshii aan istaagaba telefoon dacwada ayaa ii soo dhacaya,waxay dadka i soo wacaya ka dacwoonayaan cadaalad daro lagula kacay,oo qaar ka mida madaxda Al-Shabaab kula kaceen,Cadaalad daradaas mudo ayaan ka aamusnaa,maanta aniga ayey igu dhacday,waxaan idiin sheegayaa in Sheekh Ayuub,taliyahii Mujaahidiinta barriga Bay ku dhaawacmay dagaaladii Muqdisho kadibna aan waayay warkiisa,markii aan raadshay ayaa la ii sheegay in la dilay,oo la dhameeystiray,Amiirka ninkaad u taqaanaan ee Ahmed Godane ayaan waydiiyay ,wuxuuna iigu jawaabay,Sheekh Ayuub markaan aragnay inuu liito,ayaan amar ku bixinay in Shahaadadiisa loo fududeeyo ,isaga iyo Mujaahidiin badan,waana la dhameeystiray"ayuu yiri Mukhtaar Roobow oo Maleeshiyaad ka amar qaata kula hadlayay Magaaladda Baydhabo.

Mukhtaar Roobow oo loogu yeero Abuu Maansuur sedex jeer ayuu dhaartay,oo yiri SUMA WALAAHI,SUMA WALAAHI,SUMA WALAAHI ,inaysan Ahmed Godane iyo qolada la safan cadaalad iyo diin agtooda oolin,waxaana idinkugu bishaareeynayaa in xaalada wax iska bedeli doonaan.

Markii lagu kala tegay shirkii Marko oo Mukhtaar Roobow uu qaatay dhaawacyadii ka yeelay Muqdisho iyo Shabeeladda hoose ,sidoo kalena kaxeeystay Maleeshiyaadkii beeshiisa,waxaa uu Amiirka Al-Shabaab khudbad uu jeediyay ku gaabsaday in Abuu Mansuur yahay nin ka leexday hadafka Jihaadka lagana saaray golaha sare hasse yeeshee Ibrahim Xaaji Jaamac Meecaad Afakhani oo ay isku reer yihiin Godane ayaa khudbad uu jeediyay ku weeraray Abuu Maansuur,wuxuuna yiri " Waa daalim Mukhtaar Roobow,waa nin qabyaalad ka buuxda,wuxuu yahay maleh,hanaga tago"

Fu'aad shongale oo ka mid ahaa gudigii dhexdhexaadinayay Ahmed Godane iyo Mukhtaar Roobow ayaa Magaaladda Baydhabo khudbad uu kula hadlay Saraakiisha Maleeshiyadda Al-Shabaab wuxuu ku yiri"Dagaal Mujaahidiinta dhexdooda ah ayaa laga yaabaa inuu bilaawdo, dagaalkaas haduu bilaawdo waa fitno, yaan laga qeyb gelin, nin walba beertii aabihiis ha aado"

Qaar ka tirsan Saraakiisha Al-Shabaab ayaa ku xog waramay in Ahmed Godane yahay nin qabyaalada ku weyn tahay laabtiisa,uuna madaxda ugu sareeysa Amniyaadka,dhaqaalaha iyo gaashaandhiga ka wada dhigay Saraakiil reerkiisa ah sida Ibrahim Afakhani,MMNUR,oo loo yaqaan Faruur iyo Caraale.

Lamma ogga sida uu ku aakhirsan doona khilaafka Godane iyo Mansuur laakiin wuxuu Ahmed Godane aad u habeeyay Maleeshiyaad u dhashay beesha Hadamo kuwaas oo la sheegay inuu rumeeysan yahay inay asal ahaan u dhasheen Beesha Arab ee *****,uuna isaga ka dhashay.

Goboladda Jubooyinka,Bay iyo Bakool,Shabeeladda hoose iyo Hiiraan waxaa ka madaxa rag u dhashay beesha Ahmed Godane.

123 ka tirsan Maleeshiyadda Al-Shabaab oo la sheegay inay dhaawacyadooda halis ahaayeen ayaa la qarxiyay inta godad lagu shubay kadib markii uu sidaa amray Ahmed Godane oo ku sifeeyay amarkiisa mid ragaas loogu sahlayay gelida Janadda.

Taariikhda waa markii ugu horeeysay ee gudaha Somalia lagu arko maleeshiyo ay nolosha ku gubayaan isla kooxdii ay ka tirsanaayeen

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Mogadishu(Sunatimes) The Alshabaab rebel group has failed to heal a growing rift among senior leaders of their group, following a crucial meeting in Mogadishu to stem a threatening differing views based on clan and political power, Somalijournal has learnt.


During a eight-hour meeting in Mogadishu‘s Suqaholaha area, the two rebel leaders Ahmed Abdi Godane who is the current leader of the group and his second in command Sheikh Mukhtar Robow have faced off on getting solutions for dying young boys mainly from Robow’s hometown of Baidoa to fruitless fighting and Godane’s proposal to keep them onboard and at last walked out of the meeting with anger.


"The grounds for this deepening rift is just about politics, their failure of solution is indicating how bad the group is weakening time after time for the failed Ramadan war" Abdullahi Nor Ghelle, a Somali political analyst told Somalijournal.


"In terms of the contentious matter, its not easy to overcome differences and to initiate a new beginning on political and popular levels," he said yesterday.


The group has vowed all out war against the Somali government and the African Union peacekeeping forces, but inherited more death and painful shelling which disheartened many young and older fighters who instead came back with dead colleagues and deafened ones for the sharp shelling by the AU tanks.


Robow also clashed with his hometown elders who lost many young boys for him to fight alongside Alshabaab on the whereabouts of their mostly dead and badly wounded boys.


The other resentment of the group also bagun when the AlShabaab‘s leader, Ahmad Godane alias Abu-Zubayr, appointed a man hailing from his clan as a cashier to control the money they collect from the business people in southern Somalia. Reports confirm that Robow abu Mansur, a high ranking official in Al-Shabab, became furious when Abu-Zubayr appointed leaders for Bay and Bakool regions which is Robow’s hometowns a men who are not hail from those regions.


Ahmad Godane is said to have faced some difficulties from the foreigners who now support Robow Abu-Mansur. The foreigners called on Ahmad Godane to leave the country for other countries with which has close relationship in order to resolve the rift among Al-Shabab Islamists.


Meanwhile Somalia's information minister, Abdirahman Omar Osman , has said that his government was ready to welcome any defectors from Alshabaab.


"We are renewing our call to the international community to assist the transitional government and the AU peacekeepers in order to restore peace in country,"Yarisow said.


By Abdi Mohamed

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The other resentment of the group also bagun when the AlShabaab‘s leader, Ahmad Godane alias Abu-Zubayr, appointed a man hailing from his clan as a cashier to control the money they collect from the business people in southern Somalia. Reports confirm that Robow abu Mansur, a high ranking official in Al-Shabab, became furious when Abu-Zubayr appointed leaders for Bay and Bakool regions which is Robow’s hometowns a men who are not hail from those regions.

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