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Buubaa comes against the TFG ,, Supports the Human Rights Watch Report

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Ismaaciil Maxamuud Hurre “Buubaa” Wasiirka Waxbarashada Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay warbixintii shalay kasoo baxday Hay’ada Human Rights Watch ee lagu sheegay Dowlada KMG, Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka iyo kooxaha kasoo horjeedo inay galeen dambiyo dagaal.



Buubaa oo ku sugan magaalada Baydhaba ee xarunta Gobalka Bay ayaa Saxaafada Muqdisho u sheegay in warbixintaan ay tahay mid xaqiiq ah isla markaana loo baahan yahay in la raaco waxyaabaha ay ka hadashay oo dhan.



“Aniga aad baan ula dhacay warbixintan ay soo saartay hay’ada Human Rights Watch, waxa ay ka wada hadleyso marka hoos loo eego waa xaqiiq taagan oo jirta, waana horumar wanaagsan oo adduunka loo faahfaahiya” ayuu yiri Buubaa.




Wasiirka Waxbarashada DF Ismaciil Maxamud Hure Buubaa ayaa sidoo kale tibaaxay in xad gudubyo ay ka dhaceen caasimada Somalia ee Muqdisho isla markaana mid walba kooxaha warbixinta ay sheegtay inuu dhinac uun lugta ugula jiray.


Buubaa waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in haatan shacabka Somaliyed ay ku sugan yihiin meel khatar ah isla markaana loo baahan yahay in laga samata bixiyo.


Wasiirka waxa uu sheegay in haatan la joogo xilligii ay ciidamada Ethiopia, iyadoo loo mahad celinayo ay dib ugu laaban lahaayeen dalkooda.


”Dhamaan kooxaha warbixinta ay soo qortay mid sheegi karta inaysan iyada waxba kala socon arintaa lagu eedeyay ma jirto, koox walbana lugta ayay dhinac ka gashatay dhibaatada Muqdisho iyo guud ahaan Somalia ka aloosan xiligaan” ayuu yiri Buubaa.




Hadalkaan kasoo yeeray wasiir ka tirsan Dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia, ayaa noqday kan ugu hadal heynta balaaran siyaasada Somalia maanta, iyadoo aysan jirin war kale oo ku aadan hadalka Buubaa oo Dowlada ka dhawaajisay ilaa xiligaan.

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looooooool Oodweyne ,,, you got that right.


He better join the Asmara group as others did before him ..... Just like his friend H Aideed.


The old man should quit all these and sit in the mosque inta cimriga uga hadhay ...

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This is a big blow to the stooge so call government. It was ina caydiid jr., then hiiraale and now buubaa.


that is the harsh reality for a stooge. They will face humiliation in every turn. Now they have no place to go home. They abondened their people and Allah has abondened them.

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so losing these fools: caydiid and hiirale and the new fool buubaa is humiliation. Abdullahi Yusuf mar hore ayu uu sheegay, if they oppose the government and "daadka qaadaya". "I make it rain, (I make it rain) I make it rain on them h..." should be the old man's anthem.

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Allow maanka hanaga qaadin.


You and your folks were praising these men yeserday and today they are fools. That should tell you alot about the so called TFG which you support. They are bunch of oppurtunistic foolish beings, all of them.

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"Allow maanka hanaga qaadin." amin, amin


yet i wonder why that would suprise, the man is a human, he will make a foolish decision and we will call them out as such, he will make wise decisions and we will praise him for it. am afraid, red sea, that praise and admonishmenent must hand in hand. so when we prasie him for his pragmatic world view (The government had to do what it had to do), we must admonish him for his foolish world view (I will make up negetive news about the government because i was demoted). last, but not least, if you think like caydiid, it doesn't matter what you were, you are a fool.

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Okay then...did AY and Geedi made mistakes by commiting Ethiopian troops into the country?


I know that is mistake, but the question is why won't YOU call them out?


..obviously u haven't done it yet?

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this is where we take different paths red sea. I see self defense as the most important right we have. if threatened, i few any means of self defense as legitimate. clearly, the ethios were and continue to be the only african nation ready to assist the Somali government. there for, i do not see TFG's calling for the assitance as "mistake". Also, because the continued aggression against the government my anti-state reminents of the islamic courts, war oppotunist, and clan fighters, i do not see the continued assistance of ethio troop for the government until one, this resistance waves the white flag or other peacekeepers are found to help the government. if are unbaised and use reason, am sure we can come to the same conclusion. I am all to weel aware of the age all animosity between Somalia and ethiopia but i am of the opinion that one, the reasons for ethio-Somali conflict no longer applies (If we have been fighting the ethios for the unity of all Somalis, that we have divided ourselfs and are trying to break up the little we controlled makes that cause piontless ) and two the state that our country finds itself today makes it impossible to be picky who helps us rebuild our country.

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