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Subject: AMISOM Brutality in Somalia

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Ngonge, the opposition to sharif centres on the presence of AMISOM troops. I need clarification from Fab and co on their stance. Have patience old chap.

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AMISON shouldn't be there, had conflicting parties reconciled, had a sound mutual understanding and respect, and placed our common ends before their personal gain ... Wixii intaa ka soo hadhay "cantarabaqash iga dheh"

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All Somalis( apart from a few atheists) "believe" in the same faith as Alshababs. As for your question: I disagree with some their policies and stances and I agree with some of them.


Xiin, so it doesn't matter that the man who claimed he was the liberator and defender of Somalis, is today calling for them to be re occupied and also dismisses their( civilians) deaths as killed" Alqaeda and Eritrean operatives". According to you, these are all irrelevant speeches; but amazingly what fabregas, a sol personna who has no influence in SOmalia, says is of more importance than the president himself . Cajiib, ya sheikh. One wouldn't be to blame if I were to think that this is all a diversion tactic to stop people discussing and being made aware of the spectacular and treacherous u-turn of the cheese caravan.

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^^in the big scheme of things a five month old speech is irrelevant to the conflict that is raging.


Sol discussion is the reason I am precisely posting on this thread. It’s why I suspect you posted as well. Just the other day you asked me how alshabaab's is takfiiri movement. You also asked me why some one like you who supported the Beledweyne massacre in the name of religion is also takfiiri . I showed you how. I expected you to be bold and once and for all say what you truly believe in. following are very pertinent questions.


Do you believe Sharif’s government is dawladah riddah as alshaab assert? If yes this running debate will have a conclusion. If no, however, I want to you to reconcile your support for a group that plays loose with the basic tenets of Islamic caqiidah and your own conviction that the blood of other Muslims are sacred at least from conceptual perspective. Which leads to this question: do you still think taking out Ina Hashi, killing 82 elders, intellectuals, and businessmen were justified from a theological standpoint as alshabaab’s claim?


You see I am asking you questions you have the ability to answer. I am not asking you to comment on a one particular speech. Apparently you and I see this conflict through two very different lenses. All I am asking you is, just like Keligii Muslim Kashafa did, to come out and tell the likes of NGONGE that your support for alshabaab is not akin to having a soft spot for a particular group. I want you to tell the gallery that you are indeed supporting them out of conviction that their version of Islaanimo and Soomalinimo is the correct version.


For the millionth time, it does not matter who gave what a speech years ago, or months ago for that matter. What matters is where do you stand today. It’s pity that intelegent people are falling for this fallacious logic to formulate political arguments, or as a measure of someone’s position.


Ps perhaps I should post a topic about the meaning of khaatimah in the Islamic section.

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I disagree with some their policies and stances and I agree with some of them.

Which ones do you agree with and which ones you disagree with? Do you think civilians are collateral as Xiin is suggesting?


Be specific saxib. As Xiin has said it's time for you to MAN-UP and step to the plate. You have kept your stance veiled for a little too long.

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@Norf, I fail to see why my stance or what I am keeping veiled is relevant to subject of amnisom brutality. If you guys can defend, explain or rationalise shariffs contradictory u-turn and his blessing of any future occupation of SOmalia, go ahead, by my guest. As I said before, focusing on my personal views is just a mere diversion tactic from the Mr Xiin, a rather desperate man who resorts to demonising sol personnas when he is seemingly unable to defend his cheese caravan( which use to pride itself on their stances on foreign forces and Islamic shariah).

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^^War waxaan maxaa ka qaldan!


You are with alshabaab, and I am with Sharif. Sharif is doing what a besieged man does. He did not start this war. Alshabaaab did. He might have been naïve to think once Ethiopian troops withdrew, Somalis will resolve their differences. He is not however wrong to seek support of others to defend his entity. Now you may wish and pray that support comes in the form of Ethiopian military intervention. That did not happen yet.

It’s true that Sharif does not speak as a rebel. He does not rabble rouse as he once did. He is after all the president of the transitional government. What he wants today may not be what he wanted yesterday. He might have wanted to topple Cabdullaahi Yusuf yesterday. Today he knows better. He wants to reinstitute Somali state. Alshabaab is a major obstacle in achieving that goal.


We can dwell on the lower chambers of this discussion and talk about the differences between Cabdullaahi Yusuf and Sharif Ahmed. But that is neither her nor there. It’s a matter of process as far as I am concern. It will forever remain so.


Sharif had done what many Somalis and I wanted to him to do. He reached out and invited his opponents to join him and his entity. He was not only rejected, he was attacked. He was not only attacked, he was excommunicated from his faith. In your circles and in the higher echelons of the fringe groups you support, Sharif in considered non-Muslim, just like Omer Hashi was. That’s why it’s easy for alshabaab to execute suicide missions in the name of religion, and kill fellow Somali Muslims by the dozens.


If you didn’t get it yet, as far as xiin is concern the real enemy Somalia has are those who are impeding efforts to revive Somalia. At this moment, in this year, and this month Ethiopia is not preventing Sharif’s tfg to take hold in the county. Alshabaab is.


What I am getting is the debate is BETWEEN us. You and I. Sharif is not party to this discussion. AMISOM is not. It’s SOL yaa gaxash.


Intaas haddaan kugu musmaaray, bal iiga hadda intaa soo baxdid oo xiniinya iska baartid NGONGE u sheeg inaad Keligi Muslim tahay so he does not harass :D me in the aisles of SOLs political section, protesting my description of you.


Kaama harin, inaan meel kugu ogaadaan rabaa, waxaan rabaa sida Kashafa inaad tiraahdid dadka alshabaab laayaan waa baqti ama aad is garatid, tuurtid cheap slogans ka aad maalin walba meelaha la taagantahay oo aad dadkaaga dhinac ka raacdid.

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Well...sharif sharfloow could have been believed if he was not puppet! So he should just stay at the hotel in Addis and just wear his 2 piece suits.


Hes not doing anything good for Somalinimoo. Hes just a mess as the whole tfg is.

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have u ever seen a mujahid thats goes to war without a scarf...i mean from the plo freedom fighters to darawiish to khulfa al Rashiin they did it.


May be u didnt get that or the Axmaar & their puppets didnt give u the 411! Is their freaking helmut.


I feel your pain homie...its tough when u dont understand your culture. You head spins like a planet without an orbit.

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They covered because of the dust iyo busta iyo boorka meesha ee ku noolaayeen, mainly dhulka Carabta oo wada saxarlada ahaa. Same with daraawiisthii Sayidka.


Not with those wadaad ku sheega ee Dhalinta la baxay. Last time I knew Xamar bus iyo waxaas kuma arki jirin.


Again, those who covered then foolkooda ma qarin jirin.

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The PLO are covering because they are fearful of targeted killings or capture from the must funded military in the world, what is the point of hiding your face in Somalia unless you are commiting a crime?


You are supporting a group that only knows the gun and how to kill and injure that's it. President Sharif speaks of peace and has done everything by dialogue. The eritreans are using you to fight their proxy war!

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