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Chairman of Wilaayatul Islaamiyah, Sheikh Abdirahman Speaks To Somali Public Radio

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Wararka Idaacada Somali Public Radio ee 27/07/2010


Qodobada wararka ugu doorka roon waxaa ka mid ah:


* Wararkii ugu dambeeyey xaalada Karin. (Wareysi aanu la yeelaney gudoomiyaha Wilaayada Islaamiga ee deegaanka Galgala Sh. C/raxmaan.)


* Maamulka Puntland oo tabaabusheysi ugu jira dhisitaanka kowda August.


* Ciidamada Amaanka ee gobolka Bari oo baaritaano ka wada.


* Raisal Wasaare Sharmarke oo ka Hadley duqeymaha Amisom ay u geysaneyso magaalada Muqdisho.


* Shirka madaxda Afrika oo kusoo gabagaboobey magaalada Kambala.


Iyo qodobo kaloo badan…..


listen 7/07/2010&Itemid=121

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The Sheikh made it clear that they are an independent Islamic movement instituted to counter prolonged injustices in Western Bari region. He also highlighted that it’s a local driven initiative that is not part of Al-shabaab. The sheikh stated that the skirmish that took place in Karin yesterday resulted after the local clan of Western Bari, specifically farmers were abandoned to take their goods to Bosaaso. At last, the sheikh welcomed any piece process despite the fact that the administration broke prior treaties.


From this interview, one can see that the administration has been aware of this clan initiative in Western Bari for some-time. One might ask, why would Faroole accuse this movement to have terror links when he negotiated with them few months ago? Obviously foreign interference is due.

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A bit late. But it really doesn't matter if they are a independent of alshab or not. In the current climate, the black flag and everything that goes with it, is automaticaly associated with certain groups.

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Regardless; the clan has the right to decide their destiny. Garoowe is insignificant and the clan administration is forever unmasked.

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He is a local from Western Bari who played a large role during the Majiyahan skirmishes. He along with others from the region later created this movement to counter a decade of isolation, discriminate acts of terror from Puntland targeting the region and deceptive coruption.


He was recently named as the chairman of the organization.

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