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Afterall ICU are also warlords in different garb - Yemen to help now

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The new Mugadishu warlords who declared Jihad on us ethiopians are just another face of the old warlords who used to demonstarte against ethiopia in their zones of control in Mugadishu.

The old warlords accused us ethiopians for supporting the peace and reconciliation process and its outcome the TFG, and they also accused us of wanting to break apart somalia for ethiopians friendship and mutual respect with Puntlanders. The warlords purposely hide that we have the same wish and cordial friendship with the people and state of Bay and Bakool.


The ICU does exactly the same, but the ICU miscalculated that the religion card maybe more profitable financially and also more easy to decieve the Somali into enemity with ethiopians.

It was 50/50. Religion became very profitable for ICU. They can declare illegal whatever they felt was not profitable to them financially. They also collected money from some Gulf and arab mosques before the Jihad call on us ethiopians.

But the Jihad call was also the most disaterous call for their fakery was exposed for all to see.


Yemen the country and its president that were minafik for being friends to TFG and Puntland and most Somali, are now most favoured country.



After all the Shieks of Mugadishu today are:





Best combination for deception, war, war profiteering and the likes.Now the assassinations in Mugadishu will come back to haunt them.


Ethiopian moslems can reafirm Allah Akuber, christians can reafirm that God is Great for giving the Somali people enough time to see the fakery being hidden behind the book, behind innocent children and behind the Taliban veiled women.

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Somalia: Yemen to Create Peace Talks Between Islamists And Ethiopia



Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)


December 18, 2006

Posted to the web December 18, 2006


Aweys Osman Yusuf



Reports from Yemen where Somalia's Union of Islamic Courts chairman Sheik Sharif and foreign relations chief Ibrahim Adow were staying for talks with president Ali Abdalla Salah indicate that Mr. Salah contacted with Ethiopian prime minister Males Zenawi, in an effort to create negotiations between Islamists and the Ethiopian government.


Salah reportedly explained to premier Zenawi about Yemeni proposal in a bid to avert an all out war that might flare between the Islamic Courts and the Ethiopian troops in parts of Somalia to safeguard the two year-old fragile government seated in the small town of Baidoa, southern Somalia.



United Notions reported last month that Ethiopian government has sent between seven and eight thousand military troops to Somalia. Ethiopia denied the number and stated it deployed several hundred military trainers and advisors in Somalia to prop up the weak government led by President Abdullahi Yusuf.


Experts fear Somalia could become a proxy battleground for arch foes, Eritrea and Ethiopia. The same UN report said Eritrea, which still has unsettled border dispute with rival Ethiopia, provided Islamists with arms and troops. Eritrea as well denied the report.


Somalia descended into tribal wars after warlords toppled former president Siad Barre in 1991.


The Yemeni plan urges Ethiopia to endorse peace talks and Islamists not attack any particular area in Somalia or the government based in Baidoa.


Only hours are left for the Islamic Courts to decide if they would attack Ethiopian forces in the country. They gave the Ethiopian government seven days to withdraw its military troops from Somalia or that they would face an all-out war. The Ethiopian government in response said, "bring it on".


The chairperson of Islamic Courts, who is in Yemen for talks with Yemeni president Ali Abdalla Salah over the revival of peace talks between the transitional government and Islamists, said his Islamist movement does not intend to launch attacks against Ethiopians in the country despite the ultimatum.


President Ali Abdalla Salah has lately tried to soothe the tense situation in Somalia after UN reportedly sent a letter to Salah to interfere Somalia's beleaguered situation to prevent an all out war that would spread into the region if it occurred.

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