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Memorial for the First SNM Shahiid in 1983

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Cabdulahi Yusuf didn't get promoted because he also lacks the skills to become an effective Leader, Cadulahi Yusuf is a tool not a leader. If he was a leader he wouldn't be in teh pockets of junior Ethiopian intelligence officers.


Cabdulahi Yusuf ordered the killing President Sharmarke, Cabdulahi Yusuf is known for his cowardly tactics.

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Geeljire you see what your islamist homeboys are doing to their people, whats islamic about blowing yourself up and killing innocent people, innocent women, children, elderly....isn't that worse then 'secularism'?. Saddam never did things like that. And in the future please don;t compare Siyad Barre and Saddam Hussein.

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For once I have to agree with Duke. There never was a 'somalinimo' before the civil war. People of all clans were being arrested and detained etc. sadly, some are blind to these facts and hold Barre in high regard.




I asked:


Now, why did the SNM start off as a protest group? What were they protesting? Do you wish to mention anything done by the former regime which may have triggered such actions by the SNM?

You replied:




Originally posted by Northerner:

The SNM destroyed Siyad's military just for the heck of it miya?





'Ragii Jabhada Wadi Kari Wayay Ee Siyaad Bare Dalka Ka Xorayn Kari Waayay Ayaa Leh Dalka Hanaloo Dhiibo' Faysal Cali Warabe



Contradictory ain't it Northerner.


Ina waraabe saying SNM wasn't able to defeat The SNA and your here telling blatant lies. aduunyo. But waa iska caadi

So today you are willing to believe Faisal and take his word for it miya? :D Talk about changing shirts :rolleyes: I dont see any mention of the word defeat. Waraabe would not be alive today if the SNM was defeated saxib ;) But you are yet to explain to me how (in your humble opinion) the SNM was defeated. I need you to do the following:


a) define defeat in the context of rebel groups vs a govnt

b) did the SNM achieve its objectives?

c) did the govnt achieve its objectives?

d) who is still around today? :D


But before you do that, I want you to answer my earlier questions. If you dont to get into the 'nitty gritty' of why the SNM took up arms then just say so. You are obviously avoiding it.

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Northerner click on the link below and see what I have said (in my humble opinion ofcourse) in the past about how the SNM was defeated.


How the SNM was defeated


Geeljire I am alive and there is nothing wrong with emotions, express yourself ;)


ps. Northerner I take ina Waraabe serieuse atleast he says whatever comes into his mind and usually its whats in his heart. The hate he expresses is whats in his heart and when he says the SNM was defeated then thats whats in his heart.


Waraabe a secessionist leader saying the SNM was defeated can't be hidden my friend. Ina Waraabe is telling the truth again, the SNM wasn't capable of defeating the SNA.

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^^Show me where he states the SNM was 'defeated'. I will ascert you understand the meaning of 'defeated'. If you said the SNM was helped by others to bring down the govnt then you may have a point. But saying they were defeated whilst they are still around and the Barre govnt is not, is a little bit silly me thinks.


your still avoiding to answer my earlier questions. Why so?

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Your questions have been answered in a 13 page thread, take the time to read it, its a waste of time to keep repeating the same thing. So do read especially the US state department correspondance.




The SNM was defeated because it was unsuccesful in achieving its goals. In 1988 the SNM unsuccesfully tried to hold Hargeysa and Burco, the SNA regained control in those two towns and started operations to root out the SNM in the region. By 1989 the region was pacified and Gerneral Cabdicasis was in full control of Northern Somalia, the SNM's lost its strenght and many SNM fighters were surrendering. The document shows how the government pacified teh region and that normal life was starting again. The refugees were returning shows that the population of the region trusted that the SNA was guaranteering their safety and that the rebels no longer formed a threat. In january 1991 General Cabdicasis was in total control of Northern Somalia. So what objectives did the SNM reach, except getting defeated?


The USC however led a succesful revolt and ousted Siyad Barre making it posible for the SNM to fill the vacuum that the retreating SNA left and even then it took till 1993 for teh vacuum to be filled, and guess what since Cigaal the SNM never tasted power, so how succesful where they?

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Ok let me set some things straight for you:


1. I dont have any "Islamist homeboys" that are killing innoncent women and children, I think this was a cheap and emotional insult on your behalf. If you are accusing me of supporting terrorists, then I think you owe me an apology mate. Secondly I dont understand where religion came into this discussion.So lets leave that issue there.


2. Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against his own people, just like todays Takfiris in Iraq, yes or no?


3. Saddam Hussein didnt kill innoncent Iraqi women and children like them, yes or no?


4. Saddam Hussein came to power through a coup just like Siyad Bare.


5. Saddam Hussein like Siyad end up ruling through tribal elites and marginalised other ethnic and political groups?


6. Just like Saddam he sent thousands of people to be tortured and interrogated simply for opposing his government, yes or no?


7. Saddam Hussein bombed Iraqi cities just like Siyad Bare bombed Somali cities and inhabitants?


8. Groups and clans in Somalia took Ethiopia as an ally because they felt Siyad Bare was marginalising their communties. Just like Ethiopian groups including Meles Zenawi took Somalia as their ally, in order to advance the interests of their respective ethnic groups. Just like Shias and Kurds in Iraq took Iran as their ally against the tyrannical rule of Saddam.



9. Therefore during the late 80s there was no Ethiopian or Somali state to betray. Everybody including Tigrays, Isaacs, Amharas and all the other clans were looking out for the survival of the respective ethnic groups as both governments in Ethiopia and Somali were on the brink of collapse.

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Are you seriously using this state dept report as your evidence of an SNM defeat???


Not one mention of an SNM defeat in that report. Not a date on that report which would have helped us determine alot of factors (was it in 81 or 89?) and the fact that the report was focussing on the oil wealth of Somalia and assessing the conditions on the ground.


Although on our return home we heard unconfirmed report ministerial convoy had been attacked this morning

so much for defeat :D


We need a date on this report. Looks like the early days to me. Before the SNM got 'serious'.


If you read this, you would see that the down fall of the barre regime was due to a number of movements springing up. All thanks to the SNM.

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Northerner it says March 1990, maybe you should open your eyes and read it. Was the SNM serieus in March 1990 by the way?


the Is**** are actually returning to Burao and Berbera in growing numbers and, we are told, even larger numbers to outlying villages. We met and interviewed some of these

the GSDR {Government of the Somali Democratic Republic) and the Somali Army seem to be facilitatng return of displaced persons, as Samatar promised. (Muqdisho 2485). We saw no sign and heard no report of of any harrasment or punishment

So was the SNM in control? and In all your wisdom you are using that biased book as evidence? get serieus sxb.


lol@SNM got serieus.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

ME, adeer go wash your mouth and dont insult the SSDF.

What has SSDF ever done sxb? NOTHING...!

And for the record SSDF has already insulted itself and has proven themselves as nothing else but tools of Xabashi. In this day and age they are the caue of Ethiopian flags flying over Villa Somalia and Circole Officiale .That is the fact stacked up against you and your SSDF. Regardless of what you think of Siyaad Barre (Allah uu naxaristo) he will always be remebered for his stance against the Xabashi - but your adeero , what ever false attributes you give him IS THE CAUSE WHY WE (SOMALIA) ARE OCCUPIED BY XABASHI TODAY . simple and clear.

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Geed deebleh: Md. Ibraahim Dhego-weyne ayaa Maxamed Aar ku amaanay Fikirka fiican ee uu ku xasuustay inuu mujaahidiintiii soo halgantay Xus iyo Taalooyin u sameeyo



Hargeysa(Qaran)-Dr.Maxamed Aar Cabdilaahi oo ka mid ahaa mujaahidiintii Ururkii S.N.M ayaa Maalgelinaya Taalo loo dhisayo Xabaalihii mujaadiintii ku shihiiday Halgankii dib u xoreynta Dalka,taasi oo maanta dhismaheedu ka bilaabmay Goob u dhow Tuulada Geedeeble ee Waqooyiga Magaalada Hargeysa,halkaasi oo ay ku aasan yihiin kumanaan ka mida shuhadadii Iyo Dadweyne ay xasuuqeen Ciidamadii Siyaad Barre sanadihii Sideetameeyadii, siiba Mujaahid Maxamed Xasan (Gacma Dheere) iyo Mujaahid Axamed Daahir (AxmedDhagax) iyo mujaahidiin kaleba.


Xaflad loo sameeyay Dhagax-dhiga taaladaas,waxa ka soo qeyb galay qaar ka mid ah Hogaamiyeyaashii milatari iyo Siyaasadeed ee SNM iyo Wasiirada Wasaaradaha Arrimaha Dibada Iyo Dib u dejinta.

‘’Anagu dhinaca xukuumada waxa alaale wixii taariikhdaa hagaajinaya ee ururinteeda laga shaqaynayo diyaar baanu u nahay,Tan Golayaasha Nidaamkeedii iyo qorshaheedii ayay leedahay oo majaraheedii bay qaadanaysaa meel fiicana maanta way maraysaa, waana laysu imanayaa, dalkana loo biqi maayo , doorashadiina way dhici doontaa nidaamkiisiina wuu soconayaa , mid la leexan karay taladii dalkana ma jiro’’.Ayuu Yidhi Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada Somaliland Mudane Cabdilaahi Maxamed Ducaale oo Munaasibadaas ka hadlay.


Madaxeyne Ku-xigeenkii hore ee Somaliland Md.C/raxmaan Aw Cali Faarax oo ka hadlay ayaa ka waramay halgankii SNM soo martay iyo siday xornimadu ku timid iyo waxa keenay inay SNM ka dagaalanto , isla markaana halgankaa dheer ee SNM soo gashay wuxuu sheegay inay ka dhalatay dawladnimada Somaliland maanta ka jirta.


Waxa kale oo uu sheegay wixii SNM ka dagaalantay in shacbi iyo dawladba laga taxadiro , isla markaana laga fogaado wixii qaranimada wax u dhimaya oo aan qofnaba cadaalad darro , damac iyo qabiil wax ku doonin.


Mujaahid Cali Guray oo isagu ugu yaraan ciidankii Geed deeble deganaa ee SNM haystay markii dalka la soo galay Lix bilood ayaa sheegay in ugu yaraan shan kun oo qof oo shacbi iyo mujaahidintii SNM isugu jiraa ay ku aasan yihiin deegaanka Geed Deeble.


Waxa uu tafaasiil ka bixiyay Marxaladihii Qalafsanaa ee ay soo mareen mudadii ay halganka ku jireen iyo duruufihii la soo darsay dib u xorayntii d alka, kaasi oo deegaankaa Geed Deeble sheegay in ay ahayd meel Macno weyn oo taariikhiya ugu fadhida SNM-ta iyo bulshadii xilligaasi nafta ula qaxdayba.


Mujaahid Ibraahim Cabdilaahi [Dhego-weyne ayaa isaguna waxa uu Maxamed Aar ku amaanay Fikirka fiican ee uu ku xasuustay inuu mujaahidiintiii soo haklgantay Xus iyo Taalooyin u sameeyo.


Mujaahid Xasan Ganay oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay iyagu garan waayeen inay shuhaadadaa SNM taaladaasi oo kale u sameeyeen, hase yeeshee Mujaahid Maxamed Aar oo ka yimid Ingiriisku uu gartay in uu shuhaadadii SNM eek u aasnay deegaanka Geed Deeble inuu u sameeyo taaladan lagu xusayo.

Waxa uu shacbi iyo xukuumadba u soo jeediyay in dhakhtar dhimirka ah oo lagu daaweeyo mujaahidiintii SNM ee hadda waalan laga dhiso goobtaa Geed Deeble.


Maxamed Aar oo ka mid ahaa Mujaahidiintii SNM, balse hada ku nool dalka Ingiriiska waxa uu ka waramay in dastuurkii SNM uu ku yaalay qodob sheegayay in dalka markay xoreeyaan in laba sanadood ka dib talada d alka ay shacabka ku wareejiyaan , taasina ay ka dhabeeyeen , isla markaana sidaa SNM yeeshay ay jiraan dalal badan oo Afrikaan ah oo weli iyaga jabhadii qabsatay ay hayso taladii dalka.


Waxaanu xusay in reer Geed deegble ay sharaf iyo karaamo mudan yihiin , kaalin wayna ay ka qaateen halgankii dib u xoraynta dalka.

Mujaahid Maxamed Aar oo isaguna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in markii hore uu doonayay Mujaahidiintii SNM ee Geed deeble ku duugan in nin walba taalo uu u sameeyo ay magaciisa ku qoraan , hase yeeshee uu magacyadoodii wada heli kari waayay oo uu 160 kaliya magacyadoodii uu helay , sidaa daraadeed ay go’aansadeen in taalo qudha oo lagu xusayo ay halkaasi ka dhisaan shuhaadadaa.


Waxaanu sheegay in ay waajib ina saaran ay tahay in la xusaa Mujaahidiintii SNM ee dlakan xorayntiisa u dhintay.


Dhinaca kalena waxa maalintii shalay isla mujaahidkan oo ka mid ah qurba jooga reer Somaliland uu Tuulada Bali-cabane ee Degmada Faro-weyne Taalo yga sameeyay Alle Ha u Naxariistee Mujaahidkii u horeeyay ee Ururkii SNM ka shahiiday oo la odhan jiray Xasan Saleebaan Maxamed..



Cumar Maxamed Faarax


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hadhwanaag 2007-08-06 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Wasiirka Wasaarada arrimaha dibada Somaliland Cabdilaahi Maxamed Ducaale ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in Khilaafka ka dhex aloosan Xukuummada iyo Golaha Wakilladu in la isaga imandoono si khilaafka loo xalilo, isla markaana waxa uu cadeeyey inay doorashada soo socota sideeda ay qabsoomidoonto sidii loogu tala-galay.


Wasiirku waxa uu sidaa ka sheegay taalo loo sameeyey Mujaahidiintii halgamayaashi SNM ee ku duugan meel u dhow Tuulada Geedeeble ee Waqooyiga Magaalada Hargeysa, halkaas oo ay ku aasaan yihiin boqolaal Mujaahid oo u shahiiday dib u xoreynta dalka.


Dr.Maxamed Aar Cabdilaahi oo ka mid ahaa mujaahidiintii Ururkii S.N.M ayaa Maal-gelinaya Taalada loo dhisayo Xabaalihii mujaadiintii ku shihiiday Halgankii dib u xoreynta Dalka,


Munaasibad loo sameeyey dhagax dhiga taaladaas ayaa waxa ka soo qeyb-galay, Wasiirada arrimaha dibada Somaliland, Dib-u-dejinta iyo qaar ka mida saraakiil sar sare oo ka tirsan Ururkii SNM iyo Masuuliyiin kale.


Wasiirka arrimaha dibada Somaliland Cabdilaahi Maxamed Ducaale ayaa cadeeyey inay Xukuummadu Diyaar u tahay Uruurinta Taariikhda SNM. ‘’Anagu dhinaca xukuumada waxa alaale wixii taariikhdaa hagaajinaya ee ururinteeda laga shaqaynayo diyaar baanu u nahay,” ayuu yidhi.


“Tan Golayaasha Nidaamkeedii iyo qorshaheedii ayay leedahay oo majaraheedii bay qaadanaysaa meel fiicana maanta way maraysaa, waana laysu imanayaa” ayuu yidhi


Cabdilaahi Maxamed Ducaale waxa uu rajo-wanaagsan ka muujiyey inay doorashada soo socotaa wakhtigii loogu tala-galay dhacayso. Isaga oo arrinta ka hadlayana waxa uu yidhi. “Dalkana loo biqi maayo , doorashadiina way dhici doontaa nidaamkiisiina wuu soconayaa , mid la leexan karay taladii dalkana ma jiro’’


Mujaahid Maxamed Aar oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in goobtan iyo meelo kale ay noqdaan Goobaha lagu xasuusto shuhadadii xaq u dirirka ahayd ee SNM oo nin walba magaciisa lagu qoridoono, isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana waxa xusay in ay waajib ina saaran ay tahay in la xusaa Mujaahidiintii SNM ee dlakan xorayntiisa u dhintay.


Wasiirka dib u dejinta Somaliland Abshir Axmed Xasan oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxa uu sheegay inuu ilaahay inagu guuleeyey halgankii Xoriyadii inaga luntay aynu u soo galnay ee ay nu dalkan ay ku xoreynay.


“Waxaana loo baahan yahay a inaynu ku fara-adeygno midhihii ka dhasay halgankii dib u xoreynta” ayuu yidhi Abshir Xasan.


Madaxweyne kuixgeenkii hore ee Somaliland Mujaahid Cabdiraxmaan Aw-cali Faarax ayaa waxa uu sheegay inuu Ururkii Xoreynta SNM uu ka dhashay dhibaato badan oo ummadda ka soo gaadhay koonfutii aynu la midownay.


Waxa iyaguna halkaasi ka hadlay Mujaahidiinta Ibraahim Dhagaweyne, Mujaahid Cali Gurey, Mujaahid, Mujaahid Xasan Ganay, Sahra halgan oo iyaduba dalka ku soo noqotay, oo dhamaantoodba ka waramay halgankii qadhaadhaa ee loo soo maray dib u xoreynta dalka.

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SSDF,SNM, USC represented people's uprise against opression, imprisment in the pawns of their own government.


However, some of these groups were not successful as others. SSDf were not succesful most part, though they were the first to start military opposition to the Siyad Government( hence Siyad government not people' government). The SNM carried most of the burden, and the USC finished it off.


However, what happens later on whether be seccesion, mass kilings against the civilians are totally different topic.


All the soup letters that came about, came as result of the collapse of the somali state which started in my opinion way before 1991, perhaps 1977,78 during and after the somalia' war against Ethiopia.


Everything has a cause, the failures of the barre regime caused these rebels to come about. Simple as that.


Ps. Its' all clear who was defeated. One thing is for sure, all the rebels won. However some of them handled their victory better than other like SNM, which has created somaliland which is the brightest. Their legacy is the most remarkeable.

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