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Memorial for the First SNM Shahiid in 1983

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Yes Norther there was a Somali social fabric, people from all clans could live together in many regions peacefully and without fear of being killed for the sake of their clan. Including Waqooyi galbeed and Togdheer. The SNM has ethnically cleansed teh region, committed genocides in the cities in the brief period it controlled. The SNM used the to'laayay clan card.


Your question was rethorical, plus its an irrelevant question, since the SNM didn't 'destroy' the Somali National Army.


That the SNM was defeated has been discussed to death on this forum, documentation has been provided. general Cabducaziz was in Command of Northern Somalia the day Muqdisho fell to the USC and that says enough.

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So your basically saying the SNM fought the govnt for the heck of it. No reason whatsoever.


Is this what your saying?

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The SNM may have started of as a protest group but it changed into a clan-based, qabyaalad minded, xabash supporting, Somalinimo hating rebel group and that disqualifies it.


Imagine the SNM fighting Siyad bares regime for the sake of Somalinimo.3


Imagine the SNM honouring their name SOMALI NATIONAL MOVEMENT, imagine that. Do you think I would be talking about them like this? Do you think anyone would be doing anything else except honouring them?


The SNM, USC, SSDF make Siyad Barre a dictator of an authoritarian regime look good, that must say enough about their succes.


They have succeeded in bringing down the Somali nation, they have succeeded in destroying our social fabric, they have succeeded in implanting hate in the hearts of millions of Somalis.

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Your urgency to change this discourse into a slanging match has been noted. Your opinions are your opinions. I wont bother countering them as i have no interest in such irrelevant rhetoric.


Now, why did the SNM start off as a protest group? What were they protesting? Do you wish to mention anything done by the former regime which may have triggered such actions by the SNM?


Note: I'm not asking whether you agree with them but rather the reasons why they took up arms.

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If the S.N.M betrayed Somalia, then I say the Somali government betrayed its people, which led to destruction of the state and the infiltration of secular clanish groups supported by Mengistu.

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'Ragii Jabhada Wadi Kari Wayay Ee Siyaad Bare Dalka Ka Xorayn Kari Waayay Ayaa Leh Dalka Hanaloo Dhiibo' Faysal Cali Warabe




"Marka nin doonayo inuu wax burburiyo, waxa uu dhalinyarada ku kiciyaa tollaayeey. Markaa.." Aadan Waqaf



Burco (Ogaal)- Masuuliyiinta Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UCID ayaa mar kale shacbiga u soo jeediyay inay iska jiraan, wax ay ugu yeedheen siyaasiyiin kursiga u maray tolaay iyo fidno abuur ay ku doonayaan inay ku hantaan Kursiga.


Hogaanka UCID oo shalay hadal ka jeediyay kulan aqoon is waydaarsi ah oo xisbiga Uicd u qabtay dhalinyarada ku dhaqan magaaladda Burco, ayaa waxa ay dhalinyarada ku adkeeyeen inay iska jiraan habab ay sheegeen inay siyaasiyiinta qaarkood u maraan caadifada dhalinyarada. "Bulshadeenu ma xasuusato taariikhda, hadii aynu xasuusano kumaynaan dhacneen dhibatooyin badan, markaa maanta waxan idin xasuusinayaa taariikh ina soo martay. Sanadkii 1991-kii 18/ May waxaynu Burco kaga dhawaaqnay madaxbanaanideenii oo aynu soo helnay markay inaga luntay 1960 waxa lagu heshiiyay in Ururkii SNM laba sano loo dhiibo dalka beelihii kalana way inugu ixtiraameen waxana hogaanka dalka qabtay C/raxmaan Axmed Cali Tuur iyo Xasan Ciise, nasiib daro saxiibadood kumay ixtiraamin inay sugaan labada sano, xataa waxay Cabdiraxmaan iyo Xasan markay wax yar hayeen inay dalkii xoreeyeen taasna saxibadood kumay ixtaraamin ee waa kii dagaaladu dhaceen" sidaa waxa yidhi Gudoomiyaha UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe oo kulankaas ka hadlay, waxana uu intaas raciyay Gudoomiyaha UCID oo uu yidhi "Maanta 8 bilood ayaa u hadhay ninka reer Boorama xabad kumuu qabsan ee doorasho ayaanu la galnay, waxa maanta dalka ka taaganina waa waxyaabihii inqilaabku ka dhici jiray xukuumad musuqmaasuq ah oo aan wax-ba qabanaynin laakiin, maanta inaku taas diyaar uma nihin oo ma samayn karno.... Mar walba nin kursi doonaya ayaa doonaya inuu dalka dumiyo waligiin miyaad aragteen nin siyaasiya oo dagaaladdii Sokeeye ku dhintay? ma jirto taasi kuwii Caddiraxmaan Tuur la dagaalamay ayaa jooga kuwii dagaalkii xiligii Cigaal ku jiray ayaa jooga kuwii baa maantana jooga mana hayaan si hufan oo ay cod ku gali karaan waxa la yidhaa Idoorku ninka uu Adhiga kala quusto ayuu u diraa Geela markaa ragii jabhada wadi kari wayay ee Siyaad Bare dalka ka xorayn kari waayay ayaa leh dalka hanaloo dhiibo" ayuu yidhi Faysal Cali Waraabe


Waxa kale oo isna halkaas ka hadalay Aadan Maxamed Mire Waqaf oo ah Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Xisbiga UCID oo sidoo kale la dardaarmay dhalinyarada aqoon iswaydaarsigaas ka qaybgashay, inay iska ilaaliyaan wixii dib u dhac ku keenaya waxana uu yidhi "Waxaad tihiin masuuliyiintii bari, waxaad tihiin qaybta bulshada ugu firfircoon waxa haboon inaad xor ka noqtaan mukhadaraadka iyo qabyaaladda ma jiro qabiil Dugsi idiin dhisi karaa mana jiro qabiil garoon idiin dhisi karaa ee qaran ayaa wax idin dhisi kara markaa aynu qarankeena ilaashano"


Aadan Mire Waqaf waxa uu ka daba maray Gudoomiyaha UCID hadalkiisa ah inay ka digtoonaadaan siyaasiyiin uu sheegay inay bur-burin wax ku doonayaan, "Marka nin doonayo inuu wax burburiyo, waxa uu dhalinyarada ku kiciyaa tolaayeey markaa iska ilaaliya kuwa doonaya inay idinka dhigtaan salaam wax ay ku burburiyaan"


Waxa kale oo isna halkaasi ka hadalay Gudoomiyaha Ururka UCID ee UK iyo Gudoomiyaha UCID ee Gobolka Togdheer Cismaan Afgaab


Kulanka loo qabtay dhalinyarada ayaa ahaa mid ay ku baranayeen siyaasada iyo marnaamijyada Xisbiga UCID


Xigasho: Ogaal

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Originally posted by Northerner:

The SNM destroyed Siyad's military just for the heck of it miya?

'Ragii Jabhada Wadi Kari Wayay Ee Siyaad Bare Dalka Ka Xorayn Kari Waayay Ayaa Leh Dalka Hanaloo Dhiibo' Faysal Cali Warabe

Contradictory ain't it Northerner.


Ina waraabe saying SNM wasn't able to defeat The SNA and your here telling blatant lies. :D aduunyo. But waa iska caadi ;)

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Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

If the S.N.M betrayed Somalia, then I say the Somali government betrayed its people, which led to destruction of the state and the infiltration of secular clanish groups supported by Mengistu.

How did the Somali government betrayed his people? By building up a state from virtually scratch? by inventing a new Somali script? by supporting literacy campaings that helped learn over 70% of the population how to read and write? by building up one of the Strongest armies in Africa? by building factories, roads, schools, by building Xamar and making it a place for Somalis of all regions, by recording Somali history, culture, poetry, the achievements of the Somali government are countless. So geeljire give me one example of a positive thing that these rebels did for our nation. Just one.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

ME, adeer go wash your mouth and dont insult the SSDF.

What makes the SSDF better then the USC and SNM Duke, aren't they all xabash dabo-dhil*fs?

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Adeer dont excuse Siyad Barre, he ended up a leader of the SNF after destroying the nation.

I am not excusing Siyad Bare, I am just stating teh achievements of the Somali government and asked geeljire to give us what these rebel groups have done for our nation except bring destructions and misery to our people and country.

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^^^Adeer I dont speak for the rest, but the SSDF were fighting the regime and not the people of Somalia. The regime that was persecuting their members, then bombed Hargaysa and then triggered the civil war. Siyad Barre caused Somalia and its people more harm than Haile Salasy or Menghestu could ever dream of.

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