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Puntland Government Hold Ceremony To End Clan Violence

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Somalia: Puntland govt issues ruling to end clan violence

21 Oct 21, 2009 - 11:00:59 AM


BOSSASO, Somalia Oct 21 (Garowe Online) - A well-organized ceremony was held in Somalia's northern region of Puntland on Wednesday, to declare the government's ruling on clan violence, Radio Garowe reports.


The event was held at a conference hall inside Bender Qassim International Airport in the Gulf of Aden port city of Bossaso and attended by more than 300 people, including government leaders, traditional elders, Islamic scholars, businesspeople, civil society, journalists and honored guests.


Senior government officials present at the ceremony included: Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole"; VP Abdisamad Ali Shire; Cabinet ministers for Security, Finance, Labor, and Ports; Puntland military commander Said Jama "Tutaweyne"; Puntland police chief Mohamed Hassan Afey; and Puntland Intelligence Service (PIS) director Osman “Diana” Mohamud.



Labor Minister Mohamed Nur “Agweyn” was host of the ceremony, which began at 10:00am local time with religious comments by Sheikh Ahmed Dahir.


“I urge the public to work with the government. If we are united and we protect our religion, no enemy can come among us," said Sheikh Ahmed, one of Puntland's most learned Islamic scholars.


He said clan violence "breeds problems, such as droughts." Sheikh Ahmed called on the Puntland people for pray to Allah.


Labor Minister Agweyn offered a brief report about events surrounding clan violence in Igdheys, a village located in Ufayn district of Bari region southeast of Bossaso.


Fighting over land and resources erupted in Nov. 2008 between two sub-clans within the ********* clan that is dominant in Puntland. Minister Agweyn said President Farole and VP Shire came to Bossaso on Sept. 27 primarily to help end the clan violence around Igdheys village where 36 people have been killed, according to a government report.




Puntland's security minister, Gen. Abdullahi Said Samatar, was welcomed to the microphone and he began by saying that this gathering was organized to bring peace among the brotherly clans.


"These clan attacks have caused much suffering and embarrassed our reputation. During the past year, many development programs were delayed and businesses hurt," Security Minister Samatar said.


He noted that Puntland's government did not directly intervene in the clan violence initially, but emissaries composed of traditional elders and religious figures were sent to bring an end to the violence.


"In the end, the government had no choice but to intervene directly. The government's decision is best for the peace," the Security Minister added.


He warned the Puntland people to uphold the peace and asked the people to "pray for places in Somalia that do not have peace like Puntland."


Minister Samatar strongly stated that "the government's decision will be implemented. We [government] will not be reserved in implementing this decision."


'Peace is a garden'


President Farole gave a 20-minute long speech addressing issues related to peace and the government's decision to end the clan violence in Igdheys village.


"We are here today to end clan violence that started before my election in January [2009]," Puntland's leader said. "The violence has cost lives and destroyed property and even impacted clans not directly involved in the fighting."


He said that it is true that the government has spent a lot of time trying to bring an end to the clan hostilities in Igdheys village, saying: "It is a fact that some projects were delayed. But our work continues simultaneously…it is our duty to spend time and funds to bring peace."


While noting that the Puntland government's policy is "unity and justice," adding: "Peace is the garden of development. War is hell."


The Puntland president said that he visited Igdheys village in September [2009], saying: "It is an extremely hot place during the hot season and very cold during the cool season. It is not a place to die over.”


President Farole strongly stated that "anyone who threatens the peace will be dealt with through the law.”


The government' s 11-point decision orders both groups of clan militias to be disarmed and establishes Igdheys village as a temporary military base. Currently, there are around 400 Puntland troops around Igdheys village.


Source: Garowe Online

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Dowladda Puntland oo go'aamo ka gaartey Igdheys

21 Oct 21, 2009 - 2:34:24 AM


Kulan maanta 21 Oct,2009 ka dhacey Terminal-ka cusub ee magaalada Bosaso ayaa dowladda Puntland kaga dhawaaqdey go'aamo lagu xalinayo dirirtii dhowaan labo beelo oo walaalo ah ku dhexmartey degaanka Igdheys ee ku yaala degmadda Ufeyn.


Ku dhawaaqista go'aankaan ayaa waxaa ka qayb soo qayb galey Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamad Maxamud, Ku-xigeenka Cabdi-samad Cali Shire, Wasiirka Amniga Cabdulahi Siciis Samatar, Wasiir ku-xigeenka Arrimaha gudaha Yusuf Axamad Khayre, Wasiirka Maliyada Farax Cali Shire, Wasiirka Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha Maxamad Nuur Cagweyn, Taliye-yasha Ciidamada Darwiishta, Booliska, sirdoonka Puntland iyo saraakiil kala duwan ee ka tirsan dowladda Puntland.


Kulankaan ayaa dhinaca kale waxaa kasoo qayb galey dad gaaraya 300 oo qof kuwaas oo isugu jirey Issimo, Culumaa'udiin, ganacsato iyo siyaasiyiin kala duwan.


Khudabadaha ayaa waxaa ku hormarey Wasiirka Amniga oo sheegey in dowladda Puntland go'aankaan ku fulineyso khasab isaga oo digniin u direy dhamaan dhinacyada qodobadaan khuseeyaan.


Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland Cabdiraxman Farole oo ka hadley kulankaan ayaa ka hadley amniga iyo faa'idada uu leeyahay isaga oo digniin u direy shacabka soo dabagala shaqsiyaadka hay'adaha amaanka u qabtaan danbiyada ay galaan.


Mud. Farole ayaa sheegey in dadka qaxootiga ee yimaada deganadaan ay soo dhown balaaran heleen loona baahan yahay iney u hogaansamaan sharciga Puntland isaga oo xusey in qaarkood qaxooti ahaan kaga baxaan xeebaha kadib-na xubno kamid ah dib u soo noqdaan.


Dadkaan soo noqda ayaa Madaxweynaha Puntland sheegey in qaarkood tababaro amniga kasoo horjeeda kusoo qaataan wadamo shi-sheeye kuwaas oo uu ka tilmaamey wadanka Eritrea.


Madaxweyne Cabdiraxman Farole ayaa sheegey in dadka Somalida ee daga gobolada Ismaamulka Somalida ee wadanka Ethiopian soo dhoweyn wanaagsan ka heleen shacabka Puntland balse mamulkiisa uusan u dulqaadan karin in saldhigyo rabshada ka abuura wadamada dariska ah laga sameeyo Puntland.


Madaxweyne Farole ayaa sheegey in safaaradda Yamen ee Somalida caadeysatey in ay bixiyaan aqoonsi dal ku galis kuwaas dadka qaarkiis dib ugu soo degaan Dekada Bosaso isaga oo sheegey in fasaxaas aan la siin karin qof walba ee Af-Somali ku hadla balse xaq u leeyihiin dadka reer Puntland iyo Somalida kale ee ka timid gobolada kale ee Somalia oo uu xusey sheegey in dib u mari doonaan baaritaano madaama hay'adaha dowliga dal ka bixis horey u siin.


Khudbadda Madaxweynaha kadib ayaa xogheynta guddiga dowladda ee goáankaan soo saarey waxaa uu akhriyey qodabadii la gaarey u u qoran sidatan:


Go’aanka Gudiga Dawladda.


Iyadoo ay himilada dowladdu tahay inshacabka Puntland ay nabad ku wada noolaadaan, mabda’ahaana aan lakala sheegan kari dhul iyo deegaan, taasoo ah saldhiga dawladnimo.


Deegaanka xijiyadu wuxuu leeyahay curfi gaar ah oo soo jireen ah, dawladda Puntlandna ay aqoonsantay.


Xaaladahaas oo idili waxay iftiimiyeen wadciga ka jira deegaanka Igdhays, sidaas darteed waxaa dawladu gaartay go’aamada hoos ku qoran:-


1. In aan la aas aasi Karin degaan cusub iyadoo aan dawladda ogolaansho laga helin.


2. In Igdheys aanay noqon Karin goob deegaan, ayse tahay goob daaqsimeed.


3. In la bur buriyo labada berkadood iyo saddexda qol ee hadda ka dhisan.


4. Dadka leh oo ka soo jeeda beesha Cali Saleebaan (dhismayaasha iyo berkeda) waa inay dib ugu noqdaan tuulada Dharjaale oo ay horay uga soo guureen ama ay ku biiraan meelaha kale oo la degan yahay.


5. Kharashka ku baxa burburinta berkedaha iyo qololka iyo weliba mag-dhawga qiimaha ay ku ceen waxaa wada jir u bixinaya dadkii meesha degay iyo dawladda, sababtoo ah waxay wadaageen masuuliyadda dib uga soo noqoshadii goobtii loo cayimay oo ahayd 5 km.


6. In goobta dhismaha iyo berkaduhu ku yaaliin si ku meel gaar ah loo dejiyo ciidamada amniga kuna nagaadaan inta nabaddu taaba gal ka noqonayso.


7. In beesha Cali Jibraahiil ay ku ekaato tuulooyinkii ay horay u deganaayeen sida Moqor iyo meelaha kale ee ay degan yihiin.


8. In degaamadii horay loowada degenaa si nabad gelyo ah loogu wada noolaado.


9. In wixii dhimasho,dhaawac iyo dhibbaan kale ee lakala sheeganayo gogol la isugu soo hor fariisto iyadoo ay dhex dhexaadinayaan gudi ay xukuumaddu magacawday.


10. In ciddii ku xad gudubta xabbad joojinta hadda jirta ama u hogaansami wayda go’aanka dawladda la cisaaaridoono iyadoo fidmo walayaasha iyo cid kasta oo lug ku yeelata fidmo colaadeed oo dambe la hor keeni doono maxkamad, wixii kharash xukuumada ka baxayna ay dushooda noqon doonto.


11. Tiknikadii dagaalka lagu galay ee sida gaarka loo leeyahay waa in gacanta dawladda lagu soo wareejiyaa.




Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamud (Farole)

Madaxweynaha Puntland


Qoraalkaan ayaa waxaa ku sixiixnaa Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland Nuqul kamid ahna waxaa gacanta ku haya Website-ka Garowe Online.


Garowe Online, Bosaso










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