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Puntland Forces Move to Pirate Stronghold

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Puntland oo Ciidamo la Dagaalama Burcadda Badeed u Diraysa Degmada Garacad ee G/Mudug


Arbaco, 21, April, 2010 (HOL) Maamulka Puntland ayaa Qorshaynaya in Ciidamo xoogan loo diro degmada Garacad oo ka tirsan Gobolka Mudug ,halkaasi oo afduub loogu haysto dhowr Markab oo Beesha Caalamka laga leeyahay.


Waxaa La sheegay in Ciidamadan ay weerari doonaan xarumo dhowr ah oo ay Burcad badeedu ku leeyihiin degmadaasi ,isla markaana xoog looga sii daynayo maraakiibta ay haystaan.


Taliyaha Ciidamada Birmadka Puntland C/risaaq Axmed Gantaal oo la hadlay qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta Bosaaso ayaa sheegay in howlgalo balaaran ay ka fulin doonaan degmada Garacad oo aan horay loo gayn ciidamo ka tirsan Puntland.


Waxaa kaloo Taliyaha uu sheegay in Howlgalo laga fuliyay degmada Baargaal ay ku guulaysteen Ciidanka Birmadka ,kaasi oo lagu soo qabqabtay kooxo ka tirsan Burcad badeeda Somaalida oo halkaasi ku sugnaa.


"Cidii is hortaagta Hawlgalada la fulin doono,Waxaa la marsiin doonaa Sharciga u dagan Puntland, Burcaddana waan la dagaalamaynaa" ayuu yiri Taliyaha isaga oo ku sugan degmada Bosaso.


Maamulka Puntland ayaa bilaabay dadaalo hor leh oo lagula dagaalmayo Burcad badeeda ,ka dib markii Guddi ka tirsan Qaramada Midoobay uu saaray Warbixin ku aadan in Hogaanka Puntland iyo Burcadd badeeda ay Xiriir leeyihiin.


Dhawaan Degmada Baargaal waxaa tagay Ciidamo ka tirsan Birmadka ,Waxaana la hadal hayaa sida ay suurtagal ku noqonayso in Burcadd Badeeda laga sifeeyo Degmada Garacad oo ah meel ay awooda badan kuu leeyihiin.


Faisel Maxamed Hassan,Hiiraan Online

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Garowe(AllPuntland)- Maamulka Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay ciidan udiri doonaan deegaanka Garacad ee gobalka Mudug oo ay hada joogaan kooxo badan oo ka mid ah Burcad Badeeda Soomaalida, isla markaasna halkaas ku haysta Maraakiib badan oo ay ka soo qabsadeen meelo ka baxsan biyaha dalka Soomaaliya.


Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay ciidamadaasi noqon doonaan kuwa la dagaalama kooxaha Burcad Badeedaha, isla markaasna aysan kayeeli doonin in ay ku sii nagaadaan deegaanka Garacad ee gobalka Mudug.


Saraakiisha ciidamada ee Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay hada ciidamadaasi diyaar yihiin, isla markaasna ku sii jeedaan deegaanka howlaha shaqo ay ka qabanayaan ee gobalka Mudug, iyagoo la kulmi doona Odayaasha dhaqanka oo ay kala hadli doonaan sidii cid kasta ay kala soo baxdo qofka uga jira.


Maamulka Puntland ayaa dhawaan sheegay in ay la dagaalami doonaan Burcad Badeeda, oo ay dhulka kala dagaalami doonaan, ayna udulqaadan doonin in xeebaha Puntland la keno Markab afduub ahaan lugu soo qabtay.


Taliyaha ciidamada Birmadka ee Puntland G/sare C/risaaq Axmed Gantaal ayaa sheegay in aysan cidnaba ka yeeli doonaan in ay ka baaqsadaan deegaanka Garacad, wuxuuna ku dheeraaday sida loogu baahan yahay la dagaalan adag oo lala galo kooxaha Burcad Badeeda ah ee Soomaalida.


“ Burcad Badeeda ma dagana Puntland, waxa ay joogaan oo kaliya Garacad oo Mudug ah, ayana dhawaan ayaa ku sii jeednaa oo aan tagaynaa ma ogolaan doono Burcad Badeednimo dambe”Ayuu yiri Taliyaha ciidamada Birmadka ee Puntland G/sare C/risaaq Axmed Gantaal.


F. C. Maxamed


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Good development. The administration now realises the importance in combating the malice that is piracy. With this attitude they will get rid of it inshaallaah and accumulate great support.


This goes on with an awareness campaign by the religious scholars of Puntland and the elders.


Puntland is on the tip of Horn of Africa, the most eastern tip of Africa is in Puntland. Puntland also strides two vital sea routes namely the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.


Also Puntland is where most of the coastline of Somalia is the coastline is slightly more than 1/2 of that of Somalia that is in Puntland.


Puntland is also the original 'Horn' of Africa. A strategic place on the gulf of Aden. Puntland is a vast land equal to 1/3 of Somalia.


Puntland has a stable and functioning government and security apparatus. Puntland is considered one of the safest places in the whole of Somalia though it has a vast land and coastline and since the collapse of the Somali Republic has only seen one minor skirmish in the 2002/03 post election which was quickly resolved nothing like what the rest of Somalia had to endure.


Puntland is a regional player. Puntland seeks to align itself with the world and is a open place that practises tolerance. No religious, political organisation and dissidents of any kind are allowed whether military or political.


Puntland is called the land of the scents/perfume/aroma dhulka udugga which the Pharaohs used to have trade links because of the frankincense and myrrh.


Puntland is an ancient place with a lot of mountains, ancient history and sights. Puntland is the only place which had a semblance of a state prior to independence and its people are renowned for politics, law and order and safeguarding traditions.


Puntland is also the only place where the traditional elders hold a significant sway as in other regions had a more regional attitude or neither of the two



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The new anti Piracy HQ, to be build by the International community in Garowe, will also play a key role in stopping this problem.


Good news, Garacad needs a road, not Pirates.

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