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Puntland should ignore the TFG that only controls 2KM of Somalia

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^^^No, Puntland is all that remains of Somalia.

Only in its cities is the blue flag rises, and its people do love Somalia to the core. Mistakes are made and there are weaknesses, but Puntland remains Somalia.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

Puntland is now different than Somaliland only in name. It is a separatist state, with a unionist jingo.

Che's Puntland will not secede from Somalia-pay no heed to those huffing and puffing, and those secessionists who wants to see deep political discord between Puntland and the rest of Somalia in order to fulfill their twisted goals.

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The the TFG model will never be replaced, it may be fine-tuned by switching leaders or tweaked in areas such as "state/federal devolution of powers", however the core of federalism which is "autonomous states under a federal framework" will remain permanent in Somalia. Without this, I can never see Somalia being solved.


I personally think the Galkacyo accord which was drafted by Gen. Ilkajir with articles such as

"25% of economic funding for somalia be given to puntland" is a bit over the top and un-realistic.


The issues of devolution of power need to be looked at from national stand-point. We can't have Puntland being a Gulf state when everyone else remains in 3rd world conditions. This not very patriotic or nationalistic at all.


Anyways My point is their needs to some lee-way and the clan-cards need to drop at the national stage, because the nation is shared by all clans and we all have an interest in it. The better we work together to move up out of this continuous cycle of misery the better for all respective stakeholders.


Ps: sheekada merfishka iyo sheekada national stageka ma kala bartan somalidaa, their is a time and place for everything. When talking about the nation, drop all your extra-baggage at the door because history is history, we need to move on and compete on the world stage with african nations who are surpassing us at great lengths.

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