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Mogadishu: 2008-2009 School exams start for more than 10.000 students

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In ka badan 10,000 oo Arday oo Imtixaanka Sanad-Dugsiyeeda 2008-2009 Muqdisho u fariisanaya


Sabti, May 30, 2009(HOL): In ka badan 10 kun oo Arday oo wax ka barta Dugsiyada Waxbarashada ee hoosyimaada Dalladda FPENs ayaa waxay u fariisteen Imtixaanka sanad-dugsiyeedka 2008-2009.


10892 oo Arday oo imtixaanka u fariisanaya ayaa waxay isugu jiraan kuwo Dugsiyada Sare wax ka barta iyo kuwo Dugsiyada Dhexe wax ka barta, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in xiligan uu ardayda Imtixaanka ugu soo aaday iyadoo xaaladda magaalada Muqdisho ay tahay mid aan deganeyn.


Guddoomiyaha KMG ah ee Dalladda Waxbarashada FPENs Bashiir Macallin Yuusuf oo ka warbixinayay Imtixaanka ay Ardayda u fariisaneyso ayaa wuxuu sheegay in Ardaydaas ay wax ka bartaan 223 Dugsi oo Muqdisho ku yaalla, wuxuuna caddeeyay in ay ku faraxsan yihiin in ay Arday ka badan 10 kun ay Imtixaanka sanad-dugsiyeedka u fariistaan.


Bashiir Macallin Yuusuf wuxuu intaas ku daray in 5460 Arday ay wax ka bartaan 120 Dugsi oo kuwa dhexe ah, halka 5432 Arday oo kalena ay wax ka bartaan 103 Dugsi oo kuwa sare ah.


“Waxaa xusid mudan in intii uu sanad-dugsiyeedkan socday ay Ardayda, Waalidka, Macallimiinta iyo Maamulka la kulmeen culeysyo badan oo xagga amniga ah, hayeeshee waxaa lagu guuleystay in aysan marnaba istaagin waxbarashadii, taasina waxay ku timid iskaashiga waalidka iyo ardayga oo dhinac ah iyo Jamciyaadka ay hoosyimaadaan oo dhinac kale ah”ayuu yiri Bashiir Macallin Yuusuf oo ah Guddoomiyaha KMG ah ee Dalladda Waxbarashada FPENs.


Ugu dambeyntiina, Imtixaanka ay u fariisanayaan Ardayda wax ka barata Dugsiyada hoosyimaada Dalladda Waxbarashada FPENs ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo magaalada Muqdisho ay ka jirto xiisad colaadeed oo u dhaxeysa Ciidamada Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Kooxo hubeysan oo ka soo horjeeda.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Congratulations to the more than 10.000 young Somalis doing their final exams in a city that is wrecked by conflict between religious pretenders.



You truelly inspire us by your hard work and patience.

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Totally insane!


But what can come out of pupils and their so-called education in a city, where they need to pass over remains of corpses, skeletons, body parts, bones and cut off heads in order to attend classes and end of year exams?


Indeed the answer is merciless and very traumtised adults, who suffer from illnesses, seen in those of combat and war veterans.


What I find buffling is, that there haven't been any confirmed and reported incidents of cannibalism in that city of yet, as far worse and unimaginable abnormalities have happened already in the past.


Mogadishu society is a sham. During the warlord era there were inhumane sufferings and wicked vileness and up-most perversity happening and now the blood-sucking business is back and in full swings again.


It's a curse indeed, because of what happened there previously. Mogadishu is an aversion to normal, decent and noble human traits and sets of agreed moral codes.


It is very sad indeed.

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Dont let ''Mogadishu'' become what it has become to the secessionists.


Mogadishu students are tought and will educate themselves against all odds.


Is that what you hate?


As long as more than 10.000 students are doing their school exams the most crucial aspect of Mogadishu society is funtioning: education.

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Maasha ALLAAH,


Those kidz are the best and the few individuals who decided NOT become part of the m.o.or.y.a.a.n "revolution" against all odds..


Good luck to you all. I wish you all the best of everthing.

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With all those wars, shelling and attacks ,,,, Good luck to them ,, i'm sure they will be the bright future of that country ................... Insha Allah.

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A Nation's Strength


What makes a nation’s pillar high

And its foundations strong?

What makes it mighty to defy

The foes that round it throng?


It is not gold. Its kingdoms grand

Go down in battle shock;

Its shafts are laid on sinking sand

Not on abiding rock.


Is it the sword? Ask the red dust

Of empires passed away;

The blood has turned their stones to rust,

Their glory to decay.


And is it pride? Ah, that bright crown

Has seemed to nations sweet;

But God has struck its luster down

In ashes at His feet.


Nor gold but only men can make

A people great and strong;

Men who for truth and honor’s sake

Stand fast and suffer long.


Brave men who work while others sleep

Who dare while others fly-

They build a nation’s pillars deep

And lift them to the sky.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

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Nor gold but only men can make

A people great and strong;

Men who for truth and honor’s sake

Stand fast and suffer long.


Brave men who work while others sleep

Who dare while others fly-

They build a nation’s pillars deep

And lift them to the sky.



The more than 10.000 students will insha allah one day build our nation's pillars deep and lift them to the sky.


As long as such bravery, patience and perceverance exists Mogadishu will not fall, and thus Somalia has a chance to redeem itself.

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Mogadishu has one of the toughest and most vibrant private run schools anywhere found in Somalia, but not under this climate.


For the report to be believed there has to be some sort of normality first or an assemblance of it. I can't help but to notice, that the bulk of good teachers, brilliant schools and the children of the more affluent families who were the main drivers in eduction in that city, have all left in the last two years.


They've made their new homes in other parts of the country, djibouti, nairobi, addis and other more far off places. And the mass-exodus is continuing right now as well, as those who have returned after the ethiopians withdrew were send packing again.


I'm sorry but that's the frank and true reality of the situation. The city is today far off then it was in june of three years ago, 2006, prior the UIC's take over from the wicked warlords.

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As long Mogadishu has more than 10.000 students doing their final exams like everything is normal we can only admire them and hope things will work out for those brave students.

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