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Bosaso: Verification of Puntland’s stability, firm gives away prizes[ Car,]: PICS

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Shirkadda TELCOM oo bixisay Hadiyadihi ay dhowaan Soo Bandhigtay(Sawiro)


September 24, 20100 comments| leave your own!

Share Shirkadda Isgaarsiinta Telcom Puntland ayaa maanta bixisay hadiyaddo kala duwan oo dhowaan usoo bandhigtay macaamiisheeda,iyadoo ay gudoonsiisay dadkii ku guuleystay.


Xaflad lagu bixinaayay hadiyadahaas ayaa lagu qabtay Hoteelka Juba ee magaaladda Bosaaso,waxaana kasoo qaybgalay masuuliyin ka tirsan Shirkadda Telcom,Ganacsato,Culima’udin,Nabadoono iyo martisharaf kala duwan.


Maareeye kuxigeenka Shirkadda Telcom Mudane Cabdirashiid Waceys oo ka hadlay xafladda ayaa sharaxaad ka bixiyey noocyada ay yihin hadiyadahaan,waxaana u sheegay in ay kala yihin;




-Computer nooca loo yaqaano Laptop


-Qasaalad dharka lagu dhaqo



Wuxuu intaas ku daray in barnaamijkaan ay shirkadda soo waday mudo labo bilood isla markaana macaamiisheeda fursad siisay in ay ka qayb qaatan ugu dambeyntiina todobo qof ay ku guuleysteen.


Muulkiilaha hoteelka Juba Cabdiladiif Yuusuf Barre oo kamid ahaa ganacsatada xafladda goobjoog ka ahayd ayaa u hambalyey shirkadda Telcom,wuxuuna ku dhiirageliyey in halkaas ay kasii wadaan horumarka.


Maareeyaha guud ee Telcom C/qaadir Khaliif Xaashi ayaa xafladda ka sheegay in arimaha noocaan kale ay shirkadda ugu talagashey in ay ka farxiso macaamiisheeda,wuxuuna ugu baaqay dadkii nasiibkoodi u surtagelin in ay ku guuleystaan hadiyadahaan in ay kasoo qaybgalaan kuwa danbe.


Madaxa Suuqgeynta Telcom Xassan Cumar Axmed ayaa gaba gabadii xaflada xarunta Shirkadda Telcom ee Bosaaso ku gudoonsiiyey dadkii ku guuleystay hadiyadahaan.


Horseed Media

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The man in the middle with the glasses is the owner of Juba Hotel in Bosasso. I travelled with him and his son once from Bosasso to Garowe, nice person!


Companies like Telecom and Golis bring in healthy competition and help expand our economy. They are definitely one of the big reason why Puntland has been successful, (Alhamdulillah).


Bosasso has always been such a peaceful city, even though it is expanding at a high rate. Its it's economic sector is leading the way, I think it is the fastest growing city in Somalia!


Excellent news and good job Telecom

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What one is starting to like about the Puntland Media in general and Horseedmedia in particular is te quality of reporting and the factual evidance such as pics and audio as is the case in this beautiful report.


And congrats to the winners. :D

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^^^Yeah shame estremists wont even let the ladies drive. In Puntland they can not only drive they have the better luck in winning competition involving cars, thats nice..

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