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this from the christian(somali) community in hiiraan.

they also didn't like the ethiopian army, they don't think any of their muslim neighbors and relatives liked those islamic militias.



but really:

nowadays indipendance(sovereignty) is not a country's about indipendant individuals with sovereign ideas and actions who can spread that in their community.






keep SoL clean.

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the point is that you let them call you human .. they appoint you a religion .. train you to be a parasite .. (dahab shiil) , confirm your fake i.d. which is necessary

since you lost your soul (daalo airlines) , do the same with your loved ones (amal bank) , teach them that gambling is a supported practice in .. ..islam (!)

and at the end of the day let you think that is the way the world works (horn afrik media)

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Maadeey, Maya wali maadan u dhuuxin jawaabta sidii la rabay. Bal su'aasha la weydiiyay iyo jawaabta isu is leeyihiin mise isma laha? Ma diinbaa laga hadlayaa mise qodob kale.


Hadalka ninna si u yidhi ninna si u qaaday waligaa ma maqashay?

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Complicated, sida aan u fahmay muridi:


His first post wuxuu ka sheekeeyey sida Kirishtaanka Beledwene (ma jiraan?) aysan u taageersaneyn Ciidamada Kiristaanka ee Ethiopia ee Beledwene qabsaday (waa Wadaniyiin), sidaasoo kale Muslinka kale (shacabka) ma jecla Islaamiyiinta!.


Markuu Anwar fahmi waayey ujeedkiisana wuxuu post-giisa xigay ku sheegay ayaan qaar ka mid ah ku weydiiyey siday 'perfect answer' u tahay?, sidaas si ka duwan haddey tahay bal ii sharax illeyn adaa 'enjoy'gareeya falsafadda muridiye. ;)


Ps. Waxaan moodaa inuu leeyahay Diimaha ha laga xoroobo.

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adi maaddeey waxaad isoo xasuusisay hospital saudi ah maalin nin la keenay .


he was screaming :


islaamkaygii aaway .. aaway ?


waxay taas dhacday maalintii ay IAEA la wareegtay hawlaha IMF ..

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