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14 of the 16 districts within Mogadishu are now under full Government control

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Because of President Sheikh Shariff atleast no one can ever say that the rebels were never given a chance for peace talks.


But it is them who hve refsued and it is they who attacked the government by foolsihly thinking that they could topple the government.


Looks like the rebels are awakening to reality and as the government begins to moblise a large mass of somali troops to restore order in somalia and drive out the foreign terrorist. Who wish to use our country as a large terrorist base.

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Originally posted by Hassan6734:

The tide is beginning to turn against the rebels.



Is this Cali-Saciid or Cabdi Waal?



Garab-saar Dab!...Looks Like Aaskii AUN Aadan

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I am not sure you understand what alshaabs demans are. But lets deal with the ones you listed above.

Xiin To understand their demands, you will have to first accept and embrace them as the legitimate political movement.Reading what many on SOL write about Al-Shabaab, it is evident many can not bring themselves into acknowledging Al-Shabaab as legimate political and social. Casting them as irrational fanatics gives little credence to your arguments!


On the issue of AU forces, time and time again, the Sharif "government" has put out contradictory statements, and have even asked more troops to help their cause. The AU itself has said they will do everything possible to defend the government if that means bringing more troops including the Tigreys. Sharif hasn't done or said anything to dispel statements. There has be clear message from the "president" endorsed by the cabinet and the parliament. The AU must also agree with to this. Anything less is just grandstanding.


And as far as the issue of Sharif letigimacy is concerned, for practical purposes any government must enjoy sovereignty over its land/resources and must also have consent of its people to make any meaningful change.One could barely associate these variables with the Sharif government. They barely control Xamar let alone the rest of the country, the support from people is minimal again evidenced by the reluctance of people to defend this government. You pointed to the fact the government represents all Qabiils. Let's examine and see if the individuals representing the different qabiil actually have support from constituents. The honest answer is no. More importantly most of MPs don't reside in Mogadisho and are barely there to contribute anything meaningful to the government. In reality, they represent nobody and contribute nothing to governance of Somalia. This was clearly demonstrated when Memo of Understanding between the TFG and Kenya came to light.MPs failed miserably to tackle.In fact, many happily reside in Nairobe.


On the international front, the support for Sharif is only in paper. Though, it's politically recognized,the international community deprived the TFG necessary tools to survive or importantly thrive.The international community has promised funds, but delivered little to help the TFG in setting up proper security forces, building government institutions, establishing proper bureaucracy, rehabilitating clan militias, and offering very basic services. You saw the latest donor conference where the money that was promised is mostly to AMISOM.


The United Nations Political in Somalia and UNDP are responsible for the reconstruction and politics of Somalia according the UN. These organizations are paid to help Somalis are based in Kenya. The best they have done is to conduct one day seminars for MPs in Baydhabo (Yeey's time), Hargeysa, and Garowe.Mark Bowden shows up in provincial capitals and Mogadisho to make it seem like UN is actually doing something. History my friend has shown the world and the UN is not interested to put an end to Somali troubles. If you believe otherwise, do share your reasons..?


The role of International community means nothing unless they contribute to the TFGs capicity building which is badly needed.

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Che: The role of International community means nothing unless they contribute to the TFGs capicity building which is badly needed.

That's already happening, Che. Haven't you heard of the Markab full of tanks docking in the Mog? smile.gif First military hardware to ensure security then humanitarian help. Then institutional and social re-building and rehabilitation.


One step at a time.

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That alshabaab wield significant influence militarily is not moot point at all. This entity controls entire regions and have shown confidence not seen before to attack and expand to other regions beyond thier control whenever time permits them. Whether they have political objectives that could be reasonably accommodated is the heart of this current conflict in Mogadishu. Also what is at stake is whether this group is fighting for goals beyond restoring the state, a proposition that is clearly becoming undisputable as their rhetoric show.


Sharif did not deny alshabaab existence. Indeed, Sharif and his government did not dismiss alshabaab as fanatics. To the contrary, Sharif recognized them and declared his approach to bridge the gap that existed. He wants peace and reconciliation, he said. His gestures were big and substantial. He accepted the most respected scholars to mediate and bring both parties to the table. So Sharif’s part showed willingness to talk and understand these alshabaab youths. It was, and still is, them that took his peace gesture as a sign of weakness. It was not the other way around.


Now the issue of AU has always been contentions one. In the long run there is no interest for Somalia to rely on foreign boots to secure its capital. But any reasonable person would understand that the conditions that necessitated the presence of AU troops well preceded the birth of Sharif’s tfg. In fact he showed all the signs that he genuinely wants to remove them. I am not sure if you are ignoring facts for the sake of this argument but facts point to that Sharif was reasonable in his dealing with his opponents. Facts also point to that Alshabaab were quite stubborn and were as though if they could not wait for war to break out. When most Somalis were giving Sharif the benefit of the doubt, alshabaab’s mortars saluted him as he entered Xamar back from Jabbuuti. He requested AU troops not to respond in kind. The fools took that as a sign of weakness and not as conciliatory gesture. As long alshabaab militia attack the tfg installations in its weakest moments, the argument of withdrawing AU troops ignores the need for their presence.


Now I must ask you whether you agree with those who hold AU troops are occupying force and endorse their efforts to liberate the city? Answer me Che, I really want to know what an educated fellow like you think about this issue. How does the presence of AU troops in Congo different than the one in Somalia? Is it an occupation ya Che?


As for your grievance against international and regional entities, adeer you’ve described what stateless people are bound to experience yet you unfortunately support those who block one of the best opportunities Somalia had to get out of this mess. You cant complain about others taking advantage of you if you cant even acknowledge the efforts of those who genuinely want peace to prevail. Even worse your support of alshabaab defeats what could be legitimate nationalistic concerns. How could the state be stored if this group not only refuses to accept the Jabbuuti arrangement but also threatens other stable parts awoowe?


To top it, you even don’t think tfg arrangement has any significance and wants to destroy it without even suggesting any alternative or considering the practicality of replacing it with something that could work even temporarily. Why break it if you can indeed modify it? Sharif and his team showed openness to accept reasonable modification to the tfg framework.


What do you want Che? A strong Somali state in Nirvana headed by alshabaab!


I must note that you dodged the Sharia implementation point. It was predictable that you would dodge.

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Get out General Petraeus, here comes the General who commands Somalia's National Army, Somalia's Somalia's Navy, Somalia's Police force, the new gunner of the brigade unit and transitional national security commander. The heavy weight of all heavy weights, HERE COMES SHARIF SHEIKH AHMEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, securing MADINA TO Kismaayo.


Che, ma adeerkaa shangoole and his boys aa political movement ugu wacde? You sure have your adeero's fire.


Eedo, your adeero shangoole is a criminal who is leading a team of young gunners, made up of 12-21 yr olds into their death bed.


I bet you if you were to go around to take survey of just few of the gullible ones and ask them what it is they are fighting, they wouldn't know what to tell you because they are high on opium.

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