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14 of the 16 districts within Mogadishu are now under full Government control

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Che, don’t worry Sharif will offer another olive branch after he secures Mogadishu. His inborn imperative to survive and defend the government will not be as ruthless as some are expecting. The man still prefers peace to war. Only if the violent alshabaabs you support are as wise.

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Empty talk from empty men. Can someone tell the truth around here for once?


There is no peace process, the violence has increased and spread throughout the city.


Mass exodus has taken place, death and destruction coninues.

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Xiin-If history is anything to go by, no one alone can secure Xamar. Only political settlement can pull the curtains on this stalemate. The demands of Al-Shabaab are simple and within reason. AU forces must leave the country, Sharif must stop pretending that he leds the legitimate government of Somalia, and the Sharia law must be implemented.

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Che wrote:


The demands of Al-Shabaab are simple and within reason.


I am not sure you understand what alshaabs demans are. But lets deal with the ones you listed above.


1-AU forces must leave the country


In principle not many people defend the presence of AU troops. Sharif and his government indicated many times that they are willing to put a timetable on the withdrawal of AU troops. Given the complete breakdown of state armed forces and the lack of security in Xamar, the need to have the protection of AU troops for the major government installation are understandable, and very much with in reason however. The point of contention has always been whether the presence of these troops constitutes foreign occupation as alshabaab and Ina Aweys assert or whether they are merely peacekeeping forces deployed in Somalia due to the prolonged conflict there. It’s not clear to me which camp you belong in that fundamental dispute. Still the fact remains that both rhetoric and violent acts of alshabaab left no room for thoughtful discussion about how to proceed on this issue. We all know who aborted the efforts of scholars in Xamar when they tried to mediate and intercede. The demand of the withdrawal AU troops would have been reasonable had those calling for it showed any respect and appreciation for the efforts to attain such goal.


2-Sharif must stop pretending that he leds the legitimate government of Somalia


Sharif is not pretending, he IS the legitimate leader of the current transitional government. One has to start somewhere to revive the downed Somali state; Sharif chose to contest and won the seat of tfg, which Abdullahi Yusuf vacated. As a result he is the leader of an internationally recognized weak framework in which majority Somali communities are represented in the form of clan formula. If you have beef with current international machinations, Somalia is not where to come to express violently your frustrations with the said system. The fact Sharif receives supports from various institutions, both regional and global, does not mean he’s serving for foreign interests. Somalia does not exist in a vacuum thusly it must engage and seek the collaboration of other nations and interested parts to stand on her feet again. Baring your skinny chest in defiance before the world and pointing your fingers to lay the blame on others is dead end strategy adeer. Simply put, opposing Sharif on the grounds of legitimacy is alshabaab talking points that ignore the reality as it’s today.


Having said that, it would be worthwhile if you elaborate the political scheme behind dismissing Sharif’s tfg and starting over again. What do you reckon would change as far as basic political variables are concern? Or do you buy the notion that alshabaab have the capacity and popularity to govern Somalia as a whole hence does not need to appease any entity or group? What makes you think people will not oppose them if alshabaab succeed to snatch the power, as alshabaab have opposed to the current arrangement?



Sharia law must be implemented


So you think those who are fighting Sharif are for Sharia implementation? Are you just repeating the talking points you’ve read in the news portals or you genuinely understand the objectives of Islamic Sharia? One would think that you by now understand that Sharia implementation is more than mere slogans and random demands. But again even with all the systematic inadequacy and lack of infrastructure Sharif’s government accepted the Sharia implementation and signed it into law. Did it not yaa Che? Or do you think that was a half measure intended to appease alshabaab, and you want more forceful version of Sharia implementation?


So much for simplicity and reasonableness!

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The rebels hve clearly stressed that even if AU were to withdraw that they would still seek the destruction of the Government.


The rebels are only united at the present in an attempt to overthrow the Government and hve no other long term Plans but to fight one another for control after the governmnet is overthrown..

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Xiin-If history is anything to go by, no one alone can secure Xamar. Only political settlement can pull the curtains on this stalemate. The demands of Al-Shabaab are simple and within reason. AU forces must leave the country, Sharif must stop pretending that he leds the legitimate government of Somalia, and the Sharia law must be implemented.

Bro, there is nothing "reasonable" about claiming to capture and liberate Alaska, Japan and the Solomon Islands. Nothing "reasonable" about banning smoking, women traveling in the same buses as men and certainly nothing reasonable about offering our lands to foreigner and our women as concubines of International Jihadist.


I can live with Hizb-ul-Islam. Al Shabab is a different breed.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Che, don’t worry Sharif will offer another olive branch after he secures Mogadishu. His inborn imperative to survive and defend the government will not be as ruthless as some are expecting. The man still prefers peace to war. Only if the violent alshabaabs you support are as wise.

I have nothing to add.

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Because of President Sheikh Shariff atleast no one can ever say that the rebels were never given a chance for peace talks.


But it is them who hve refsued and it is they who attacked the government by foolsihly thinking that they could topple the government.


Looks like the rebels are awakening to reality and as the government begins to moblise a large mass of somali troops to restore order in somalia and drive out the foreign terrorist. Who wish to use our country as a large terrorist base.

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Because of President Sheikh Shariff atleast no one can ever say that the rebels were never given a chance for peace talks.


But it is them who hve refsued and it is they who attacked the government by foolsihly thinking that they could topple the government.


Looks like the rebels are awakening to reality and as the government begins to moblise a large mass of somali troops to restore order in somalia and drive out the foreign terrorist. Who wish to use our country as a large terrorist base.

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