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Kenya searches for missing policemen in Somalia

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GARISSA, Kenya, June 13 (Reuters) - Kenyan security forces joined Somali and Ethiopian troops searching for two Kenyan policemen believed abducted by Islamist fighters and taken into Somalia, witnesses said on Wednesday.


The pair vanished on Sunday on the remote border, where tensions are running high over the arrest of scores of suspected Somali Islamists trying to enter Kenya after they were routed from Mogadishu in January by Somali and Ethiopian troops.


Security officials from the three countries have agreed to pursue talks with local clan elders to try to win the officers' release, but a joint force will also search, and witnesses said Kenyan infantry crossed the border on Wednesday.


Hawa Adan Arte, who lives on the Somali side of the frontier in Belet Hawa village, said she saw a large number of men in Kenyan uniforms carrying assault rifles and passing on foot.


"Many of us were caught unawares. I panicked ... but they did not ask me anything," Arte told Reuters by telephone. "They were reported talking to men at watering points later."


Anthony Kibuchi, Kenya's Northeastern Police Commander, had earlier confirmed that Kenyan forces would join the search.


Armoured cars and military helicopters were being prepared at an army camp in the border town of Mandera, where one local aid worker said the policemen were believed to have been taken to Luuq, a town about 30 km (18 miles) away inside Somalia.


Kenya rushed extra security personnel to the border earlier this year when members of a hardline Somali Islamist movement fled south and west from Mogadishu after losing a two-week war.


Many tried to slip into Kenya, but scores were caught. The government has been criticised for sending some back to Somalia in a case two rights groups dubbed an "African Guantanamo". (Additional reporting by Daud Yussuf)

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Is this Kenya's way of sending soldiers into Somalia?


Remmeber that old plan......That Kenya would occupy Somalia south of the Juba? PL and SL would be proxies of Ethiopia and the area South of PL till the Juba would be Ethio occupied area.

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Nairobi 13, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan xoogaga amniga ee dalka Kenya ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in ciidamadda amaanka ee dalkaasi ay kula soo biiri doonaan Ciidamadda Ethiopia iyo kuwa Somalia baadigoobka loogu jiro labo sarkaal oo ka mid ah booliska Kiinya oo la rumeysanyahay in loo soo afduubtay dhinaca dalka Somalia.


Labadda Sarkaal ee ka tirsan Booliska Kiinya ayaa lagu waayay xadka kala qeybiya Somalia iyo Kenya maalintii Aaxadda iyada oo xadka ay ka jiraan xiisado ka taagan xariga dhowr ruux oo loogu shakisanyahay in ay yihiin dagaaloyahano Islaamiyiin ah oo u dhashay dalka Somalia.



Inkastoosaraakiil ka tirsan dowladda Kiinya ay hadda wadaan wadahadalo ay la leeyhiin hoggaamiyayaal qabaa'ilka ah oo ka tirsan deegaanka uu ka dhacay afduubka, ayaa haddana sarkaalka maanta u hadlay Kiinya waxa uu sheegay in ay jiri doonaan howl galo isbaheysi ah oo lagu raadinayo askartaasi Kiinya ee loo soo kaxeystay dhinaca Somalia.



"Waxaan adeegsan doonaa diplomaasiyadda, laakiin ciidamadeena waxay ku biiri doonaan askarta Ethiopia iyo kuwa Somalida inagoona gudaha u geli doonaa dalka Somalia" ayuu yiri Anthony Kibuchi, oo ah taliyaha ciidamadda booliska ee waqooyi bari dalka Kiinya oo u waramayay wakaaladda wararka ee Reuters.


Magaaladda Mandheera ayaa waxaa lagu waramayaa in Dowladda Kenya ay ku soo diyaarisay gawaariida militeriga iyo diyaaradaha u kaca sida qumaatiga ee ay ku rakibanyihiin qoryaha dagaalka iyada oo shaqaale gargaar oo ku sugan magaaladda Mandheera uu sheegay in la rumeysan yahay in labadda boolis loo kaxeystay degmada Luuq oo iyada 30 kiilo mitir gudaha Somalia soo xigta.


Dowladda Kenya ayaa ciidamo dheeri ah oo xagga amniga ah soo dhigtay xadka ay la leedahay Somalia horraantii sannadkan xilligaasi oo xubno ka tirsan maxkamadihii laga adkaaday ee Somalia ay u qaxeen dhinaca koonfurta Somalia ee xiga xadka Kenya, iyada oo in badan oo ka mida ah maxaakiimtii Islaamiga ay ka duseen xadka laakiin qaar ka mid ah ayaa la xiray.


Dowladda Kenya ayaa lagu eedeeyaa in ay dib ugu soo celisay Somaliya qaar ka mid ah ragga la xiray arrintaasi dib u soo celinta ayaa labo urur oo u ololeeya xaquuqda aadanaha ay ugu magac dareen arrintaasi "Guwantanimada Afrika". Guantanamo".

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