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General Duke

Garowe Commemorates world peace day: PICS

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Maalinta Nabadda Aduunka oo Laga Xusey Garoowe

September 21, 20100 !

Magaalada Garoowe ayaa maanta waxaa siwayn looga xusay maalinta nabadda aduunka oo ah maalin dunida oo dhan laga xuso taasoo ku began 21-ka Bisha September.


Munaasabad lagu xusaayo maalinta nabadda ayaa waxaa ka qayb qaadanayay guddiyada xaafadaha magaalada,ururada maxaliga,haweenka iyo Hay’adda PDRC .


Haween fara badan ayaa saaka isugu yimid xarunta Wasaarada kuwasoo halka ku qaadayay buraan-buro ay ku muujinayaan muhiimada nabadda.


Masuuliyin ka tirsan Dawladda Puntland ayaa ka qaybgalay munaasabada oo lagu qabtay xarunta Hay’ada PDRC ee magaalada Garoowe,Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Xafiiska Siyaasada Soomaaliya u qaabilsan Qaramada Midoobay iyo haweenka.


Agaasimaha Hay’adda PDRC C/rixmaan Cabdulle Shuuke ayaa ugu horeyn ka hadlay munaasbada,wuxuuna sheegay in maanta ay halkaan isugu yimaadeen in ay ka qayb qaatan maalinta caalamiga ah ee nabadda taasoo lagu ansixiyay go’aan shir wayn qaramada Midoobay kasoo baxay sanadkii 1981-kii.


Dhegayso Caasha Geelle Diiriye oo ka waramysa maalinta nabadda aduunka 21 Sept


Wuxuu intaas ku daray in tobankii sano ee hore aan wax wayn uusan ka hirgelin hase ahaate shir kale ayaa Qaramada Midoobay lagu xadiiday in 21-ka September ay noqoto maalinta nabadda aduunka.


Dhanka kale wuxuu ka hadlay ujeedada maalintaan oo u xusay in ay tahay mid loogu talagalay in la isugu sheego nabada iyo faa’idada ay leedahay dhalaanka soo kacayana loo sheego muhiimadiisa.


Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Xafiiska Siyaasada Soomaaliya ee Qaramada Midoobay oo ka qaybgalay munaasabada ayaa sheegay in Qaramada Midoobay ay baaq nabadeed ujeedinayso dadka Soomaalida isla markaana ugu baaqayso in ay joojiyaan dagaalada.


Wasiirka Haweenka iyo arrimaha Qoyska Marwo Caasho Geelle Diiriye ayaa iyana goobta ka hadashay ayaa sheegtay in maanta dhibaatada Soomaaliya ka jirta ay tahay dadka ay gaarayso dhibaatada ay yihiin Soomaali loona baahan yahay inaan ka fakarno dhalaankeen mustaqbalkooda.


Munaasabada maalinta nabadda aduunka ayaa sidoo kale laga xusay magaalooyin kale ee ku yaalla Soomaaliya.


Maxamed Saciid Yusuuf

Wakiilka Horseed Media


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Nice pics, Puntland has been a beacon of peace for so many Alhamdulillah. It's nice to see capital celebrating such a worthy cause. The Somalia capital should be moved to Garowe, what do you think Duke?

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^^^Yeah Garowe has provem it can host the Somali nations aspirations untill the situation in Mogadishu improves, but you have weak men at the helm in Villa Somalia at the moment who are interested only in money.

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Garowe oo laga xusey maalinta Nabadda

21 Sep 21, 2010 - 8:17:13 AM


Munaasabad maanta ka dhacday hool-ka ha'aydda PDRC magaalada Garowe ee casimada dowlada Puntland ayaa lagu maamuusayey maalinta Nabada Adduunka waxaana ka qeyb-galey masuuliyiin kala duwan.


Hal ku dhiga sanadkan ee maalinta Nabadda Addunka ayaa loogu magac darey sanadka dhalin-yarada & doorka xasiloonida looga baahan yahay.


Maalinta oo Quruumaha Midoobey isku raaceen in la xuso 1981 ayaa markii ugu horeysay loo dabaal dagey sanadkii 1982 iyadoo fadhigii guud ee qaramada midoobay ee sanadkii 2002-dii la go'aan saday in 21 September sanad kasta ay noqoto maalinta Nabada Aduunka.


Hadaba munaasabadda maanta lagu qabtey hoolka Hey'adda PDRC ayaa waxaa ka hadlay madax katirsan Puntland, Culimo,Odoyaasha dhaqanka, dhaqaatiir, Haweenka, Ururada Bulshada Puntland iyo abwaaniin iyo fanaaniin kuwaasoo soo bandhigay uugaan ka tarjumeya malintaan qiimaha leh.


Cabdiraxmaan Cabdalle Shuuke oo ah madax hey'ada PDRC ee Puntland oo ugu horeyn furay munaasabadda ayaa ka hadlay doorka nabadu leedahay isagoo xusay in tan fursadd kuu siin karta inaad waxbarato,noolaato, horumarto la jaanqaado caalamka sidaa aawadeed loo baahan yahay in shaqsi kasta ilaaliyo jiritaanka Nabadda.


Sidoo kale Cabdi Casiis Maxamuud Maxamad oo isna ku hadalayay magaca xafiiska siyaasada UN ka ee Puntland ayaa munaasabadda ka akhriyey fariin ku saabsan Nabadda.


Wasiirka Wasaarada Haweenka iyo arimaha Qoyska Marwa Caasha Geelle Diiriye ayaa munaasabadda ka akhridey warbixin ay ugu talagashay maalinta Nabadda Aduunka


Gabagabadii waxaa soo xiray wasiiru Dowlaha maamul Wanaaga iyo madaxtooyada Puntland Maxamad Faarax Ciise Gaashaan oo dhamaan kasoo qeyb galayasha xaflada ku booriyay iney xil iska saaraan nabad gelyada islamarkaana ilgaara is kaga eegaan cidkasta oo carqalad ku ah jiritaankooda.


Si kastaba sanadkii hore 200 oo wadan iyo ku dhowaad 30 million oo qof ayaa ka qeyb qaatay maalinta nabadda aduunka,


Puntland oo kamida dhulka nabdoon ee Soomalia ayaa sanadkan 2010 markii ugu horeysay gobolada ay ka koobantahay mar qura si wadajira looga maamuusay maalinta nabadda caalamka 21 Sebtember


Xuseen Yusuf Axmad Shiine

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Originally posted by Thankful:

Nice pics, Puntland has been a beacon of peace for so many Alhamdulillah. It's nice to see capital celebrating such a worthy cause. The Somalia capital should be moved to Garowe, what do you think Duke?

Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^I think its the only real choice. But some people are not ready nor willing to give peace a chance.

To Thankful and Duke:


Can you guys tell me how moving the capital city status from Mogadishu to Garowe will bring about peace in the parts of the country that are tumultuous? And when you say, "give peace a chance"-- you mean in Mogadishu and the south, right? Garowe has peace(Rabi baa mahad iska leh) and I'd like us to keep it that way.


I see this idea of moving the capital from Mogadishu as a non-starter that only distracts the Somali people from truly coalescing around a strong federal government in Xamar that can do it's job effectively.


If we're are serious about giving peace a chance in Mogadishu, then lets all work towards making the beleaguered TFG, a stronger,honest and more accountable government that can gain the confidence of the Somali people all over the world.

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^^^Adeer moving the capital to Garowe were it can work free of Mortar shells and suicide bombings. Will transform the prospects of peace.


Moving the capital to a safe place will ensure that all the agencies, UN, embassies and those interested in Somalia will have a location inside the country to work from instead of Nairobi which is not a Somali city.


Moving the capital, training a new army, navy in Puntland will ensure the capture of Mogadishu and others places by a unified Somali army.


Keep things as they are and we will waste more time.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Adeer moving the capital to Garowe were it can work free of Mortar shells and suicide bombings. Will transform the prospects of peace.

What guarantees do we have the Mortar attackers and suicide bombers will be prevented from plying their trade in Garowe as well?


Moving the capital to a safe place will ensure that all the agencies, UN, embassies and those interested in Somalia will have a location inside the country to work from instead of Nairobi which is not a Somali city.

Has it never crossed your mind that these Embassies, UN agencies and NGOs want to keep Somalia the mad house that it is, just to prolong their venal administration of the international aid given to the country?


Moving the capital, training a new army, navy in Puntland will ensure the capture of Mogadishu and others places by a unified Somali army.

I don't see why moving the capital must become a precursor nor a prerequisite for training new troops for the federal government in Puntland. Tell me, what stopping Puntland from helping train such troops, provided the current TFG is reformed?


Keep things as they are and we will waste more time.

No. Trying to run away from our responsiblities to each other is the problem. Mogadishu is the heart and soul of Somalia, and until every Somali out there realizes this and until they put aside their respective finger-pointing, we will continue to waste time.

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Mr Somalia I don’t think we differ much in terms of outlook. Mogadishu is the capital and all Somalis must work towards restoring, no cross that out making it even better than what it once was.

However moving the capital is an avoidable step, every single attempt at governance was foiled because of the instance that this city be the house of government without taking into account the vast armed militia, mad foreign Jihad’s and sheet size of the city and the weakness of the new government forces trying to control it.


Garowe, like Ankara of 1919 is a small city in a central location whose populations are ready and yearn to be governed. It already cotrols Puntland and would give the new government space, valuable real-estate to carry out its work. The reason why Mortars wont start in Garowe is the same reason they don’t rain today, because of its location, people and security. All that is required is maybe 20% of what is wasted in Mogadishu Villa Somalia today to bring wonderous change to the image of Somali governance itself. Federal law akers, cabinet ministers and the executive could meet their constituents in Somali soil instead of running to Nairobi every day a bomb explodes.


The NGO’s and others would be forced to move there is the government relocated. You could keep a strong presence in Mogadishu to maintain the port and airport, open a front in the south to capture Baidoa and Kismayu and move south from Mudug.


To not even consider this option is to disregard the truth and keep us stuck in a dark mindset on the brink of losing our nation.

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