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General Duke

TFG: Courts and Xsan Dahir are the greatest danger to peace....

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Dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya oo sheegtay in Maxaakiimtu ay yihiin khatarta ugu weyn

Last Updated::2006-06-30 20:56:06


Banjul:- Dawladda fedaraalka kmg ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa si kulul u dhaleeceysay hogaamiyaha cusub

ee maxaakimta islaamiga Soomaaliyeed, waxa ayna sheegtay in uu horseedayo dhiig hor leh oo ku daata dalka Soomaaliya iyo caqabado soo wajaha wada xaajoodkii nabadeed ee u dhaxeeyay dawladda iyo maxaakimta.


Wasiirka arrimaha dibada ee Soomaaliya C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil ayaa weerarkii ugu ba’anaa ku qaaday maxaakimta isalamiga ee afka ciida u daray hogaamiye kooxeedyadii shacabka ragaadiyay.


C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil aya sheegay guul darradii lagu dhigay hogaamiye kooxeeedyada in markii hore loo arkayay tallaabo horumar leh, laakin waxaa uu yiri waxaa majaraha u qabtay kooxo mayal adag, kuwaasi oo walaac hor leh abuuraya.


Wasiirka waxa uu intaa ku daray in maxaakimta islaamiga ay qorsheynayaan in ay isku ballaariyaan dalka taasi oo keeneysa dagaal hor leh oo ka qarxa dalka Soomaaliya.


Prof. Ismaaciil ayaa shaki geliyay waan waantii laga dhex waday dawladda iyo maxaakimta islaamiga, isaga oo tilmaamay wadahadal dhex mara labada dhinac in uu ku xiran yahay tallaabada ay qaadaan hogaanka cusub ee maxaakimta, isaga oo sheegay in dhankooda diyaar u yihiin wadahadal in ay la galaan cid kasto oo ka talinaysa aayaha dalka.


Dhinaca kale wasiirka arrimaha dibada oo ku sugan magaalada Banjul ee dalka Gambia halkaasi oo uu ka furmayo shir madaxeedka midowga Africa ayaa ka codsaday ururka midowga Africa ayaa rajo ka muujiyay meel marinta codsigii la xiriiray ciidamo nabad ilaaliyaal ah oo loo soo diro dalka Soomaaliya.


C/lalahi Sheekh Ismaaciil ayaa sheegay in uusan meesha ka saareyn in maxaakimta ay weerar ku soo qaadaan magaalada Baydhabo, hayeeshee waxa uu carabka ku dhuftay in aysan si sahal ah u qabsan doonin magaaladaasi, waxa uuna sheegay in ay is difaaci doonaan.


Wasiirka ayaa intaa ku daray in maxaakimta ay kaga khatar badan yihiin hogaamiye kooxeedyada, waxa uuna ku eedeeyay in ay ku gabanayaan shareecada islaamka.

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Hishiiskii Khartoum qodabadiisa waxaa ka mid ahaa in laga fogaado hadalladda qadafka ah oo dhalin kara kala fogaansho in la isku mariyo jaraa'idka, ciyoontiiba waa kaas duligii alcoliistaha ahaa cabdulaahi shiikh ismaaciil uu biloowbay. Ma is tiri been baa la isku sheegay, ma bahal baa caadadiis baajiyo?

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Your chatting rubbish, your sources are baseless.

If the islamic courts is most dangerous to peace why is everyone in the capital saying its the best its been since 15 years ago?


Maybe you dont like peace but take your tribe over the interest of the people. Lets face it, the TFG will never be accepted by the Somali people so unless they have another elections(FAIR) then they can still stay as weak as they are now. We dont need another dictator

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^The brother is blinded by that which caused our demise in the first place. Ignore his rantings. The affairs of Mogadishu are none of his business and since its residents are satisfied that is all that matters ;) .

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^^^ What is holding us back is those who for clan reasons fight nail and teeth to prevent a governemnt led by the man from the "wrong clan".

This happened with ALi Mahdi, and now the TFG led by A/Yusuf.


"Ethiopoa" they blame and not the actions of their own Somali created injustices..


Since Sharif Xasan and the warlords failed, we have Sharif Ahmed and the reckless day dreams of Xasan Dahir, who will fight the injustice of Ethiopia and not the injustice of his own fighters, and proteges such as Cirfo, Inda Cade and the grave rober Cayrow.


Mogadishu has a council, a goveror, a mayor, why dont these courts support this group?


Mogadishu is also the capital of the nation, what happens there is both relevent...

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They should hang A/Y from a tree soon for his invitation of Ethiopian troops into Somalia. They now took over BeledXawo and are on their way to WAAJID.



A/Y and his stooges in Baydhabo should pay a heavy price for this.

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^^^ Xoogsade, your fantasy shared by many here is that no one can battle your clans millitia.


The localised battles between warlords and courts[new warlords] was exclusively between a single clan. Hence this bravado about, controling the country and attacking Baidoa, is uncalled for.



The NATIONAL troops already in Wajid, Baidoa and near Burhakabo are all sons of Somalia.


the media in Mogadisu, Shabbele and Co base their whole agenda on lies. Central to this is that Ethiopia is on its way, what any clan can do to Ethiopia is questionable, and why the TFG would let a powerful country take over its country is ludicrous.


Kindly have the decency not to insult the Somali people with such utterences..Reports of 100 or so Ethiopian troops enetering Somalia every other week will not confuse anyone who thinks just a little.

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It was reported on GedoNews as well. But I guess you already new that and had to add the "Co" at the end of your list huh?



btw, we are talking about Ethiopian troops in Beledxawo according to the reports from the residents who are in danger over there.


You are obsessed with certain clans.

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^^^ No obsession, its that members of these clans have a nack of drawing attention to themselves.


Xoogsade, if you are a thinking man, why would 100 Ethiopian troops invade a town? Why not bring 100,000 troops?


Its the same nonsence of last week, and since the parliment requested FT depoloyment.


Give us a break,

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If that is proven wrong, the reaction from somalis who love somalia and respect its sanctity will be "Alxamdulillah".


There is no need for propaganda. Propaganda is left for those who equate clan with nationhood.

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Contrary to how it may seem, I trully believe the TFG is a danger to peace and security being reached in Somalia. If they were working for the interest of the people, I think they all resign from this farce and help pave the way for a complete peace and reconciliation.


The Warlords are gone and the time is ripe. Ironically the institution built to achieve peace and reconciliation between our peoples is the only obstacle left.

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"The Warlords are gone and the time is ripe. Ironically the institution built to achieve peace and reconciliation between our peoples is the only obstacle left."




So we need another revolution and your very sure the next time there will be no obstacle left.


Because the rise of clan courts in moqdisho we have better chance?


I think, we never being close for peace and reconciliation. for first time the international community concerns what happening in somalia. They do not care us but for their safety, they want help.


By the way all warlods are NOT gone, some are still in large.Atleast the TNG should do us favor for finnishing the remaining warlods in Marka and Kismaanyo.

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Assalamu Calaykum.


As I have said many times before, there is really no point of combating General Duke's comments, because his comments speak for the interest of his uncle Yey and not for the greater good of the Southern Somalis in general.


The Somalis in Xamar and Jawhar have made their verdict clear, and their verdict is for them to be governed by the courts and not by so called elected government led by warlord Yey and his animal doctor Geedi.To top it off the so call President of Somalia and his parliament have ignored the voices of the citizens against any move that would bring Ethiopian troops into Somalia and have moved with their plan to bring "peackeeping" force into Somalia anyway. After the people have said NO to bringing Ethiopian troops in the country and yet you insist doing it, then I don't know how much clearer it can get that these power obsessed folks are merely working for the sake of their self interest and not that of the Somali people.


It's good enough for me to be convinced that the courts are for the better of the poeple once I saw pictures of thousands upon thousands of Muqdisho citizens holding signs and coming out in support of the Islamic courts. Those images have convinced me enough to say and should convince everyone else who thinks correctly.


In addition, the reality on the ground matters rather than listening to biased western reports calling the courts blood thirst terrorists. For those who have fallen for the those reports from the western Media and for those who are in support of their clan interests,I say shall we take your views and opinions which you have composed from your confy western home living room, or shall we take the path and hear the views of those who are in the mix of all things, i.e. Muqdisho, Jawhar, Buuloxawo, Beledweyne etc. I say the reality on the grounds matters the most, not so much of what a fadhi ku dirir has to say.


Let there be justice in Somali lands and May Allah bless those who are working for the cause of Allah. Amin.




Assalamu calaykum.

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The TFG is a broad based governemnt, which represents every Somali groupings. Nothing compares to it in Somalia today. For example the Somaliland and Puntland entities are baed on a number of closely related clans and the interest of specefic regions.


The JVA,, Courts and other factions in the south alsoe represent narrow clan interest and unlike Puntland and Somaliland came abouth throw Force.


Now those who left their comments on this particular thread, Xoogsade, Horn,Olol and Mr Red Sea. Have all been opposed to the very existance of this TFG, thus what I say will not register. But for the impartial observers and others. I would like to highlight that these fellows are jumping on this new bandwagon. They view this Courts as yet another opportunity to destroy this government.


Example is that all the fellows minus the secesionist Red Sea, were promoters of the cause of Sharif Xasan when he was with the warlords.


The courts for all the hype they are a loose coilition of clans who hail from the same confederacy. They are no more religious than the JVA. Their main aim is neither Islam or justice, but to be an armed opposition or an alternative government. They want by any means to detroy the government of A/Yusuf.


Their weakness is that they do not hold much sway over the country, they do not even have an adminstration for Banadir as I writte.


The International community is now turning to support the TFG because of their alleged links to bodies which are against the world powers.


These very courts will ensure the success of A/Yusuf. Their reckless behaviour and big talk, against Ethiopia and the US will further isolate Mogadishu and surrounding areas.


They want total power and in Somalia there is no room, because we already have a government.

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