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Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Ee Kenya Oo Ku Baaqay In La Baadho Safarkii Faarax Macalin

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Waryaa xabashi baa tahay, soomaalida iskuma diri kartid, fitnada jooji


War illeen anagaa wax nala tusay, habashi af-soomaali bartay, nin aduun ku noolow maxaa aragti kuu laaban, oo haday xabashii iska soo buuxinayaan SOL, halkee laga galayaa



sxb, you have to be brave and face the truth Daraawiish are part of Puntland State of Somalia, people of SSC and Bari are same people, just like our brother Xiin said "ayagu waa anaga, ayana waa anaka"


Temporarily, we have a new leader Suleiman Xaglotoosiye, because Faroole is unreliable, we cannot trust him anymore


After we free our SSCland, we will go back to our Puntland brothers, and Puntland Admin will be held accountable


Who told you I hate my bothers and sisters from Ogdeeniya? I love them because they gave us Sayid, the father of soamli nationalism



People of SSC are waiting their next Sayid II to arrive soon from Western Somalia to lead the Daraawiish of 21 Century, and we can make great history again


Cugdada iska saar, Ana waan kuu soo duceenayaa inuu Allah ku caafiyo

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Temporarily, we have a new leader Suleiman Xaglotoosiye, because Faroole is unreliable, we cannot trust him anymore

The pirate leaders will sell your land with blink of eye. But Farah won't do anything of that. It's just that you misread his visit differently.


Dalmar' wrote:

People of SSC are waiting their next Sayid II to arrive soon from Western Somalia to lead the Daraawiish of 21 Century, and we can make great history again

It was Farah Daraawe. He came to free your land. But you guys were not ready for it. If you can liberate your selves from pirates and secessionist I'll send A&T as the Sayid II when you guys get ready for the work. For many reasons I still believe you are a pirate though, not dervish at all. :D

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Farah Macllin continues to get in trouble. And now he is being investigated by the Kenyan PM for advocating secession in Somali region. Also he is person non-grata in the USA.


The BBC continues as:


"Safaaradda Mareykanka ee Magaalada Nairobi ee Dalka kenya, ayaa sheegtay in ay u diiday Fiiso ama dal ku gal uu ka codsaday in uu ku gallo dalka maraykanka guddoomiye ku xigeenka barlamaanka ee Kenya Faarax Macallin oo isla markaasna ah mudane laga soo doorto gobolka Waqooyi Bari ee Kenya. Safaaradda Mareykanka waa ay ka gaabsatay in fahfaahin ka bixiso sababta ay tallaabadaas u qaadatay balse wargeys ka soo baxa magaalada Nairobi ayaa ka hadlay arrinta oo ku tilmaamay in guddoomiye ku xigeenka sababta loogu diiday Fiisaha ay tahay wax uu ugu yeeray xiriirka uu la leeyahay kooxaha Soomaaliya.


And he has also been refused entry into Puntland: aliland_printer.shtml



Xogahan ayaa intaas ku daraya in Maamulka Puntland ku gacansayrayey codsigaas ka yimid Farah Macalin.


Sarkaal diidey magaciisa oo la hadley Garowe Online 2 March,2010 ayaa sheegey in codsiga Guddoomiyaha ku xigeenka Barlamanka Kenya salka ku hayey culeyska siyaasdeed oo ka haysta dalka Kenya madaama uu booqdey maamulka Somaliland.

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Originally posted by Dajiye:

The pirate leaders will sell your land with blink of eye. But Farah won't do anything of that. It's just that you misread his visit differently.

Farah he sold us for few dollars, after he received payment from snm militia. But not only that Farah became speaker of somalidiid, by publicly advocating sectarianism and praising the occupation of Laascaanood by snm militia



Originally posted by Dajiye:

It was Farah Daraawe. He came to free your land.

No, no, You are wrong sxb, acudubilah,you send kukuyo or was he habashi, and he came to praise the occupation of Laas Caanood


Originally posted by Dajiye:

I'll send A&T as the Sayid II

I told you Sayid II, waa inuu Buuhoodle ku dhashay, waa inuu Makkah daganaa in badan, waa inuu carabiga iyo diinta islaam si fiican ayaqaana, waa inuu afka iyo suugaanta soomaalida, waa inuu yahay gabayaa


A&t ma aqbalano, waa mid rabshad, oo dadka isfahmin, asagoo waxba hubsan ayuu dagaal qaadaa, kaa dhib buu noo keenayaa, for sure send Zack, he is good man, we will welcome him with open arms, people of SSC have a soft spot for him like the first Sayid I



Originally posted by Dajiye:

For many reasons I still believe you are a pirate though, not dervish at all.

And for many many more reasons, I believe you are xabashi not somali like Faroole said :D


You can our xabashi friend and spy Melez to bring down the habashi empire to its knees, and build Strong Somaliweyn Empire, which will rule all Somali peninsula 100%, and Somalia will the strongest nation in East Africa and whole africa in 21th century and in 3rd millennium insha Allah


war aamiin dhaha

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Dalmar how do you expect the ONLF to help you when you are keep refering to their people as habashi and under 200 years occupation. :D

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