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By Dr. Jamal A. Abanur

June 14,2005


Every country around the globe had some dreadful history that is or was caused by elements of its own people. Among the most appalling occurrence is a bloody civil war leading to the death of hundreds or millions of innocent people. The causes of internal conflicts are generally diverse, but most of the time it was related to differences in ideology among the rivals. In spite of all the differences, however, the leaders of the opposing sides believed in the sovereignty of their country and were devout nationalists. In contrast, history showed us that the situation in Somalia is awfully different. The country is mystified by traitors who have all one common goal, i.e., to financially enrich themselves and sell the country to anyone who will assure their long-term survival. The list of the Somali warlords is unending, and will continue to expand with the help of BBC Somali Program. As the BBC interviews of the newly baptized warlord Mr. Indha Adde is frequently aired to the public, others will soon be making in the headlines.


After almost 3 years of negotiations and with the help of the international community, the leadership of the country was again awarded to the wrong people for the 14 th consecutive time. Fundamental errors are often inexorable when unqualified individuals are allowed to exercise power and make decisions. Immediately after the inauguration of the transitional national government, the campaign of hijacking the process has initiated. The faces of those involved in executing plan A (nation building) for plan B (hijacking) are the same ones we all had anticipated, but this time an additional marionette ( THE SPEKAER OF THE HOUSE ) is crowned to toss away the very minimum aspiration the public was hoping to see. It is regrettable to observe that Somali's future remains in the hand of colonel Yusuf, Mr. Atto, yalaxow, Qanyare and Mr. Sharif Hassan.



Abdillahi Yusuf

Colonel Yusuf is well-known to have fought for over 30 years to be one day a President in Somalia .When his dreams came true last year, instead of candidly leading the country, he chose to drag the nation into chaos by publicly advocating bringing Ethiopian troops in Somalia to help him strengthen his dictatorial dream. He has surrounded himself to his close relatives turning the office of the Somali President into a tribe or family owned business. His speeches and interviews are unstatesman-like and very pedestrian . His spokesperson and close associates are all from his very close family members. Mr. Yusuf ought to realize that this is not Puntland and must keep in mind that his predecessor Mr. Abdiqasim failed because he ran a clan politic rather than leading the nation. You have only two choices, Mr. President, i.e. to be a President of all or a President of your clan and wind up as a looser. Let me jog your memory again to remind you that there is no secret among Somalis. Any attempt you may make to abuse your power will reflect very wickedly to your Presidency. You can only be saved from embarrassments if you act and behave like a true statesman.


There are many Somalis who have qualms in your leadership because they don't trust you and I believe you gave them legitimacy for the way you handled so far the Somali affairs. I have to admit publicly, however, that the majority of Somalis are still staunch supporters of the reconciliation process and willing to give you the benefit of doubt, but let me confess to you honestly; they are extremely allergic to your clan arrogances. They want to see justice and the rules of the laws respected, particularly by those in the position of power, like you. My last advice to you is to immediately bring new Somali faces to the nation's most important office and fire immediately your close relatives.

Clanism and nation building don't come together. Respect and honor the office that you have been sworn to.You and Mr, Gheedi will need to put a strategy together to tackle all the media propaganda facing the Transitional Federal Government (TFG).All the so-called tribal media (AKA Yobsan times) in Mogadishu are created to defend the business paradise in the south of Somalia. It is apparent from the events of the past months that you have provided opportunities to the Mogadishu warlords to hijack the process. Among those taking advantage of your political mistakes are the three notorious drivers who turned warlords.




It is not my intention to single out and bash only these three warlords, but it is heartbreaking to see how an entire nation could be trapped by three illiterates who do not for sure posses a higher IQ. These men profited from the chaos in Somalia more than any other warlords. Among these three devils Mr. Atto is the most evil one. He is alleged to have disbanded the machines, engines, pipes and electrical cables of the Milk Industry in Mogadishu as well as the Refinery and to have sold them overseas. Mr. Sudi Yalaxow generates four thousand dollars of revenue daily from a port he controls. Similarly, Mr. Qanyare has his own airport and personal Isbarros. Two of them are further alleged to be involved in drug trafficking generating millions a year. As a result they will do everything to derail and paralyze the progress achieved so far and blame others for the lack of success.


These individuals should be considered public enemies number one. They have always opposed directly or indirectly every effort made to stabilize Somalia including endeavors led by their closest relatives. Today they are joined by another moron (the Speaker of the parliament) who made fortunes during the last 15 years. Mr. Sharif Hasan who is a puppet of one of the drivers is taking away the minimum hope that was put together by the generous help of the international community.The Speaker who is involved in the illegal business of Somalia is a crying wolf and has no interest in reconciliation. Moving to Mogadishu from Nairobi and refusing to go back for the nation's interest is a behavior that has a striking similarity to that of an angry and estranged Somali women running away from her husband refusing to discuss and resolve peacefully the family affairs.


If you do not support the government to relocate temporarily in your native city of Baiodoa, a move which you strongly believe will lead to a dead end of your political career, you are still however, accountable to work with the majority of the parliamentarians, the PM and the President to resolve the issue of relocation peacefully. Mr. Speaker, you clearly ran away from your primary responsibility by moving to Mogadishu and caused a huge division that will have serious consequences to the TFG. You are sworn to defend the constitution of the TGF, but not to look after your personal interest. You and Dr. Zero befit as the perfect men to be used by Mr. Qanyare and his dear colleagues to bring to an end the reconciliation process. Dr. Zero is a known devout separatist whose main mission is to wipe out the reconciliation process in the south. His partnership with your group is a classical hypocrisy and an indication that nothing will come out of Mogadishu . Martin Luther King once quoted “ In the entire world nothing is more dangerous than ignorance and conscientious ********* â€. This is the danger that our nation is facing; as a result the country is literally perishing from the globe.


Only a government of unity can secure peace and remove the road barricades inside Mogadishu and in every corner of Somalia . The public knows that none of you posses the skills and wisdom to lead the nation, but for the sake of peace and stability, they are willing to accept and endorse you as their leaders. May Allah bless Somalia and find us true heroes to lead our ailing nation.


Dr. Jamal A. Abanur


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I have to admit publicly, however, that the majority of Somalis are still staunch supporters of the reconciliation process and willing to give you the benefit of doubt, but let me confess to you honestly; they are extremely allergic to your clan arrogances.

I have to agree, except that that the majority of the Somali people are not willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

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