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Hargeysawi killed in Baydhabo.

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Waxa habeen hore badhtamaha magaalada Baydhabo ee gobalka Baay lagu dilay Marxuum Cabdi Cabdillaahi Cigaal (Sunno-Cirro), oo ka tirsanaa siyaasiyiinta reer Somaliland ee xilalka kala duwan ka haya dawladda Imbigaati.


Sunno-Cirro, waxa ahaa guddoomiye ku xigeenka guddiga dib u heshiisiinta ee dawladda Imbigaati, waxaana sida la sheegay habeen hore fiidkii toogtay saddex nin oo afka soo duubtay kuna hubaysnaa baastoolado, xilligaas la toogtayna waxa uu ku sii jeeday gurigiisa gudaha Baydhabo. Lama garanayo sababta loo dilay Marxuum Sunno-Cirro, laakiin waxa uu dilkiisu ku soo beegmay iyadoo maalmo ka hor isla magaaladaas goor fiid ah lagu toogtay Wasiir ku xigeenkii dib uheshiisiinta ee dawladda Imbigaati oo isna dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeday Somaliland.


Marxuum Sunno-Cirro, waxa uu ka soo jeedaa mid ka mid ah beelaha degga gobalka Hargeysa, waxaanu dawladii Carta ka mid ahaa xubnihii Baarlamaanka, balse dawladan Imbigaati kama qaban wax xil ah oo ka sareeya kan uu hadda la god galay, waxaana Marxuum Sunno-Cirro shalay lagu aasay magaalada Baydhabo

A man from Burao was also killed just weeks before him.

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Waar niyow waa dambaysaa iyo inaad doqon tahay baan kala garan la'ahay , :D


Sheekadani is an old news dee ... we've posted this and people discussed over the issue mar hore. Waa markaagii walee ,,,,loool

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^^^^LOOOOOOL @ Now he can see and hear. Xiin don't be so sure, now he is just a closest supporter.


Red Sea, JB iska ceeli, maashajiid buu kaa diigtey!

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^^^Xiin have you recently found out JB is an SL right hand man sitting on money, if so I will agree with you and say okay he is, but on the condition he goes to Burco and shows my family the money :D:D

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Niicyahay gadhka leh miyaad sifiican wax iigu sheegtid bal? Wax baraxa lala tago oo sabaaxad nigiska looga siibo ayaad istaahiyashaa@Jacaylabro. :D

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^^^When I was there they were using Somali shillings Hoodhoorey (JB correct it for me please) I'm glad they switched, it was falling apart and stinking and finish basicly.


LOL @ sabaaxad nigiska looga siibo ayaad istaahiyashaa

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Don't u know in Burco the SL shilling is like the US Dollar in Hargeisa ??

Haye miyaad iga cabsatay? why are you ignoring me? :D

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