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General Duke

Garowe, calls for the immediate unconditional end to all hostilities in the South

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Garoowe:"Puntland waxay ugu baaqaysa Dhinacyada ku dagaalamaya Koonfurta Nabad & inay Heshiis Dhex dhegto"Madaxweyne Xigeenka Punland.

12. april 2010




Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa markale ku celisay Qeylo dhaan & Baaq ay u jeedinayso Kooxaha Soomaalida ah ee ku Dagaalamaya Koonfurta Dalka Soomaaliya Mudada 20-ka Sano ah,waxayna Dawladu ku baaqday in Dagaalada & Colaadaha aan dhamaadka lahayn ee kasocda Dalka intaas lagu joojiyo Shacabkana loo turo.


Madaxweyne Xigeenka Dawlada Puntland Jen,Cabdisamad Cali Shire ayaa Maanta markale ku baaqay in Wadahadalo la'isugu yimaado,wuxuuna Madaxweynuhu sheegey in Dawlada Puntland ay Diyaar u tahay in ay Heshiis dhex dhegto Walaalaheeda ku Dagaalamaya Koonfurta Dalka Soomaaliya,wuxuuna Dhinacyada kala duwan ee Waqtigan Diriritu u dhaxayso ugu baaqay in Midnimada la'adkeeyo.


"Waxaanu Walaalahayaga Dagaalamaya ee Shacabku dhexdooda ku dhamaaday ugu baaqaynaa in ay Joojiyaan Colaada Miiska Wada Hadalkana Yimaadaan,Dawlaa Puntlandna waxay diyaar u tahay inay Heshiisiiso Cid kasta oo Nabad & Soomaalinimo doonayso,waayo Puntland waa meel u taagan Qaranimada Soomaaliya sida aad ka akhrisanaysaan Ciidankaan Qalabka Sida ee matalaya Kuwii Soomaaliya"Ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Xigeenka Puntland oo Hanbalyo ku saabsan Maalinta Ciidanka Xooga Dalka Soomaaliyeed dirayey.


Jen,Cabdisamed Cali Shire wuxuu Sheegey in aana loo dulqaadan karin Maatida Soomaaliyeed ee Maalinkasta ku Dhinta Khasaaruhuna kasoo gaaraan Dagaalada Koonfurta Dalka Soomaaliya,wuxuuna Muujiyey Sida ay Xukuumadiisu uga xuntahay Dhibaatooyinka Shacbiga Soomaaliyeed ee Koonfurta Dalka kusugan Maalinkasta lasoo darso,isagoo sheegey in shacabku ay hada daaleen.


Hadalkan kasoo yeeray Madaxweyne Xigeenka Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed isla markaasna ah Kusimaha Madaxweynaha ayaanan ahayn kii u horeeyey ee ay Puntland sheegto,waxaana ay Puntland Maalinkasta ku dhawaaqdaa in la joojiyo Dagaalada Muqdisho & Koonfurta kasoconaya,balse ma jirto Ci ka hoos qaada ama ka dhagaysta Hadalka Nabdeed ee Puntland.


Madaxweynaha Dawlada Puntland Dr,Cabdiraxmaan Sh,Maxamed Maxamuud oo Mudo Sanad & Bilo ah Xilka Madaxtinimo ee Puntland haya ayaa Dhowr jeer ku celceliyey sida uu Maamulkiisu diyaarka ugu yahay inuu Wada hadal Nabdeed oo Walaaltinimo u furo Dawlada Kumeel gaarka ah & Dhinacyada kasoo horjeeda,wuxuuna Madaxweynuhu sheegey in Puntland ay Fidisay Gogol Nabdeed oo Loo wada dhan yahay.


Koonfurta Dalka Soomaaliya ayaa Sanadkii 20-aad u jirsaday Dagaalada & Xasuuqa aan Dhamaadka lahayn ee ay Kooxo kala duwan oo hadba Magac labaxa ay u geysteen,waxaana ay Dagaaladu Sanadihii ugu danbeeyey lugaha la galeen Magac Diimeed oo ay Siyaasiyiin badani ku tilmaameen halkii ugu khatarsanayd,Shacbiga Soomaaliyeed ayaa imika Waxay Xaaladoodu u egtahay"Cidina Uma Maqna Ceelna Uma Qodna".


Cabdiqani Xayir


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Great call by the VP and Acting President of Puntland Mudane Cabdisamad Cali Shire.


Puntland is the only sanity left in a crazy gone country. The VP not only called for an end of the senseless blood-letting and hostilities of the south but he said that they will do everything possible in their hands to mediate between the warring parties of the south.


This is the way to go. Puntland is a voice for reason and sanity. Well done to the VP for this call of sanity to end the craziness that has engulfed the south for nearly 20 years now.

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Puntland = Somalia. It is the hope for the nation. Insha Allah our people in the South will find the peace that they deserve.


An end to the madness, neither the Al Shabaab murderers, nor the clan ****** who are the base for Sharif Hotel are the answer. The people must follow the Puntland plan and take their regions back.

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^^^Al Shabaab are no more than the warlords of Mogadishu, they will be history soon. However before another monster emerges the people need to reclaim their land and stop delusing themselves on the importance of Mogadishu.


Let every village and region get its own locally run admin and there will be peace.

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Puntland = Somalia. It is the hope for the nation. Insha Allah our people in the South will find the peace that they deserve.


An end to the madness, neither the Al Shabaab murderers, nor the clan ****** who are the base for Sharif Hotel are the answer. The people must follow the Puntland plan and take their regions back.

True say, General Duke brother!


The solution to the problem is that each and every region, province, town and village in Somalia needs to model itself on Puntland and build their own state only then will be peace achieved. Each regions people will be responsible and they will be in charge of their own affairs and through a union of the states can the solution to the problems be found.


So other than federalism there is no other option for Somalia.


Puntland is a great model and I'm hopeful that the next leadership will push that model for the rest of Somalia and gradually things will then improve but for that to happen it needs a qualified and good leadership in place and I'm hoping that this will be achieved and someone will come to the helm that can make this happen.


Ideally of course that someone would have enough practical experience gained in this field and has a true track record of governing whereby he can be judged and no such exist's except the Puntland State of Somalia, where its leaders have proved time again that they're mature and can lead a people, a state and an economy that is in a country that has no government and still manages to keep the state safe from the fire that is engulfing the south of the country.


Where else has this proved other than Puntland. Puntland leaders can be get rid off and new one's can replace them as it happened in Puntland four times through peaceful and democratic elections whereby the incumbent lost to the challengers each time although the state is only a decade old.


This shows a degree of responsibility, matureness and an urgency that they want to achieve things for the people and the country no where else is this true but in Puntland.


Puntland is the only place now in Somalia which has a semblance of governance and where its leaders have a proven track record of ruling and enough experience gained in governing nearly 3 million people and a land mass that equates to 1/3 of that of Somalia.

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