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Garowe: Puntland education ministry holds conference: report

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Somalia: UN agencies attend education conference in Puntland

15 Oct 15, 2009 - 1:21:02 PM


GAROWE, Somalia Oct 15 (Garowe Online) - United Nations agencies have attended a conference on education matters in the capital city of Somalia's Puntland region, Radio Garowe reports.


Puntland Education Minister Abdi Farah "Juha" attended the conference alongside other officials from Puntland's Ministry of Education, as well as representatives from UN agencies and the Education Sector Committee, which consists of various donor groups.


The education conference was held on Wednesday in Puntland's capital Garowe.


The Ministry of Education presented its accomplishments since Mr. Juha became the Education Minister in Jan. 2009, following the election of Puntland's fourth president, Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole."


Minister Juha noted that the Ministry has undertaken major steps, such as introducing a new curriculum in Puntland public schools and establishing close working relationships with agencies interested in the education sector.


Further, the Minister said that such a conference used to be held once-a-year in Nairobi, Kenya, where UN agencies that operate in Somalia are based.


"This conference is a testament of the accomplishments of our Ministry [of Education]," said Minister Juha.


The UNICEF representative, Mr. Matthew Olins, thanked the Ministry of Education for hosting the conference and presenting its accomplishments since the beginning of 2009.


The UN representatives requested the Ministry to present the Puntland government's budget allocation for the education sector, while Mr. Olins asked the Ministry officials to "establish a website" where foreign supporting partners can easily access information from Nairobi.


Source: Garowe Online

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Garowe: “Waxbarashada Puntland oo kor loo qaado lana gaarsiiyo heer wanaagsan weeyaan Yoolkeena” Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland oo maanta qabatay shir looga hadlayo waxbarashada Puntland.


14. oktober 2009


Garowe(AllPuntland)- Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Barbaarinta dawladda Puntland ayaa maanta qabatay shirweyne ay uga hadleyso xaalada Waxbarasho ee gobalada Puntland iyo waxqabadkeedii mudadii ay xilalka hayeen Madaxda sare ee Wasaaradda, waxaana soo xaadiray kulankaasi inta badan halbowlayaasha Wasaaradda iyo Hay’adaha taageera.


Wasaaradda Waxbarashada ayaa xaqiijisay in ay wax badan qabteen xaaladaha waxbarashada Puntland, isla markaasna ay gaarsiiyeen heer wanaagsan, waxa ayna sidoo kale sheegeen in ay kula talo jiraan in ay meel sare gaarsiiyaan waxbarashada Puntland.


Wasiirka Waxbarashada Puntland Dr, Cabdi Faarax Juxa oo ka hadlayay madashan ayaa sheegay in aysan marnaba ka jeesan doonin, sidii horumar wanaagsan ay ugarsiin lahaayeen,isagoo ku celiyey markale in ay jirto macalimiin la’aan baahsan oo ka jirta guud ahaan Puntland.


Agaasimaha Tacliinta Sare ee Puntland Dr. Cali C/laahi Warsame oo todobaadkii ugu dambeeyey booqanayay dalal kala gedisan ayaa ku soo bandhigay wada xaajoodyadii maanta, waxyaabihii uqabsoomay maalmihii uu maqnaa, wuxuuna cadeeyey in ay waxyaabo badan ka soo baxeen safaradiisii.


Cali wuxuu intaasi ku daray in ay ku dadaalayaan sidii ardayda ka baxda dugsiyada Puntland ay uyeelan lahaayeen horukac wanaagsan, loona bari lahaa wax wanaagsan, ayadoo laga duulayo habka cusub ee waxbarashada Caalamka.


Agaasimaha Tacliinta sare ee Puntland Dr. Cali C/laahi Warsame ayaa sidoo kale wuxuu xaqiijiyey in ay horay wax uga qabteen manhajyada dugsiyada sare ee Puntland, ayna hada ku howlan yihiin diyaarinta Sharuuc lugu maamulo goobaha waxbarasho ee gaarka loo leeyahay.


Hay’adaha Caalamiga ah ee wada shaqeyntu kala dhaxeyso Wasaaradda Waxbarashada oo lugu casumay ka soo qeybgalka shirkan ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa E.D.C, Unicef, Care International, A.E.T, iyo Diakonia, kuwaas oo taageera Wasaaradda kalana shaqeeya arrimaha kuwajahan waxbarashada Puntland.


F. C. Maxamed


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Accountability is one of the key elements to good governance. Very positive move and this department in particular has been mvp player. The amount of reforms and scholarships and recognition of high school certificates of puntland has been truly amazing just in 6 months.


The future looks good and the amount of work they will do.

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